
A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man-the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or t


A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man-the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.
This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地)furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward, furthermore the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. On the contrary, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional man may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.From paragraph 1, we can know that in America ().

  • A、people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made man
  • B、people can always rise to the top through their won efforts
  • C、college professors win great respect from common workers
  • D、people feel painful to mention their fathers as labors.
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His method supports Mr Shiller's findings and has ________efforts to predict prices in the financial industry.

A influenced ;

B influentially ;

C influence



Nowadays a private business usually obtains its working capital through a commercial bank.



C.Doesn't say

解析:第三句话指出Private sector firms borrow...even fir the working capital requirements.意为货币市场代替了银行为企业运营资金的功能,银行作为中介人,在这业务上也处于收缩状态。


DJ, who is hitting (), has lots of fancies in his life. He is curious about the old man across the street.

A、a tree

B、a car

C、a ball




_____________. “And nowadays, with more and more people moving to the country, individuals want to put an exclusive finishing touch to their properties. It has been a boost to crafts like mines,”

[A]Graham has become increasingly busy, supplying flat-packed weathervanes to clients worldwide.

[B]Graham decided to concentrate his efforts on a weathervane business. He had served an apprenticeship as a precision engineer and had worked in that trade for 15 years when he and his wife, Liz, agreed to swap roles—she went out to work as an architectural assistant and he stayed at home to look after the children and build up the business.

[C]Last month, a local school was opened with his galleon ship weathervane hoisted above it.

[D]“For centuries, weathervanes have kept communities in touch with the elements, signaling those shifts in wind direction that bring about changes in the weather,” he explains.

[E]Graham has no plans for expansion, as he wants to keep the business as a rural craft.

[F]Graham has now perfected over 100 original designs. He works to very fine detail, always seeking approval for the design of the silhouette from the customer before proceeding with the hand-cutting.



空格下文即第十一段主要论述了现在像风向标制作这样的手工艺发展的原因。其中关键词是“and nowadays”,它表明了与空格处逻辑上存在并列关系。与“现在”形成对比的是“过去”,[D]论述了风向标过去传统的功能,即过去存在的原因。


_____________. That was five years ago and he has no regrets about his new direction. “My previous work didn’t have an artistic element to it, whereas this is exciting and creative,” he says. “I really enjoy the design side.”

[A]Graham has become increasingly busy, supplying flat-packed weathervanes to clients worldwide.

[B]Graham decided to concentrate his efforts on a weathervane business. He had served an apprenticeship as a precision engineer and had worked in that trade for 15 years when he and his wife, Liz, agreed to swap roles—she went out to work as an architectural assistant and he stayed at home to look after the children and build up the business.

[C]Last month, a local school was opened with his galleon ship weathervane hoisted above it.

[D]“For centuries, weathervanes have kept communities in touch with the elements, signaling those shifts in wind direction that bring about changes in the weather,” he explains.

[E]Graham has no plans for expansion, as he wants to keep the business as a rural craft.

[F]Graham has now perfected over 100 original designs. He works to very fine detail, always seeking approval for the design of the silhouette from the customer before proceeding with the hand-cutting.



本题空格上文是文章的前三段。前两段介绍了主人公格雷汉姆是制作风向标的手工艺者,他为顾客特制不同于传统设计的风向标。第三段提到,格雷汉姆做的第一个风向标引起了朋友的兴趣,也让他自己意识到了商机的存在。空格下文即第五段第一句提到,“那是五年前的事了”。与上文衔接,空格处应继续围绕格雷汉姆从事风向标的制作展开论述。与下文衔接,空格处应论述五年前的情况。因此[B]正确。其中第一句话“格雷汉姆决定把精力投入到风向标生意上”与上文论述的“发现商机”衔接紧密,后面部分出现的“15 years”与下文“five years ago”相呼应。


Mr.Reeves, who is in his nineties, has made a will that all his collection of paintings ( ) to the local museum.

A、will leave

B、is to leave

C、is to be left

D、has left



Since the beginning of the term he has made __progress in his studies.

A. remarking

B. marking

C. noticeable

D. noticed



According to the author ,a politician's morality

[A] is no match for his political ambition.

[B] has been undervalued by Machiavelli and his likes.

[C] is usually of secondary importance.

[D] should be taken as a yardstick of his capability

59.C该题为细节题。根据第一段倒数第四句,“What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality,where mor- als and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand.”可知作者认为政治上的好事从道德方面看可能是坏事,事实上,很奇怪的是当道德和政治发生冲突时,往往后者会占据上风。即作者认为对于政治家来说道德往往置于政治之后,处于第二位,故选C。


_____________. “I have found my place in the market. People love the individuality and I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing a nondescript. shape turn into something almost lifelike,” he says.

[A]Graham has become increasingly busy, supplying flat-packed weathervanes to clients worldwide.

[B]Graham decided to concentrate his efforts on a weathervane business. He had served an apprenticeship as a precision engineer and had worked in that trade for 15 years when he and his wife, Liz, agreed to swap roles—she went out to work as an architectural assistant and he stayed at home to look after the children and build up the business.

[C]Last month, a local school was opened with his galleon ship weathervane hoisted above it.

[D]“For centuries, weathervanes have kept communities in touch with the elements, signaling those shifts in wind direction that bring about changes in the weather,” he explains.

[E]Graham has no plans for expansion, as he wants to keep the business as a rural craft.

[F]Graham has now perfected over 100 original designs. He works to very fine detail, always seeking approval for the design of the silhouette from the customer before proceeding with the hand-cutting.





_____________. American and Danish buyers in particular are showing interest. “Pricing,” he explains, “depends on the intricacy of the design.”His most recent request was for a curly-coated dog. Whatever the occasion, Graham can create a gift with a difference.

[A]Graham has become increasingly busy, supplying flat-packed weathervanes to clients worldwide.

[B]Graham decided to concentrate his efforts on a weathervane business. He had served an apprenticeship as a precision engineer and had worked in that trade for 15 years when he and his wife, Liz, agreed to swap roles—she went out to work as an architectural assistant and he stayed at home to look after the children and build up the business.

[C]Last month, a local school was opened with his galleon ship weathervane hoisted above it.

[D]“For centuries, weathervanes have kept communities in touch with the elements, signaling those shifts in wind direction that bring about changes in the weather,” he explains.

[E]Graham has no plans for expansion, as he wants to keep the business as a rural craft.

[F]Graham has now perfected over 100 original designs. He works to very fine detail, always seeking approval for the design of the silhouette from the customer before proceeding with the hand-cutting.



空格下文即全文最后一段论述了格雷汉姆销售风向标的情况,其中“buyers”为关键词。[A]和[F]分别出现了同义词“clients”和“customer”。但[F]主要谈论的是设计方面的问题,[A]才是有关销售的内容,而且“worldwide”一词与下文“American and Danish”呼应。因此[A]正确。
