
名词解释题分布式虚拟现实(Distributed Virtual Reality,DVR)

分布式虚拟现实(Distributed Virtual Reality,DVR)
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Text3 In the past several years,as the nascent medium of virtual reality has come into its own,scientists and creators have begun to explore its potential effects on the human mind.Some are undoubtedly positive-as,for instance,when the technology is used to help war veterans overcome posttraumatic stress disorder,or as a means to expand a person's capacity for compassion.But the immediacy of virtual reality has a dark side,too.Several months ago,Michael Madary and Thomas K.Metzinger,researchers from the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz,in Germany,published a series of recommendations on the ethical design and implementation of virtual reality.Their appraisal of the medium's psychological force is both studious and foreboding."The power of virtual reality to induce particular kinds of emotions could be used deliberately to cause suffering,"they write."Conceivably,the suffering could be so extreme as to be considered torture."In filmmaking,the director must perform a kind of seduction of dread,leading viewers through an escalating series of psychological states.In the immersive world of virtual reality,no such dance is required.Part of the power of virtual reality-based horror comes from the fact that the director knows exactly where the viewer is looking."With that knowledge,we can play mind tricks or trigger events based on the gaze,"Jon Hibbins,the director of Psytec Games,a London-based virtual reality studio,said.For instance,he said,in Psytec's most recent fantasy-horror title,Crystal RiR,"a monster can appear in a vent only when the player looks at the vent."Hibbins claims that,as viewers'brains are tricked into believing that they are physically present in a reality,the memories they form are much stronger than those made when watching so-called flat-screen media.To soften these memories,Hibbins and his team have introduced a slider into their game that allows players to control the intensity of the horror."'Normal'will be an average scare experience,"he said."You'Il hear voices in the distance,ghosts in the corridors,sound from the voids,and snakes in the corridors.'Extreme'introduces jump scares,such as ghost figures that run through your body.It really does offer everyone an option."Stephan said,"Long-term,perhaps it's a case of building literacy in players and viewers so they understand when the scares are coming.For now,I think that means taking it slow."31.Virtual reality was originally designed as

A.a treatment ofveterans'injury after wars.
B.an exploration of the myth in human mind.
C.a way to raise sympathy for others.
D.a remedy for mental disorder caused by stress

事实细节题。第一段第二句提到,虚拟现实被用来“克服创伤后的应激障碍”,题干中出现的was designed as即本句中is used to的意思,故D项是正确选项。【干扰排除】虚拟现实是对精神障碍的治疗,而A项是对实际创伤的治疗;B项不是虚拟现实的主要目的;C项是通过虚拟现实进行治疗的后果。故A、B、C项均可排除。





虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)、增强现实(Augmented Reality)等业务对网络提出了新的要求,主要是( )。







简述VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)的定义及功能。

正确答案: 定义为:VRML(或Virtual Reality Modeling Language或虚拟现实造型语言)是描述虚拟环境中场景的一种标准。


虚拟现实(virtual reality,VR)或称虚拟环境(virtual environment,VE)是由计算机生成的、具有临场感觉的环境,它是一种全新的人机交互系统。



Cloud computing provides on-demand service to users by using distributed computing and( )resource management.




A. 网络 B. 虚拟化 C. 集中的 D. 特殊的


虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality,简称VR技术),是()才兴起的一门崭新的综合性信息技术

  • A、19世纪初
  • B、19世纪末
  • C、20世纪初
  • D、20世纪末



Text3 In the past several years,as the nascent medium of virtual reality has come into its own,scientists and creators have begun to explore its potential effects on the human mind.Some are undoubtedly positive-as,for instance,when the technology is used to help war veterans overcome posttraumatic stress disorder,or as a means to expand a person's capacity for compassion.But the immediacy of virtual reality has a dark side,too.Several months ago,Michael Madary and Thomas K.Metzinger,researchers from the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz,in Germany,published a series of recommendations on the ethical design and implementation of virtual reality.Their appraisal of the medium's psychological force is both studious and foreboding."The power of virtual reality to induce particular kinds of emotions could be used deliberately to cause suffering,"they write."Conceivably,the suffering could be so extreme as to be considered torture."In filmmaking,the director must perform a kind of seduction of dread,leading viewers through an escalating series of psychological states.In the immersive world of virtual reality,no such dance is required.Part of the power of virtual reality-based horror comes from the fact that the director knows exactly where the viewer is looking."With that knowledge,we can play mind tricks or trigger events based on the gaze,"Jon Hibbins,the director of Psytec Games,a London-based virtual reality studio,said.For instance,he said,in Psytec's most recent fantasy-horror title,Crystal RiR,"a monster can appear in a vent only when the player looks at the vent."Hibbins claims that,as viewers'brains are tricked into believing that they are physically present in a reality,the memories they form are much stronger than those made when watching so-called flat-screen media.To soften these memories,Hibbins and his team have introduced a slider into their game that allows players to control the intensity of the horror."'Normal'will be an average scare experience,"he said."You'Il hear voices in the distance,ghosts in the corridors,sound from the voids,and snakes in the corridors.'Extreme'introduces jump scares,such as ghost figures that run through your body.It really does offer everyone an option."Stephan said,"Long-term,perhaps it's a case of building literacy in players and viewers so they understand when the scares are coming.For now,I think that means taking it slow."35.Which of the following would be the best title ofthe text?

A.The Dark Side ofVirtual Reality
B.The Coming Horror ofVirtual Reality
C.Ways to Slow down Horror in Virtual Reality
D.Virtual Reality's Contribution to Games



什么是DistributedD.O.S(Distributed Denial Of Service)分布式拒绝服务

正确答案: 这是一种黑客攻击的手段。这种攻击的简单原理是:攻击者首先通过一些常用的黑客手段侵入并控制一些肉鸡(客户端主机),通过在这些主机上安装并启动一个进程,使得这些主机听命于攻击者的特殊指令。当攻击者把攻击目标的IP地址作为指令下达给这些进程的时候,这些进程就开始向目标主机发送攻击。这种方式集中了几百台甚至上千台服务器的带宽能力,对单一目标实施攻击,其威力极其巨大,通常会造成其被攻击网络的瘫痪或拒绝对外服务,因此被称为分布式拒绝服务攻击。


分布式能源系统(distributed Energy System)

正确答案: 是一种分布安置在需求侧的能 量梯级利用、 资源综合利用以及可再生能源设施。 它通过在需求现场根据用户对能源 的不同需求, 实现温度对口供应能源, 将输送环节的损耗降至最低, 从而实现能源利 用效能的最大化。