单选题()an order for one thousand tons or more we grant a special discount of 10%.A onB ForC ToD On

()an order for one thousand tons or more we grant a special discount of 10%.








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Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet(饮食)than people do now, since they ate species(种类)of plant and several hundred thousand types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated(驯化). Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets, but the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in the world of the carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of eighteen tomatoes to a kilo. Siri von Reis Altschul asks: "Only the tree major cereals(谷物)and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the world's human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: are we missing something?" After all, there are 800,000 species of plant on earth.

1. In prehistoric times people _____.

A. ate much more than we do today

B. lived mainly on plant food

C. had a wide-ranging diet

D. were more fussy about what they ate

2. Most of us have come to expect _____.

A. no variation in our diet

B. a reduction in food supplies

C. a specialist diet

D. food conforming to a set standard

3. The specialization of food was started by _____.

A. the emergence of supermarkets

B. the rise of agriculture

C. the rich countries

D. the modern shops

4. According to the passage, people in the West today survive on _____.

A. carrots and tomatoes

B. several thousand types of plants and cereals

C. a very small number of cultivated foods

D. special species planted one thousand years age

5. The conclusion seems to be that we _____.

A. could make use of more natural species

B. don't cultivate the right kind of food

C. produce more food than we need

D. cultivate too many different species

参考答案: CCBCA


We suggest your order()a minimum quantity of 10,000 tons.

A、call for

B、calls for

C、call on

D、call up



- Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about five thousand dollars over budget. - That's right.__________.

A It will cost about eight percent more than initially projected ;

B We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the cost ;

C It's going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order



The size of the audience, ______ we had expected, was well over one thousand.




本题考查非限制性定语从句引导词。题目意为“正如我们预期的一样,前来的观众超过了一千人。”选项中只有as 能够引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如..”的意思。



We have booked your order for 12,000 metric tons of Canada Oat as per your fax of September 18 and our E-mail of September 20, and wish to assure you that, upon receipt of the relevant L/C, we shall effect shipment in time.(英译中)



Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet than people do now, since they ate species of plant and several hundreds thousands types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated. Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of the rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets. But the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in the world of carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of weighting tomatoes to a kilo. Siri von Reis asks: "Only the three major cereals (谷物类食物) and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the world's human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: Are we missing something?" After all, there are 800 000 species of plant on earth.

1、In prehistoric times people____.

A、ate much more than we do today

B、lived mainly on plant food

C、had a wide-ranging diet

D、were more fussy about what they ate

2、Most of us have come to expect____.

A、no variation in our diet

B、a reduction in food supplies

C、a specialist diet

D、food conforming to a set standard

3、The specialization of food was started by____.

A、the emergence of supermarkets

B、the rise of agriculture

C、the rich countries

D、the modern shops

4、According to the passage, people in the West today survive on____.

A、carrots and tomatoes

B、several thousand types of plants and cereals

C、a very small number of cultivated foods

D、special species planted one thousand years ago

5、The conclusion seems to be that we____.

A、could make use of more natural species

B、don't cultivate the right kind of food

C、produce more food than we need

D、cultivate too many different species

正确答案:1C 2D 3B 4C 5A


As your order is a large one, we are not in a position to book enough shipping space, so we hope you will agree to partial shipment.(英译中)




A.“Pay to M Co.or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.”

B.“Pay to M Co.providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.”

C.“Pay to M Co.out of the proceeds in our No.1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.”

D.“Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.”



Children for whom school has no point
Many children do not go to school either because their parents want them at home as carers for siblings,or simply because their parents cannot be bothered to send them.Thousands more are not registered at any school at all,because of their families'unstable lives.
Underlying this dreadful situation there are two central truths.First of all,the problem of children not going to school often has more to do with their parents than with the children themselves.Secondly,once children go to school,we need to make sure that the experience is a positive one so that they want to keep on going.
In Britain,the Ministry of Education has introduced a complex package of sticks and carrots to persuade Schools to bring truants'and excluded children back into the classroom.It is paying grants so that a thousand schools can set up special units to help these children.Schools receive the grant if they bring a target number of children back to school;if they do not meet the target,the grant is withdrawn.
Parents are the subject of this campaign,too:the Home Office has introduced fines for parents who fail to send their children to school,and has given the police power to pick up truants on the streets.
Truant=a child who does not go to school when he or she should.

The Ministry of Education will take away a school's grant if__.

A.they do not reach their objectives
B.they do not contact parents
C.children escape from school
D.they meet their targets




Recycling Around the World

Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century.But we could do more.People must not see recycling as fashionable,but essential.
The Japanese are very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country. They do not have much space.They do not want to share their limited space with rubbish.But even so,Tokyo area alone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present.
In 1996, the United States recycled and composted(制成肥料)57 million tons of waste (27%of the nation's solid waste).This is 57 million tons of waste which did not go into landfills and incinerators(焚化炉).In doing this,7,000 rubbish collection programs and recycling centers helped the authorities.
In Rockford,a city in Illinois,U.S.,its officials choose one house each week and check its garbage(废物).If the garbage does not contain an newspapers or aluminum(铝)cans,then the resident of the house gets a prize of at least$1,000.
In Japan,certain cities give children weekly supplies of tissue paper and toilet paper in exchange for a weekly collection of newspapers.
In one year Britain recycles:
——1 out of every 3 newspapers.
——1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars(罐子).
——1 out of every 4 items of clothing.
——1 out of every 3 aluminum drink cans.
In 1999,Hong Kong transported 1.3 million tons of waste to mainland China for recycling. Around 535,000 tons of waste was recycled in Hong Kong itself.
Over half the things we throw away could be recycled.That means we could recycle 10 times as much as we do now.
However,recycling needs a lot of organization and special equipment. Also,there is not much use for some recycled material.

How much waste did the U. S.recycle in 1 996?
A:1.3 million tons.
B:27 million tons.
C:53 million tons.
D:57 million tons.

句子意思是“下面关于日本的哪一个描述是错误的”。答案是A项:他们回收了所有的垃圾。这个从常识上就是不可能的,而且文中提及:But even so, Tokyo area a-lone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present.
句子意思是“在1996年,美国回收了多少垃圾”。答案是5 700万吨。文中提及:In 1996, the United States recycled and composted(制成肥料)57 million tons of waste.
句子意思是“人们在哪里可以因为对垃圾回收做贡献而获得大奖”。答案是罗克福德。文中提及:In Rockford, a city in Illinois, US, its officials choose one house each week and check its garbage.If the garbage does not contain an newspapers or aluminum cans,then the resident of the house gets a prize of at least$1,000.
句子意思是“在日本,由孩子收集的报纸会……”文中提及:In Japan, certain cities give children weekly supplies of tissue paper and toilet paper in exchange for a weekly collection of newspapers.
句子意思是“关于英国的哪个描述是错误的”。这个比较容易,可以从文中的关于英国的列表中获得。In one year Britain recycles:——1 out of every 3 newspapers.——1 out of every 4 glass bottles and jars(罐子).——1 out of every 4 items of clothing.——1 out of every 3 aluminum drink cans.注意,选项D中少了一个drink,故错误。
