
Personal FinanceWhen it comes to our finances, each of us has our own individual approach. Some of us are savers, some are spenders, and others are some-where in between. This continuum is a paradigm that our popular culture uses to frame differences in t


Personal Finance When it comes to our finances, each of us has our own individual approach. Some of us are savers, some are spenders, and others are some-where in between. This continuum is a paradigm that our popular culture uses to frame differences in the way people approach money. I believe that the way we approach our finances goes beyond that particular behavioral characteristic. In reality, I think our approach to finances can be viewed in more of a multi-dimensional setting, where money has a different role in our lives. For some, money means survival, plain and simple. For others, money is something that is a part of their lives but rarely on their mind, regardless of the role it actually plays. For yet others, money is an obsession, as accumulation indicates achievement. Some people view money as a defensive resource to protect against future setbacks. Some people want money to provide a good home, to contribute to the ability to have certain hobbies, or to provide something to future generations and so on. Sometimes the same person may view money differently in different situations. The bottom line is that we each have our own relationship with money, and our own conscious and subconscious needs for money, rooted in our value systems. This is an area of personal finance that has interested me for a while. Why do people behave the way they do with respect to their money? What's driving this behavior? Of course, a starting point for anybody is to consider how you personally view things. Taking an introspective approach,I have spent time figuring out my own take on money,and the role it plays in my life. What I have determined is that for me,it fits into a framework that includes the following elements:health, wealth, and relationships. These are linked together as a part of a system. They're all connected, and to the extent one is strengthened, the others will be strengthened as well. If one is weakened, the others will be weakened as well. So to me, money is a part of the wealth aspect of HWR. Beyond basic survival, money gives you the opportunity to live a healthier life, with the time and means to have more positive relationships. One thing I want to make clear is that I am not saying that money buys friends. Well, it could, but those aren't true friends. What I am saying is that the more money you have ,on balance, the less stressed you are about it, and the more time you have to do other things, such as cultivate true, genuine relationships that aren’t based on money. Money is but a component in the system. Money plays the same role in our lives.()

  • A、True
  • B、False
  • C、Not Given
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TV’s Influence On Our Daily Life

1)TV not only presents us a wonderful world, but also brings some changes to our daily life.

2)It is true that TV has the value of giving complete relaxation

3)Now we can see that TV has caused enormous problems along with its benefits.

参考答案:TV’s Influence On Our Daily Life
As is known, TV is penetrating deeply in people's daily life, without which our life will be incredibly dull and monotonous.it is believed that TV has a strong influence on teenagers in their thought and behaviour. 
Admittedly,there is a trend that TV involves more and more violences which are commonly seen in its series and films.some people come to worry about the fact that the increasing amount of violent factors have led to some problems among the young.many youth are apt to imitate the violent conducts of those characters in TV,which has resulted in lots of deplorable accidents and tragedies.however,some people believe the TV itsself is not to blame but the society and the people who tend to amuse themselves in this way. 
As I see it,I don't want to denounce either the TV or the society,i believe there is something knotty inevitably taking place in the evolution of human society.I think the bad impact on teenagers from TV programs is attributed to not only the programs themselves,but also the way people enjoy happiness,the conducts of commercial and educational walks.


Our teacher told us that the earth _____ from west to east.




D、has turned



Believe it or not, no bread eaten by us is as sweet as _______ earned by our own labor.








A Society Without a Formal Authority

In the seventeenth century,European soldiers who came across some Indian groups in the westem Great Lakes found that several native tribes(部落)were living in the area without a formal leadership system.They appeared to be"quite friendly with each other without a formal authority"!
Not only did the Indians appear to lack a formal system of authority,but they also deeply hated any efforts to control their actions.All members of the tribes knew what was required of them by lifelong(一生的)familiarity with the tasks of the area. These tasks tended to be simple, since the Indians' rate of social change was slow. Thus,although subgroups such as soldiers had recognized leaders,no real authority was required.Rather than giving direct orders(which were considered rough),members of the tribes would arouse others to action by examples.
It would be difficult,if not impossible,to carry out such a system in our own society.Most oi us have grown up under one authority or another for as long as we can remember. Our parents,our teachers,our bosses,our government all have the recognized right under certain conditions to tell u, what to do.The authority is so much a part of our culture that it is hard for us to imagine a workabl( society without it.We have been used to relying on authority to get things done and would probably be uncomfortable with the Indian methods of examples on a large scale.
Of course,the major reason why the Indian system would not be suitable for us is that our society is too large.The number of tasks that various members of our society have to perform often undertight time and resource limitations could not be treated by the Indian system,in modern societies, the formal authority system is necessary to achieve any social objectives.

After reading the passage,you may conclude that________.
A:the Indian system is also suitable for some small towns
B:the Indians tended to follow orders
C:our system is much better than the Indians'
D:the Indian system would be very difficult to implement in our society

本题问“通过何种方法部落成员使其他成员做事”。文章第二段末尾提到“部落成员通过榜样的力量唤起其他成员采取行动,而不是发出直接命令”。由此可知选项 B“通过榜样”符合题意。
本题是“根据作者的看法,一个社会没有······很难运转”。文章第三段中间提到:"The authority is so much a part of our culture that it is hard for us to imagine a workable society without it.”因此选A。
本题是“读过文章,可得出结论······”。文章前两段谈到印第安部落的制度模式,第三段提到“It would be difficult, if not impossible, to carry out such a system in our own society",第四段解释我们的社会不能执行印第安人的制度的原因。综上所述,选项D“印第安制度很难在我们的社会中执行”符合题意。implement等于carry out(执行)。
本题是“从文章中可以看出,执行我们社会中的任务······”。文章最后一段说“The number of tasks that various members of our society have to perform often under tight time"。因此选项C“没有任何施延”符合提议。


Which of the following shows the proper rhythmical pattern of the sentence?

A.′Come to ′see us at our ′new a′partment.
B.′Come to ′see us at′our new ′apartment.
C.′Come to ′see us ′at our ′new ′apartment.
D.′Come to ′see us ′at our ′new a′partment.



They were grateful for our timely help and therefore bought us some flowers to show their __________.








We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.

“You could win prizes,’’our teacher told US as she wrote the poster information on the blackboard. She passed out sheets of construction paper while continuing,“The first prize is ten dollars. You just have to make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster. ”

We studied the board critically. Some of US looked with one eye and held up certain colors against the blackboard,rocking the sheets to the fight or left while we conjured up our designs. Others twisted their hair around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought. We had plans for that ten—dollar grand prize,each and every one of US. I'm going to spend mine on candies,one hopeful would announce,while another practiced looking serious,wise and rich.

Everyone in the class made a poster. Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins, while others used nothing but colored construction paper. Some of US used big designs,and some of us preferred to gather our art tidily down in one comer of our poster and let the space draw the viewer's attention to it. Some of US would wander past the good students’ desks and then return to our own projects with a growing sense of hopelessness. It was yet another grown-up trick of the soil they seemed especially fond of。making all of US believe we had a fair chance,and then always—always—rewarding the same old winners.

I believe I drew a sailboat,but I can’t say that with any certainty. I made it. I admired it. I determined it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen,and then I turned it in.

Minutes passed.

No one came along to give me the grand prize,and then someone distracted me,and I probably never would have thought about that poster again.

I was still sitting at my desk,thinking,What poster? When the teacher gave me an envelope with a ten-dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.

46. What was the teacher's requirement for the poster?

A. It must appear in time.

B. It must be done in class.

C. It must be done on a construction sheet.

D. It must include the words on the blackboard.

【解析】细节理解题。由第二段末句,老师说的话You just have to make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster可知。


Most of us,when we reached our teens,started looking forward to the day when we would occupy places of our own,far from the confines of our families. We saw this moving away as a chance to strike out on our own,to grow,to spread out wings and experience freedom. At the same time,we regarded this independence as temporary-the thing to do until we found the perfect mate and married. Over the years,many millions of people have made this passage from one family to another,with just a brief,often nervous interval of independence in between. But recently,more and more people have begun to challenge the concept that living together is better than living alone. Being single is now accepted as an alternative lifestyle-one that is natural,rewarding,and complete. In fact,being single has become almost fashionable.



We experience a burst of pleasure when we share our thoughts,and this drives us to communlcate.It is a useful feature of our brain,because it ensures that knowledge,experience and ideas do not get buried with the person who first had them,and that as a society we benefit from the products of many minds.Of course,in order for that to happen,merely sharing is not enough.We need to cause a reaction.Each time we share our opinions and knowledge,it is with the intention of having an impact on others.Here's the problem,though:we approach this task from inside our own heads.When attempting to create impact,we reflect on what is persuasive to us,our state of mind.our desires and our goals.But if we want to affect the behaviours and beliefs of the person in front of us,we need to understand what goes on inside their head.




A Society Without a Formal Authority

In the seventeenth century,European soldiers who came across some Indian groups in the westem Great Lakes found that several native tribes(部落)were living in the area without a formal leadership system.They appeared to be"quite friendly with each other without a formal authority"!
Not only did the Indians appear to lack a formal system of authority,but they also deeply hated any efforts to control their actions.All members of the tribes knew what was required of them by lifelong(一生的)familiarity with the tasks of the area. These tasks tended to be simple, since the Indians' rate of social change was slow. Thus,although subgroups such as soldiers had recognized leaders,no real authority was required.Rather than giving direct orders(which were considered rough),members of the tribes would arouse others to action by examples.
It would be difficult,if not impossible,to carry out such a system in our own society.Most oi us have grown up under one authority or another for as long as we can remember. Our parents,our teachers,our bosses,our government all have the recognized right under certain conditions to tell u, what to do.The authority is so much a part of our culture that it is hard for us to imagine a workabl( society without it.We have been used to relying on authority to get things done and would probably be uncomfortable with the Indian methods of examples on a large scale.
Of course,the major reason why the Indian system would not be suitable for us is that our society is too large.The number of tasks that various members of our society have to perform often undertight time and resource limitations could not be treated by the Indian system,in modern societies, the formal authority system is necessary to achieve any social objectives.

Members of the tribes got others to do things___________.
A:with resolution
B:by examples
C:by force
D:with effort

本题问“通过何种方法部落成员使其他成员做事”。文章第二段末尾提到“部落成员通过榜样的力量唤起其他成员采取行动,而不是发出直接命令”。由此可知选项 B“通过榜样”符合题意。
本题是“根据作者的看法,一个社会没有······很难运转”。文章第三段中间提到:"The authority is so much a part of our culture that it is hard for us to imagine a workable society without it.”因此选A。
本题是“读过文章,可得出结论······”。文章前两段谈到印第安部落的制度模式,第三段提到“It would be difficult, if not impossible, to carry out such a system in our own society",第四段解释我们的社会不能执行印第安人的制度的原因。综上所述,选项D“印第安制度很难在我们的社会中执行”符合题意。implement等于carry out(执行)。
本题是“从文章中可以看出,执行我们社会中的任务······”。文章最后一段说“The number of tasks that various members of our society have to perform often under tight time"。因此选项C“没有任何施延”符合提议。
