单选题The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical

The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950’s, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was value at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War 2. The country’s business spent about 30billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third greater than it had been it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 million dollars a day ,or about twenty-five million dollars every hour , all round the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them . Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the room. To some observers this was an ominous echo of the mid-1920’s . As farmer’s shre of their products declined , marketing costs rose. But there were , among the observers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident as the majority . Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last and would eventually lead to the oppsite-depression. It can be inferred the national from the passage that most people in the United States in 1955 viewed the national economy with an air of ().








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The author mentions the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to ______.

[A]prove they are the largest ports in the United States

[B]demonstrate they create many new job opportunities

[C]highlight that shipping is less glamorous than making movies

[D]emphasize the role of shipping in southern California's economy



You are Master of a vessel that is sold in a foreign country after discharge of cargo. What is your responsibility to the crew in regards to return to the United States?

A.You must provide air transportation to the nearest port of entry in the United States

B.You must provide passage to the port of original engagement

C.There is no requirement for return to the United States provided the voyage has exceeded 4 weeks duration

D.The crew can be employed on another United States vessel,but only if it is returning to the port of original engagement



Popular breakfast foods in the United States, as in many other countries around the world, include coffee, milk, juice, eggs and bread. Some other breakfast items served in the United States are thought by many to be traditionally American. However, they actually come from other countries.

A very popular breakfast food in America is the pancake---a thin, flat cake made out of flour and often served with maple syrup. The idea of the pancake is very old. In fact, pancakes were made long ago in ancient China.

Bagels, a round thick bread with a hole in the middle, are also popular for breakfast in America. Polish people in the late 1600s came up with the idea for the first bagels and this new kind of bread soon took off across Eastern Europe.

In the late 1800s, thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe traveled to the United States and brought the recipe for bagels with them. Today, New York bagels are said to be the best in the world. Many people have them with cream cheese for breakfast on the go.

Doughnuts (usually spelled “donut” in the United States) came from France. They were served to American soldiers in France during World War Ⅰ(第一次世界大战). After the war, American soldiers asked cooks in the United States to make doughnuts for them. Now, served with coffee, they are a very popular breakfast food across the United States.

41. This reading is mainly about _______.

A. famous places in the United States to eat breakfast

B. popular American breakfast foods coming from China

C. the most popular types of pancakes in the United States

D. the history of popular breakfast foods in the United States



After 1850,various states in the United States began to pass compulsory school attendance laws.

D: complicated

本句意思:在1850年之后,美国的许多州开始通过义务教育法。harsh的意思为“艰苦 的,严峻的”;diversified的意思为“多种多样的,多元的”;mandato汀的意思为“强制的”;compli- cated的意思为“复杂的,难懂的”。compulso汀的意思为“强制的,义务的”,和mandato叮的意 思接近。


The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950’s, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was value at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War 2. The country’s business spent about 30billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third greater than it had been it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 million dollars a day ,or about twenty-five million dollars every hour , all round the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them . Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the room. To some observers this was an ominous echo of the mid-1920’s . As farmer’s shre of their products declined , marketing costs rose. But there were , among the observers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident as the majority . Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last and would eventually lead to the oppsite-depression.
Which of the following were LEAST satisfied with the national economy in the 1950’s?

a. Economists b. Frmaers c. Politicians d. Steelworkers



After the Civil War, the United States saw great developments in ().





正确答案: A


The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A n economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950’s, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was value at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War 2. The country’s business spent about 30billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third greater than it had been it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 million dollars a day ,or about twenty-five million dollars every hour , all round the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them . Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the room. To some observers this was an ominous echo of the mid-1920’s . As farmer’s shre of their products declined , marketing costs rose. But there were , among the observers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident as the majority . Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last and would eventually lead to the oppsite-depression.he boom could not last and would eventually lead to the oppsite-depression.
The passage states that incom available for spending in the U.S. was greater in 1955 than in 1950 . How much was it ?

a. 60% b. 50% c. 33% d. 90%



In Asia, the United States tried to contain the People’s Republic of China as well. The United States did not formally recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) for 30 years after its founding.()




After 1850,various states in the United States began to pass compulsory school attendance laws.




The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()

Ato make the United States gain time to arm itself

Bto actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not intervene

Cto get the United States involved in the war

Dto prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

