
A customer is concerned about the high energy cost associated with their data center. Specifically, their concern focuses on the cooling cost of many hundreds of servers. You have a meeting with the CIO and CFO to propose a solution.  How would you prepa


A customer is concerned about the high energy cost associated with their data center. Specifically, their concern focuses on the cooling cost of many hundreds of servers. You have a meeting with the CIO and CFO to propose a solution.  How would you prepare yourself for the meeting? ()

  • A、Since their capacities and usage models vary, ask the customer to turn off some of the servers during off-peak and low demand time.
  • B、Investigate their expansion plans and suggest to the customer the removal of some of their servers to another location and retirement of the older servers.
  • C、Contact the CFO to find out the targeted energy savings of the company and propose to the customer the purchase of a more efficient cooling system.
  • D、Contact the CIO for a list of servers and type/model numbers. Complete a proposal outlining the savings on energy cost by deploying an IBM BladeCenter solution and total cost of ownership and return on investment.
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


What would you tell the interviewer that you are such a candidate who can adjust yourself to changes quickly?

A.About what new things or skills you have been learning at the moment.

B.About what changes you encountered before and how you responded.

C.About how smart enough you are to be able to stop adverse situations getting worse.

D.About how interested you are in some new technologies, methods and applications in your study.




If you want to become a franchisee, the tips below can help you to find the perfect opportunity. BE FOCUSD ON YOUR PREFERENCE. On the stage of decision-making, the bottom line is: Don't rule out a business without learning or seeing what the day-to-day will look like. For instance, think about a mom returning to the work force who knows she wants to interact with children on a daily basis. Among the hundreds of options there, she needs to decide if she would like to be hands on as a teacher or if she would rather manage a facility that tutors children in math. Deciding between the two is easy if she considers which day-to-day position she would prefer and how that will impact her other goals. BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR RESEARCH. After you've determined what role you want in a franchise, it's important to start researching different options. Physically visit many different franchise locations and browse the web and then determine what will be a fit in your community. Make sure the franchisor has experience. Before signing on to a franchise, it is essential to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience. Find out if the company leaders have had significant experience at another franchise and are now applying that knowledge successfully. READ THE FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. The first thing to look at is how much a franchise would cost to purchase. Make sure you have a financial advisor who can look at that item with you and see the type of profit a franchisee can make on average. It's also important to take a look at the post-termination clause in the agreement to make sure that when you want to leave the business, you know the terms well and your interests are properly protected.

1. Decide on a business with learning or seeing what the day-to-day will look like.() 2. Before you've determined what role you want in a franchise, it's time to start the business.()

3. Before signing on to a franchise, the essential job is to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience.()

4. The first thing to look at is how long a franchise would take to purchase.()

5. To make sure that when you want to leave the business, you have made enough money and you are satisfied with that.()

参考答案:1:T; 2:F; 3:T; 4:F; 5:F


● In crashing a task, you would focus on:

A As many tasks as possible.

B Non critical tasks.

C Accelerating performance of tasks on critical path.

D Accelerate performance by minimizing cost.

E A and D.



How many of us( ),say,a meeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion?

B.attending attend
D.have attended

该题考查句子结构。其中该句主干为How many of us would be...discussion,say为插入语,相当于for example,而us与attend之间是主动关系,所以选B做us的后置定语,C表示将来。


How many holds do you have?

正确答案:We have 5 holds.


What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost of college?

A. To ask the family for help

B. To make a study of financial courses.

C. To do research on the price of college

D. To get to know how to ask for financial aid



I know you are planning a trip to Europe this autumn.Do you know_______?

A:how much it will cost

B:how much has it cost

C:how much cost it will

D:how many will it cost



I know you're planning to travel this summer, but do you know_____? much cost it will be much has it cost much will it cost much it will cost



Kelly: _________

Tony: I'm OK.

A、How have you been?

B、How do you do?

C、Nice to meet you.

D、Fancy meeting you here.




TapeStore: A New Tape Storage System

TapeStore is a new kind of tape storage system which can store up to 6,000 computer
tapes.No other tape storage system can hold as many computer tapes as TapeStore. The
tapes look exactly like video cassettes,Many hundreds of data files can be stored on each
tape, up to a maximum of 500 million bytes(字节)of data. If you stored the same amount
of information on paper,you would need nearly 4. 5 billion printed pages.
The machine is a tall black box with a mechanical arm.The machine is 2.5 metres high
and 3. 0 metres wide.This is how it works.Each tape has a code printed on it.You feed
the code number into TapeStore,which then looks for the code.As soon as TapeStore
locates the code,the arm reaches in and pulls out the tape.
The system is very fast. It takes the mechanical arm about 1 0 seconds to find the tape
it is looking for. The machine then searches the tape to extract(提取)the required file,
and this takes less than a minute,A.human technician would have to locate and remove the
tape by hand,and could take at least an hour to find the right file on the tape.
Some of the world's biggest companies,including banks,insurance companies,
airlines,telephone companies,utilities and computer centres,have bought the system.
They like it particularly because the system guarantees the security of their data,
TapeStore was originally developed in Canada and is now being marketed worldwide.
In Europe alone,750 have already been installed at a cost of 480, 000 dollars each.

Which of the following statements about TapeStore is NOT true?
A:It can store a large amount of information.
B:It is very cheap.
C:It is very fast。
D:It is secure.

