
The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries().A、that were once colonies of BritainB、that have a large number of British immigrantsC、that have close relations with BritainD、that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world


The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries().

  • A、that were once colonies of Britain
  • B、that have a large number of British immigrants
  • C、that have close relations with Britain
  • D、that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars
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How many nations does the commonwealth have?()





正确答案: B


We have ____ friendly relations with many countries in the world.







They have discovered a new medical herb, which they have ________ a large number of patients and found to have great healing power.

A. operated

B. tried on

C. took on

D. tried with



The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries ( )

A.that speak English as their native language
B.that have a large number of British immigrants
C.that were once colonies of Britain
D.that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars

考查英国政治。英联邦(Commonwealth of Nations )是一个国际组织,由53个独立主权国家(包括属地)组成,成员大多为前英国殖民地或者保护国。英联邦元首同时身兼包括英国在内的16个英联邦王国名义上的元首,此16国构成了一个现代版的共主邦联,然而英联邦元首并无实权,英国君主无权干涉各成员国内政。



The Development of PR

The rise of multinational corporations,global marketing,new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.
Surprisingly,since modern PR was largely an American invention,the US leadership in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries.Ten years ago,for example,the world's top five public relations agencies were American-owned.In 1991,only one was.The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative.A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate planning activities,compared to about one-third of US companies.It may not be long before London replaces New York as the capital of PR.
Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race?Firstly,Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provinciel and take more of an interest in local affairs.Knowledge of world geography,for example,has never been strong in this country.Secondly,American lag behind their European and Asian counterparts in knowing a second language.Less than 5 percent of Burson-Marshall's US employees know two languages.Ogilvy and Mather has about the same percentage.Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language.Finally,people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs.In the financial PR area,for instance,most Americans read the Wall Street Journal. Overseas,their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and The Economist,publications not often read in this country.
Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN(Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word"foreign"would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts.According to Turner,global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that there is no longer any such thing as foreign.

London could soon replace New York as the centre of PR because_______.
A:British companies place more importance on PR than US companies
B:British companies are heavily involved in planning activities
C:British companies are more ambitious than US
D:four of the world's top public relations agencies are British-owned

从第三段最后两句可以判断美国人不如他们的欧洲及亚洲同行阅读广泛,掌握第二外语的人数比例也低于外国同行,所以选项A和B不正确;世界地理知识方面了解不多不能说明他们在地理知识方面无知,所以C错误,第二段提到“the British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative”从反面证明美国公司在公共关系方面如他们的欧洲同行,所以D正确。
根据Ted Turner".the word 'foreign' would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts",可见CNN的发展方向要放眼全世界,把世界作为自己的事业的着眼点,因此可以判断C为正确答案。


A large number of people () present at the sports meeting.








The Development of PR

The rise of multinational corporations,global marketing,new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.
Surprisingly,since modern PR was largely an American invention,the US leadership in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries.Ten years ago,for example,the world's top five public relations agencies were American-owned.In 1991,only one was.The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative.A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate planning activities,compared to about one-third of US companies.It may not be long before London replaces New York as the capital of PR.
Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race?Firstly,Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provinciel and take more of an interest in local affairs.Knowledge of world geography,for example,has never been strong in this country.Secondly,American lag behind their European and Asian counterparts in knowing a second language.Less than 5 percent of Burson-Marshall's US employees know two languages.Ogilvy and Mather has about the same percentage.Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language.Finally,people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs.In the financial PR area,for instance,most Americans read the Wall Street Journal. Overseas,their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and The Economist,publications not often read in this country.
Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN(Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word"foreign"would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts.According to Turner,global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that there is no longer any such thing as foreign.

According to the passage,US leadership in public relations is being threatened because of_______.
A: shrinking cultural differences and new communication technologies
B:increased efforts of other countries in public relations
C:an unparalleled increase in the number of public relations companies
D:the decreasing number of multinational corporations technologies

从第三段最后两句可以判断美国人不如他们的欧洲及亚洲同行阅读广泛,掌握第二外语的人数比例也低于外国同行,所以选项A和B不正确;世界地理知识方面了解不多不能说明他们在地理知识方面无知,所以C错误,第二段提到“the British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative”从反面证明美国公司在公共关系方面如他们的欧洲同行,所以D正确。
根据Ted Turner".the word 'foreign' would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts",可见CNN的发展方向要放眼全世界,把世界作为自己的事业的着眼点,因此可以判断C为正确答案。


We can learn from the passage that .

A. many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain police

B. 300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every year

C. 25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests

D. British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law



There’s a stalemate between EU and Britain after Brexit because( )

A.the two sides have not reached an agreement on conditions of Britain’s orderly exit
B.British people are divided on the issue of Brexit
C.Britain refuses to fill the financial hole of the EU
D.EU does not want Britain to exit from it



The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in()





