
Water transport occurs on inland waterways,such as(),and oceans.A、riversB、lakesC、canalsD、land


Water transport occurs on inland waterways,such as(),and oceans.

  • A、rivers
  • B、lakes
  • C、canals
  • D、land
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Transport and Trade

1.Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale.
2.The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand, for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business, drawing supplies from,and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes.Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.
3.Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally. Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living.
4.By moving fuel,raw materials and even power,for example,electric cables,transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another. The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried. Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
5.Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.Means of communication,like telephones,cables and radio,send information about prices,supplies and changing conditions in different parts of the world.In this way,advanced communication systems also help to develop trade.

Paragraph 3______
A:Higher living standard.
B:Importance of transport in trade.
C:Various means of transport.
D:Birth of transport-related industries and trade.
E:Role of information in trade.
F: Public transportation.

本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。?依据是第二段的第一句:The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.
本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。依据是第二段的第三句:Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business , drawing supplies from, and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.
本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。依据是第三段第四句:Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year.
本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。依据是第五段第一句:Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.


The steam machine________ industry _____ dependence on running water for the only way to transport big amount of goods.

A. free; by
B. helped; with
C. departed; to
D. liberated; from

考查词组辨析。句意:蒸汽机使得工业摆脱了只能依靠水路运输大宗货物的束缚。free 作动词,有“使自由,解放”的含义,但是此时后面常用介词from;help 常用于help sb. with sth.的结构中,表示帮助某人做某事;depart 离开,出发,depart to 表示“动身去……”;liberate 解放,释放,常用结构liberate... from...使解脱,符合句意。


An inflatable life raft is thrown into the water from a sinking vessel. What occurs automatically after the painter trips the CO2 bottles to inflate the raft?______.

A.The sea anchor deploys

B.The floor inflates

C.If upside down, the craft rights itself

D.The painter detaches from the raft



The modes of transportation include()。

  • A、rail and road transport
  • B、water transport
  • C、pipelines
  • D、air transport



How many categories are there in water transport?()

  • A、2
  • B、3
  • C、4
  • D、Not available in the paragraph



Transport and Trade

1.Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale.
2.The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand, for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business, drawing supplies from,and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes.Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.
3.Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally. Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living.
4.By moving fuel,raw materials and even power,for example,electric cables,transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another. The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried. Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
5.Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.Means of communication,like telephones,cables and radio,send information about prices,supplies and changing conditions in different parts of the world.In this way,advanced communication systems also help to develop trade.

Only when goods can be carried to all parts of the world quickly______.
A:to send goods to various parts of the world
B:at any time during the year
C:has greatly promoted trade
D:is it possible to produce on a large scale
E:the transport of goods
F: transport also prevents waste

本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。?依据是第二段的第一句:The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.
本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。依据是第二段的第三句:Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business , drawing supplies from, and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.
本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。依据是第三段第四句:Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year.
本题考查的是对阐述文章主旨的事实与细节的了解。依据是第五段第一句:Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.


Ground transport is typically more affordable than air, but more expensive than sea especially in developing countries where inland infrastructure is not efficient.



Basic emergency care for third degree electrical burn is to ______.

A.flood the burned area with warm water for two minutes

B.brush away the charred skin and wrap the burned area

C.cover the burned area with a clean cloth and transport the patient to a medical facility

D.apply ointment or spray to the burned area and wrap with a clean cloth



As some countries attempt to shift away from natural gas or petroleum energy systems toward coal-based systems, the need for coal slurry(煤泥) will increase in these countries,()transport mode will be the first choice for transfer this kind of product.

  • A、Water carriage
  • B、Pipeline transport
  • C、Rail transport
  • D、Surface transport



英译中:Inland container depot

正确答案: 公路集装箱中转站
