Check if archive file in the compressed version has a new REDEPLOY file.
If server was started in the Development Mode. Auto-deployment is not supported in production mode.
If the application includes an EJB 3 module. Auto-deployment is not supported for EJBs.
You change JVM from HotSpot to JRockit. Auto-deployment is not supported in HotSpot auto deployment.
If the domain is a single-server domain. Auto-deployment is not supported in multiserver domains.
A customer has multiple application servers which create one process for each connected user. All users share the same AIX environment. What is a benefit of using WPARs in this environment?()
A company needs additional storage for a block I/O based database application. The application has low I/O bandwidth requirements across the campus. The customer has a TCP/IP infrastructure and is interested in low-cost products that are compatible with its environment. Which technology is most appropriate for this customer?()
A storage specialist is assessing a customer’s tape backup environment. Which of the following questions would be the most appropriate question to identify the customer’s environment?()
A customer has two DS8000 systems in their environment. One DS8000 has FlashCopy licensed while the other does not. The customer wishes to license FlashCopy on the second DS8000. Which of the following describes the TDA requirement in this situation()
An existing IBM customer has some iSeries servers in their environment. The customer is adding an x366 server with an RSA-II installed for their Microsoft Client/Server applications. The customer wants to consolidate the storage and centralize the backup of the iSeries and xSeries platforms. Which of the following will accomplish this?()
A customer’s SAN environment has undergone significant growth over the past two years. They have also suffered a high turnover rate with administrative personnel. The customer has asked a storage specialist for help in documenting and understanding their changing SAN environment. The ability to make configuration changes to devices would be a plus. Which tool should the storage specialist suggest()
A prospective customer has a SCSI installed. The new project requires a large high performance storage and tape network . The customer does not appear to understand the terminology and options of the fiber channel components of the solution. Further discussion confirms that the customers only has cursory knowledge of fiber channel and is not currently prepared to for the installation. What steps should be taken to make sure customer is satisfied with the solution? ()
A customer has an EMC Symmetrix DMX3000 that is at the end of lease. The environment consists of IBM System p, IBM System i, and IBM System z. The customer is evaluating EMC, HDS, and IBM storage as possible replacements. They are interested in comparing the performance of all three disk subsystems. Which tool compares performance()
A customer wants to expand their current storage environment, but has floor space for only two machine frames or two racks. Their environment consists of IBM SAN Volume Controllers and IBM DS4000 systems. The DS4000 systems are at end of lease. The customer wants the maximum number of disks possible in two frames. Which of the following solutions is best for this customer?()
A customer has a large UNIX environment and has engaged a pSeries technical specialist to work on a solution with them. Which of the following statements would best establish UNIX credibility with a knowledgeable customer?()