
Lower the ladder two steps() ,please !A、tooB、moreC、littleD、few


Lower the ladder two steps() ,please !

  • A、too
  • B、more
  • C、little
  • D、few
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You upgrade your Oracle database in a multiprocessor environment. As a recommended you execute thefollowing script:SQL > @utlrp.sqlWhich two actions does the script perform?()

A. Parallel compilation of only the stored PL/SQL code

B. Sequential recompilation of only the stored PL/SQL code

C. Parallel recompilation of any stored PL/SQL code

D. Sequential recompilation of any stored PL/SQL code

E. Parallel recompilation of Java code

F. Sequential recompilation of Java code

参考答案:C, E


Which two statements are true about precedence values in policy?() (Choose two.)

A. 1 is the default precedence.

B. A lower number is preferred.

C. A higher number is preferred.

D. 100 is the default precedence.

参考答案:B, D


Outside my office window , there is a fine ________on the right.

A.ladder B.escape C.steps D.stairs




  • A、The gangway is a little higher,we should lower it.
  • B、The gangway is a little higher, we should low it.
  • C、The pilot ladder is a little higher,we should lower it.
  • D、The pilot ladder is a little higher, we should low it.




At around 0545 hrs the Cutter PILOT-5 approached the Vessel.The cutter&39;s skipper drew the pilot&39;s attention to the fact that the pilot ladder was hanging free in the air and did not stick to the ship&39;s side surface and he suggested to transfer the ladder more to the midship position.The answer to his suggestion was that it was not him who had to climb the ladder.At that time the vessel weighed the anchor and started her engine.

Half the propeller was emerged from the water.The pilot called the vessel and ordered to stop her engine. Because the gangway was already extended,the skipper decided to approach the vessel from the bow.

The 2nd Officer was standing at the upper platform. of the gangway while the 3rd Officer was standing at the lower platform. in order to secure the pilot.The ladder was correctly lit and the Officers had a radio contact with the bridge.At around 0600 hrs the pilot,assisted by the pilot boat engineer,stepped on the pilot ladder and started to climb up.PILOT-5 turned backwards and its crew was observing the Pilot embarkation.

When the Pilot climbed up to the lower platform. he asked for help.The 3rd Officer extended his hand to him.At that moment the pilots&39; hands slipped off the pilot ladder lines and the pilot fell from a height of 7 metres into the water.


The vessel rigged _______.

A.pilot ladder only

B.gangway only

C.pilot ladder in combination with the gangway

D.neither pilot ladder nor the gangway

The passage indicates _______.A.the vessel has deep draughts

B.the vessel has large freeboard even fully loaded

C.the vessel is in ballast

D.the vessel is fully loaded

The pilot ________.A.did not know that the pilot ladder was improperly rigged

B.knew that the pilot ladder was not rigged properly but still climbed on it

C.did not believe that the pilot ladder was not rigged properly

D.did not see the unstable movement of the vessel when he climbed on the pilot ladder

Who is to blame for the accident according to the passage ___________.A.the pilot

B.the vessel

C.the pilot boat

D.the officers onboard the vessel


问题 1 答案解析:C

问题 2 答案解析:C

问题 3 答案解析:B

问题 4 答案解析:A


A two stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the _____. ① MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases ② valve overlap in a four stroke



C.① and ②

D.Neither ① nor ② is correct



The ladder shall ______.

A.be secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried out

B.have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original construction

C.have battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less than

D.have steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface



(b) Assuming that the acquisition proceeds, what steps will Datum Paper Products need to take to build a shared

culture in the two companies? (10 marks)

(b) Developing a shared culture will be one of the key determinants of whether the anticipated benefits of the acquisition actually
materialise. Due diligence procedures before the merger should have established the key people issues. This will include
reviewing the two management styles and cultures. Clearly these are very different, looking at internal communication pre
and post acquisition, understanding the nature of reward systems in the firm to be acquired, assessing the nature of training
programmes in the firm both before and after the acquisition and attempting to gauge existing employee attitudes towards
Papier Presse and the likely reaction to the acquisition. Reviewing areas where there have been significant staff problems and
consequent negotiations will also be an important clue as to employee attitudes and morale. ‘Hard’ people issues including
pensions, management rewards, health insurance and redundancy terms will need to be realistically assessed and the
implications for both the price paid for the company and subsequent integration fully understood. All too often the compelling
strategic vision for the enlarged company ignores the people costs involved and the time needed to develop shared HR
Many models on culture and culture management could help to achieve a successful transition. Mintzberg’s cultural or
organisational configuration model, which would facilitate an understanding of the difference in structures and systems, could
be a useful starting point. DPP comes from a divisionalised company where the middle line managers are given considerable
autonomy in achieving agreed levels of performance. Papier Presse, with its dominance by family ownership and
management, could be argued to be entrepreneurial in character, where the owner/managers at the strategic apex of the
company operate a ‘hands-on’ approach and direct control of subordinates. Reconciling these different cultures and structures
will not be an easy task.
Lewin’s 3-step model of change can be used in helping a positive culture emerge from the combining of the two companies.
There is a need to unfreeze the current situation in which employees of both organisations are likely to be reluctant or resistant
to change. There needs to be a clear understanding of who does what in the new organisation – leadership and the role of
the French owners will be a critical factor in successfully changing the culture. Robbins emphasises the need for positive top
management role models in promoting and communicating the need for a change in culture. Policies to affect change on both
the hard and soft factors referred to above need to be in place to move the integration forward. A clear timescale and vision
for change will be a key part of the change process. Finally the systems will need to be in place to re-freeze or rather reinforce
the attitudes and behaviours necessary to achieve success in the merged organisation. Operating across national borderscreates real culture issues to be solved as shown in studies by Hofstede and Bartlett and Ghoshal.


Mean high water is the average height of ______.

A.the higher high waters

B.the lower high waters

C.the lower of the two daily tides

D.all high waters



Lower the ()ladder.

  • A、embark
  • B、embarkation
  • C、disembark
  • D、B+C

