
You notice that during peak hours, some firewall enforcers contain a high number of auth table entries. As you investigate the issue, you discover that all users are getting auth table mappings to all firewalls, which is not acceptable. What should you d


You notice that during peak hours, some firewall enforcers contain a high number of auth table entries. As you investigate the issue, you discover that all users are getting auth table mappings to all firewalls, which is not acceptable. What should you do on the Junos Pulse Access Control Service to resolve this problem?()

  • A、Delete the default auth table mapping policy
  • B、Create auth table mapping policies that route users to specific resources
  • C、Create Resource Access policies that permit access to specific resources
  • D、Create Source Interface policies that route users to specific resources
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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


It’s about time people ______ notice of what women did during the war.

A. take

B. have taken

C. will take

D. took



You have completed an OSPF implementation, and you are verifying OSPF operation. During this verification, you notice that the OSPF route of is repeatedly appearing and disappearing from the routing table. Further investigation finds that the OSPF CPU utilization is very high and the routers are constantly performing SPF calculations. You determine that is the source of the route. Using the show ip ospf database router command, you notice that when this show command is performed repeatedly, the contents of the LSA change every few seconds.What could be the cause of this problem?()

A. OSPF authentication errors between some of the routers

B. Two routers have the same OSPF router ID

C. Issues with mistuned OSPF timers

D. OSPF LSA pacing issues between some of the routers

E. OSPF neighbor adjacency problems between some of the routers










Under the terms of the contract,you must give 3 months' notice before you leave.

A: subjects
B: expressions
C: words
D: rules

句意:按合同规定,你离开前必须出示3个月的假条。画线单词term意为“条款,规定”。A项subject意为“主题,科目”;B项expression意为“表达”;C项word意为“单词,命令”; D项rule意为“规定,章程”,与画线单词同义。故本题选D。


Energy Cycle

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful?This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation.He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.
During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you are"hot".That's true.The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at this peak.For some people the peak comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so,but it leads to such familiar words as:"Get up, John!You'll be late for work again!"The possible explanation to the trouble is he is at his tempera-ture-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean,and which cycle each member of the family has.
You can't change your energy cycle,but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help,Dr. Kleitman believes.Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway.Counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to.If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day,rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle,but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.
Get off to a slow start,which saves your energy.Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch.Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before.Whenever possible,do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy for your sharper hours.

If your energy peak is in the evening,you might like to get up late.
C:Not mentioned

文章第二段最后一句讲到如果夫妻双方都能意识到能量周期的不同,那么“much family quarrelling ends”,即少了许多争吵,也就是说很多争吵是因为没有意识到能量周期的问题,因此本句表述是错误的。
第二段三句讲“The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at this peak",即精力最充沛的时候体温最高,但这并不意味着精力和体温是一码事,例如人生病的时候会发烧但精神会很差。本句的表述是错误的。
文章第二段告诉我们“No one has discovered why this is so”,即没人知道为什么每个人的能量周期不同,因此我们也不知道是不是有遗传因素,所以选择选项C。
第三段第一句告诉我们虽然可以让自己的生活适应能量周期,但是“you can't change your energy cycle",因此本句表述是错误的,应当选择选项B。


You notice that during peak hours, some firewall enforcers contain a high number of auth table entries. As you investigate the issue, you discover that all users are getting auth table mappings to all firewalls, which is not acceptable.What should you do on the Junos Pulse Access Control Service to resolve this problem?()

A. Delete the default auth table mapping policy

B. Create auth table mapping policies that route users to specific resources

C. Create Resource Access policies that permit access to specific resources

D. Create Source Interface policies that route users to specific resources



Your ship is carrying hazardous cargo.During a daily inspection,you notice that some of the cargo has shifted and several cases are broken.You should FIRST ______.

A.Call out the deck gang to jettison the cargo

B.Log the facts in the rough log and inform the Chief Mate later

C.Make a determination of the seriousness of the breakage,and do what you think best

D.Report the facts immediately to the Master,who will make a decision



During the ( ) Age, the making of bronze ware reached its peak.

A. Old Stone

B. New Stone

C. Iron

D. Bronze



Energy Cycle

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful?This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation.He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.
During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you are"hot".That's true.The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at this peak.For some people the peak comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so,but it leads to such familiar words as:"Get up, John!You'll be late for work again!"The possible explanation to the trouble is he is at his tempera-ture-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean,and which cycle each member of the family has.
You can't change your energy cycle,but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help,Dr. Kleitman believes.Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway.Counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to.If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day,rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle,but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.
Get off to a slow start,which saves your energy.Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch.Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before.Whenever possible,do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy for your sharper hours.

if you rise earlier than usual,you will be more efficient at your low point in the morning.
C:Not mentioned

文章第二段最后一句讲到如果夫妻双方都能意识到能量周期的不同,那么“much family quarrelling ends”,即少了许多争吵,也就是说很多争吵是因为没有意识到能量周期的问题,因此本句表述是错误的。
第二段三句讲“The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at this peak",即精力最充沛的时候体温最高,但这并不意味着精力和体温是一码事,例如人生病的时候会发烧但精神会很差。本句的表述是错误的。
文章第二段告诉我们“No one has discovered why this is so”,即没人知道为什么每个人的能量周期不同,因此我们也不知道是不是有遗传因素,所以选择选项C。
第三段第一句告诉我们虽然可以让自己的生活适应能量周期,但是“you can't change your energy cycle",因此本句表述是错误的,应当选择选项B。


Energy Cycle
Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful?This might be called laziness,but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.
During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you're“hot”.That's true .The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak .For some people the peak comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening.No one has discovered why this is so,but it leads to such familiar monologues as:“Get up,John!You'll be late for work again!”The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean,and which cycle each member of the family has.
You can't change your energy cycle,but you can learn to make your life fit to it better. Habit can help,Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but you must stay up late anyway .Counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day,rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle,but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.
Get off to a slow start which saves your energy .Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch.Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the trouble of searching for clean clothes by laying them out the night before .Whenever possible,do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A: Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy.
B: Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peak at different hours of day.
C: Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.
D: Children have energy cycles,too.

根据第一段可以看出,早晨起不来与个人每天的能量周期有关。根据文章第二段中约翰自言自语以及紧接着的解释“Get up , John ! You'll be late for work again ! ” The explanation… temperature-and-energy peak in the evening.可推断出答案。

答案的线索在第二段最后一句话“Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean,and which cycle each member of the family has.”也就是说,如果丈夫和妻子能明白不同的能量周期是怎么回事,家里每个人有什么样的能量周期,很多家庭争吵就不会发生。所以正确答案是A。

“如果一个人想在早上能量低潮时更有效地工作,那么他该怎么办?”根据这两句话“If your energy is low in the morning but you have…but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.”可以断定正确答案应该是C。

“建议你早上起床时打个呵欠,伸伸懒腰,因为它们会_______”首先应理解文章最后一段的第一句话“get off to a slow start which saves your energy”,还要理解该句后面的三句话,它们是保存能量的具体方法。“Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch”当然是为了保存能量。所以正确答案是A。

选项B说Dr. Kleitman解释了为什么人们在一天里的不同时刻会有不同的能量高峰。而文章第二段指出没有人发现为什么会有不同的能量周期“For some people the peak comes during morning…No one has discovered why this is so.”两者不符,所以正确答案是B。
