
The human resources department requested an employee report to high light those employees who are due for 30 days 6 months and 1 year evaluation. The higher_data field should display blue text for 30 days employee, a red text for 6 months employees and a 


The human resources department requested an employee report to high light those employees who are due for 30 days 6 months and 1 year evaluation. The higher_data field should display blue text for 30 days employee, a red text for 6 months employees and a green text for one year employees. You created a format trigger on the higher_data field to handle this task. What will happen if the format trigger returns a false value? ()

  • A、The report execution will be halted. 
  • B、The higher_data file will not be displayed. 
  • C、The record will not be displayed. 
  • D、Nothing will happen.
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Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables:Also examine the SQL statements that create the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables:On the EMPLOYEES table, EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key.MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID.DEPT_ID is foreign key to DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table.On the DEPARTMENTS table, DEPARTMENT_ID is the primary key.Examine this DELETE statement:What happens when you execute the DELETE statement?()

A. Only the row with department ID 40 is deleted in the DEPARTMENTS table.

B. The statement fails because there are child records in the EMPLOYEES table with department ID 40.

C. The row with department ID 40 is deleted in the DEPARTMENTS table. Also the rows with employee IDs 110 and 106 are deleted from the EMPLOYEES table.

D. The row with department ID 40 is deleted in the DEPARTMENTS table. Also the rows with employee IDs 106 and 110 and the employees working under employee 110 are deleted from the EMPLOYEES table.

E. The row with department ID 40 is deleted in the DEPARTMENTS table. Also all the rows in the EMPLOYEES table are deleted.

F. The statement fails because there are no columns specifies in the DELETE clause of the DELETE statement.



Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables:




101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000

102 Martin 10 105 CLERK 2500

103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 4200

104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 2500

105 Diana 30 108 IT_ADMIN 5000

106 Smith 40 110 AD_ASST 3000

108 Jennifer 30 110 HR_DIR 6500

110 Bob 40 EX_DIR 8000

120 Ravi 20 110 SA*DIR 6500



10 Admin

20 Education

30 IT

40 Human Resources

Also examine the SQL statements that create the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables:

CREATE TABLE departments

(department_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,

department _ name VARCHAR2(30));

CREATE TABLE employees






employees(employee id),


employees(employee id),




On the EMPLOYEES table, EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key.

MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID. DEPT_ID is foreign key to DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. On the DEPARTMENTS table, DEPARTMENT_ID is the primary key.

Examine this DELETE statement:


FROM departments

WHERE department id = 40;

What happens when you execute the DELETE statement?()



Examine the data from the EMP table:The COMMISSION column shows the monthly commission earned by the employee.Which three tasks would require subqueries or joins in order to perform in a single step?()

A. Deleting the records of employees who do not earn commission.

B. Increasing the commission of employee 3 by the average commission earned in department 20.

C. Finding the number of employees who do NOT earn commission and are working for department 20.

D. Inserting into the table a new employee 10 who works for department 20 and earns a commission that is equal to the commission earned by employee 3.

E. Creating a table called COMMISSION that has the same structure and data as the columns EMP_ID and COMMISSIONS of the EMP table.

F. Decreasing the commission by 150 for the employees who are working in department 30 and earning a commission of more then 800.

参考答案:B, D, F


Evaluate the SQL statement: 1 SELECT a.emp_name, a.sal, a.dept_id, b.maxsal 2 FROM employees a, 3 (SELECT dept_id, MAX(sal) maxsal 4. FROM employees 5 GROUP BY dept_id) b 6 WHERE a.dept_id = b.dept_id 7 AND a. asl < b. maxsal; What is the result of the statement? ()

  • A、The statement produces an error at line 1.
  • B、The statement produces an error at line 3.
  • C、The statement produces an error at line 6.
  • D、The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all departments that pay less salary then the maximum salary paid in the company.
  • E、The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all employees who earn less than the maximum salary in their department.



Click the Exhibit button to examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table.Which statement lists the ID, name, and salary of the employee, and the ID and name of the employee‘s manager, for all the employees who have a manager and earn more than 4000?()

A.SELECT employee_id "Emp_id", emp_name "Employee", salary, employee_id "Mgr_id", emp_name "Manager" FROM employees WHERE salary > 4000;

B.SELECT e.employee_id "Emp_id", e.emp_name "Employee", e.salary, m.employee_id "Mgr_id", m.emp_name "Manager" FROM employees e JOIN employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.mgr_id AND e.salary > 4000;

C.SELECT e.employee_id "Emp_id", e.emp_name "Employee", e.salary, m.employee_id "Mgr_id", m.emp_name "Manager" FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON (e.mgr_id = m.employee_id) AND e.salary > 4000;

D.SELECT e.employee_id "Emp_id", e.emp_name "Employee", e.salary, m.mgr_id "Mgr_id", m.emp_name "Manager" FROM employees e SELF JOIN employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.employee_id AND e.salary > 4000;

E.SELECT e.employee_id "Emp_id", e.emp_name "Employee", e.salary, m.mgr_id "Mgr_id" m.emp_name "Manager" FROM employees e JOIN employees m USING (e.employee_id = m.employee_id) AND e.salary > 4000;



Evaluate the SQL statement:What is the result of the statement?()

A. The statement produces an error at line 1.

B. The statement produces an error at line 3.

C. The statement produces an error at line 6.

D. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all departments that pay less salary then the maximum salary paid in the company.

E. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all employees who earn less than the maximum salary in their department.



Click the Exhibit button and examine the data from the EMP table.The COMMISSION column shows the monthly commission earned by the employee.Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins in order to be performed in a single step? ()

A.listing the employees who earn the same amount of commission as employee 3

B.finding the total commission earned by the employees in department 10

C.finding the number of employees who earn a commission that is higher than the average commission of the company

D.listing the departments whose average commission is more than 600

E.listing the employees who do not earn commission and who are working for department 20 in descending order of the employee ID

F.listing the employees whose annual commission is more than 6000

参考答案:A, C


Examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table.EMPLOYEES (EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key. MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID)Which statement lists the ID, name, and salary of the employee, and the ID and name of the employee‘s manager, for all the employees who have a manager and earn more than 4000?()








Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEESColumn name Data type Remarks EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key EMP_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2 (20) SALARY NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID COLUMN DEPARTMENT ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table DEPARTMENTSColumn name Data type Remarks DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key DEPARTMENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) MGR_ID NUMBER References MGR_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT employee_id, e.department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e. department_id = d.department_id; Which SQL statement is equivalent to the above SQL statement? ()

  • A、SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (SELECT department_id FROM departments);
  • B、SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees NATURAL JOIN departments;
  • C、SELECT employee_id, d.department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees e JOIN departments d ON e.department _ id = d. department_id;
  • D、SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, Salary FROM employees JOIN departments USING (e.department_id, d.department_id);



You created a view called EMP_DEPT_VU that contains three columns from the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NAME AND DEPARTMENT_NAME. The DEPARTMENT_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table is the foreign key to the primary key DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. You want to modify the view by adding a fourth column, MANAGER_ID of NUMBER data type from the EMPLOYEES tables. How can you accomplish this task?()

  • A、ALTER VIEW EMP_dept_vu (ADD manger_id NUMBER);
  • B、MODIFY VIEW EMP_dept_vu (ADD manger_id NUMBER);
  • C、ALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employee e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;
  • D、MODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;
  • E、CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;
  • F、You must remove the existing view first, and then run the CREATE VIEW command with a new column list to modify a view.

