单选题The noise of the traffic()Paul from his work.A preventedB distractedC angeredD upset

The noise of the traffic()Paul from his work.








正确答案: A
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He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work.







He will be punished ( ) he does his work.








Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 26 his shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked.

Paul told him how he got the car and the boy was 27 .“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…” he said, without 28 his sentence.Paul thought the boy wished he had a 29 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”

Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 30 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 31 ,said,“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?”

Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to 32 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 33 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms.

He 34 him down on the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t 35 him a cent. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it.”

26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across




A Desert Between Paul and Clara

Paul had long promised to marry Clara.But at thirty-three he met and married Alice.
Clara was driven mad.
Paul was taken to court.The judge ordered him to pay Clara$600 because of the
broken promise.Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay
back$5 a month一for twenty years.His wages at the time were$16 a month,
Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy.They had little enough food,certainly,
even before the children began to arrive.Each month Paul paid$5 to the moneylender.
He worked hard,never taking a holiday,In time,there were seven mouths to feed.
Illness was always with them.It grew serious when the oldest child was eight.The
years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of
the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was
alone in the world.
He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-
killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his
wages were his own.
One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea.
A middle-aged woman came and sat down near him.They recognized each other at once.
The woman said,"The$600 has been in the bank since the day it was paid to me.It
is now$6,000,and I have kept it for you.Will you let me share it with you?"
"No,"said Paul,gently."Each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us.It can
never bring any happiness."

How many children did Paul and Alice have?



The noise made it hard for me to?focus?in work.()



Passage Four

John Paul Jones was one of the founders of the United States Navy. During the Revolution, the colonies were desperate. They needed men to lead their small ships against the British fleet. Jones was more than willing to fight.

John Paul Jones had once been a captain of a British merchant ship. In 1773, his crew mutinied. One member of the crew tried to gain control of the ship. Jones shot the man to death. The mutiny took place near the port of Tobago, an island in the Caribbean. Authorities there decided to have a trial. This meant certain death for John Paul Jones, since the whole crew would testify against him. One night during a thunderstorm, he escaped from the jail.

He fled to the United States and lived with a family named Jones. His real name was John Paul. He added the name of Jones to his, in honor of the family. He outwitted the British ships that were sent to hunt him down.

When the American Revolution ended he went to serve in the Russian navy. There, he fought the Turks and achieved one of the few major naval victories in the history of Russia. He died in Paris at the age of forty-five.

John Paul Jones is considered both an American and Russian hero, but the English considered him a fugitive.

48. John Paul Jones won a major victory for the Russian navy against the ______.

A. French

B. British

C. Turks

D. Spanish

48.倒数第二段第二句话。选项 C是正确的。


Paul was________ by his uncle after his father died.

A.brought up

B.grown up

C.held up

D.put up



Paul followed the doctor’s __________ as to when to give his son medicines.







______ is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.

A.Separation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or lines

B.The separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zones

C.Division of traffic from several different direction into sectors

D.Control of routing traffic through shipping routes




A Desert Between Paul and Clara

Paul had long promised to marry Clara.But at thirty-three he met and married Alice.
Clara was driven mad.
Paul was taken to court.The judge ordered him to pay Clara$600 because of the
broken promise.Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay
back$5 a month一for twenty years.His wages at the time were$16 a month,
Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy.They had little enough food,certainly,
even before the children began to arrive.Each month Paul paid$5 to the moneylender.
He worked hard,never taking a holiday,In time,there were seven mouths to feed.
Illness was always with them.It grew serious when the oldest child was eight.The
years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of
the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was
alone in the world.
He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-
killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his
wages were his own.
One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea.
A middle-aged woman came and sat down near him.They recognized each other at once.
The woman said,"The$600 has been in the bank since the day it was paid to me.It
is now$6,000,and I have kept it for you.Will you let me share it with you?"
"No,"said Paul,gently."Each thousand is a lost life in a desert between us.It can
never bring any happiness."

After his wife and children died,Paul turned to his work to
A:ease his pain.
B:forget his debt.
C:get pleasure.
D:seek friendship.

