单选题On his first sea()he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.A tripB travelC tourD voyage

On his first sea()he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.








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I haven't seen him for quite a long time, but his parents ______ him sometimes.

A. still saw

B. still see

C. have still seen

D. has still seen

   18.答案为B  句中的sometimes表明有时见过他,句中谓语要用一般现在时。


1.He still remembers being taken to Shanghai when he was very young.()



()there, he found a great deal to interest him.

A、This being his first visit

B、Never having visited

C、This being his first time to visit

D、Having never been before



Mau Piailug,Ocean Navigator
Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.
In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.
He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.
His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.
The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

Mau used stones to memorise where the stars were situated in the sky.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“玛乌航行的时候,他有独特的航行技术。”关键词是unique navi-gational skills。依据此关键词组,可在文中第一段最后一句找到相关叙述:“At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.”(在那时,玛乌是在世的人中唯一一个仅仅通过观察星星、风和海洋来远航的人。)由此可知,当时来说,玛乌的航行技术的确是独特的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
题干意为“玛乌很熟悉塔希提岛周围的海洋。”关键词是Tahiti。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段前两句找到相关叙述:“He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way.”(他从来没有航行到过塔希提岛,从塔希提岛到南方是一段很长的路程。然而他知道岛周围的风和海洋是怎么活动的,所以他自信可以找到路。)由此可知,虽然玛乌没有去过这个岛,但是他很熟悉海洋,故此题说法是“正确”的。
题干意为“玛乌买不起罗盘和图表。”关键词是compass和charts。依据关键词,可在文中第二段最后一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.”(这次航行要花费他和船员们一个月的时间,而且他们航行的时候没有罗盘和图表。)由此可知,他们航行确实用不到罗盘和图表,但是文中并没提到玛乌买不起这些工具,故此说法为“未提及”的。
题干意为“玛乌从祖父那里学到了航海技术。”关键词是grandfather。依据此关健词,可在文中第三段第一句找到相关叙述:“His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.”(当他还很小的时候,他的祖父就开始教他航海。)故此题说法为“正确”的。
题干意为“玛乌用石头记忆天空中星星的位置。”关键词是stones和stars。 依据关键词,可在文中第三段倒数第二句找到相关叙述:“Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.”(之后,玛乌用一圈石头来记忆星星的位置。)故此题说法是“正确”的。
题干意为“夏威夷最早的居民能读写。”关键词是first inhabitants of Ha-waii。依据关键词可在文中最后一段第一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.”(此次航行证明,夏威夷最早的居民是乘小船来到这里的,并通过观察海洋和星空来航行。)文中的 reading是观察的意思,除此之外并没有提到这些最早的居民会不会读写,故此说法是“未提及”的。
题干意为“玛乌希望自己的学生们能立刻记住星星的位置。”关键词是 students。依据此关键词,可在文中最后一句找到相关叙述:“He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.”(他向学生们解释星星的位置, 但他允许学生把知识点写下来,因为他知道他们不可能像他一样记住所有东西。)故此题说法为“错误”的。


Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ludwig Van Beethoven,a major composer of the nineteenth century,overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.
Born in Bonn,Germany,in 1770,he first studied music with the court organist,Gilles van der Eeden.His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking.______(46)Appoint-ed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782,Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola.In 1792 he was sent to Vienna by his patron,Count Ferdinand Waldstein,to study music under Haydn.
Beethoven remained unmarried.______(47)Continually plagued by ill health,he devel- oped an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.
______(48)He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth:three piano sona- tas,four string quartets,the Missa Solemnis,and the 9th Symphony.He died in 1827.______(49)
Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage,Goethe once said of him,"I am astonished by his talent,but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality."______(50)

A: Today his music is still being played all over the world.
B: Although Beethoven's personality may have been untamed,his music shows great disci-pline and control,and this is how we remember him best.
C: When his mother died,Beethoven,then a young man,was named guardian of his two younger brothers.
D: His life was marked by a passionate dedication to independence.
E: Because of irregular payments from his publishers and erratic support from his patrons,he was troubled by financial worries throughout his adult life.
F: In spited of this handicap,however,he continued to write music.



本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解和对文章细节的把握。句中的this handicap承接上段,指上段最后一句话提到的耳聋这一残疾,全句的意思是说贝多芬身残志坚,继续音乐创作。该空后面列举了贝多芬的音乐成就,此处选F项与上下文街接自然,意思连贯。




He showed great ( ) in pursuing the new learning.





解析:enthusiasm:热情 essence:本质 aggression:侵略


Ludwig Van Beethoven,a major composer of the nineteenth century,overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.
Born in Bonn,Germany,in 1770,he first studied music with the court organist,Gilles van der Eeden.His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking._________(46)Appointed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782,Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola. In 1792 he was sent to Vienna by his patron,Count Ferdinand Waldstein,to study music under Haydn.
Beethoven remained unmarried.__________(47)Continually plagued by ill health,he developed an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.
___________(48)He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth:three piano sonatas, four string quartets,the Missa Solemnis,and the 9th Symphony.He died in 1827.__________(49)
Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage,Goethe once said of him,"I am astonished by his talent,but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality."___________(50)

A:In spite of this handicap,however,he continued to write music.
B:Because of irregular payments from his publishers and erratic support from his patrons,he was troubled by financial worries throughout his adult life.
C:His life was marked by a passionate dedication to independence.
D:When his mother died,Beethoven,then a young man,was named guardian of his two younger brothers.
E:Although Beethoven's personality may have been untamed,his music shows great discipline and control,and this is how we remember him best.
F: Today his music is still being played all over the world.

本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解和对文章细节的把握。句中的this handicap承接上段,指上段最后一句话提到的耳聋这一残疾,此句是说贝多芬身残志坚,继续音乐创作。本段最后列举了贝多芬取得的音乐成就。选项A与上下文街接自然,意思连贯。



Jay Chou was born on January 18, 1979, in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quiet and shy kid. He didn’t do well in study, so people thought he would never be successful in life.

As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music.His mother sent lum to learn the piano when he was only three years-old He loved it and kept on practicing. When he was in high school, he could play the piano quite well. At the same time, he showed his talent for writing songs.

Before Jay became a singer, he worked as a songwriter. For two years, he spent most of his time writing for singers. Some of them were very famous, like Coco Lee and Jacky Cheung. Jay released(友行) his first album(专辑) in 2000 and soon he got quite popular.

Now Jay is one of the most famous singers in Asia. However, he is still shy and doesn't smile often He isn’t good-looking and doesn’t speak clearly when he sings or talks, but he has a lot of fans. Most of his fans like him because he is really good at music and never follows others.

( )21. When Jay Chou was a small kid,_________-

④he was quiet and shy②he lived with his parents③he didn't study well④he loved music



Mau Piailug,Ocean Navigator
Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.
In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.
He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.
His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.
The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“玛乌航行的时候,他有独特的航行技术。”关键词是unique navi-gational skills。依据此关键词组,可在文中第一段最后一句找到相关叙述:“At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.”(在那时,玛乌是在世的人中唯一一个仅仅通过观察星星、风和海洋来远航的人。)由此可知,当时来说,玛乌的航行技术的确是独特的,故此题说法为“正确”的。
题干意为“玛乌很熟悉塔希提岛周围的海洋。”关键词是Tahiti。依据此关键词,可在文中第二段前两句找到相关叙述:“He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way.”(他从来没有航行到过塔希提岛,从塔希提岛到南方是一段很长的路程。然而他知道岛周围的风和海洋是怎么活动的,所以他自信可以找到路。)由此可知,虽然玛乌没有去过这个岛,但是他很熟悉海洋,故此题说法是“正确”的。
题干意为“玛乌买不起罗盘和图表。”关键词是compass和charts。依据关键词,可在文中第二段最后一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.”(这次航行要花费他和船员们一个月的时间,而且他们航行的时候没有罗盘和图表。)由此可知,他们航行确实用不到罗盘和图表,但是文中并没提到玛乌买不起这些工具,故此说法为“未提及”的。
题干意为“玛乌从祖父那里学到了航海技术。”关键词是grandfather。依据此关健词,可在文中第三段第一句找到相关叙述:“His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.”(当他还很小的时候,他的祖父就开始教他航海。)故此题说法为“正确”的。
题干意为“玛乌用石头记忆天空中星星的位置。”关键词是stones和stars。 依据关键词,可在文中第三段倒数第二句找到相关叙述:“Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.”(之后,玛乌用一圈石头来记忆星星的位置。)故此题说法是“正确”的。
题干意为“夏威夷最早的居民能读写。”关键词是first inhabitants of Ha-waii。依据关键词可在文中最后一段第一句找到相关叙述:“The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.”(此次航行证明,夏威夷最早的居民是乘小船来到这里的,并通过观察海洋和星空来航行。)文中的 reading是观察的意思,除此之外并没有提到这些最早的居民会不会读写,故此说法是“未提及”的。
题干意为“玛乌希望自己的学生们能立刻记住星星的位置。”关键词是 students。依据此关键词,可在文中最后一句找到相关叙述:“He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.”(他向学生们解释星星的位置, 但他允许学生把知识点写下来,因为他知道他们不可能像他一样记住所有东西。)故此题说法为“错误”的。



Lawrence Curry

When I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.
My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.
Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.
He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.

Why do people get disappointed after I gave the description of my great-uncle?
A:They didn't believe what I told them about my great-uncle.
B:They expected to hear something extraordinary about this great novelist.
C:They don't like my great-uncle any more.
D:They found they mistook my great-uncle as the famous writer Lawrence Curry.

根据文章第一段最后一句:" It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.”由此可以判断人们失望是因为他们很难接受这样一个伟大的人物居然是这样一个普通人,所以选B。
第二段第五句提到:" This expression of anxiety , which arose from nothing more than short-sight",他焦虑的神情来自于他的近视,所以选C“他视力不好”。 arise在文中的意思是“起因于······,由······产生”。
第二段第五句提到:" This expression of anxiety...inspire the protective in-stincts of his lady admirers" , inspire意为“激发”' protective instinct意为“保护的本能”。所以选 B,即让他的女性崇拜者想要保护他。
文章的最后一段提到:" Stanly , who...who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits",小孩子更喜欢叔祖父的表兄是因为他总带给他们糖和饼干,都是孩子爱吃的东西,所以B正确。
