
名词解释题心力衰竭(heart failure)

心力衰竭(heart failure)
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Napping to a Healthier Heart?
1 Researchers say they have developed a simple test that can tell if a person with heart disease is likely to suffer a heart attack.The test measures levels of a protein in the blood.The researchers say people with high levels of this protein are at high risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
2 Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of California in San Francisco led the team.For about four years,they studied almost one thousand patients with heart disease.The researchers tested the heart disease patients for a protein called NT-proBNP.Patients with the highest levels were nearly eight times more likely than those with the lowest levels to have a heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
3 The researchers say the presence of high levels of the protein in the blood shows that the heart muscle is under pressure in some way.The study involved mostly men,so the researchers could not say for sure that the results are also true for women.They say the patients with the highest levels of NT-proBNP were older and had other problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.
4 Other researchers say more studies are needed to confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart disease patient should affect that person's treatment.They also would like to know if more aggressive treatment could reduce the patient's chance of a heart attack or stroke.The study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
5 Could a little sleep during the middle of the day reduce the risk of a heart attack?An unrelated study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that the answer may be yes.In countries like the United States,afternoon naps are mostly for children.But they are common for adults in Mediterranean countries.And these countries generally have lower rates of heart disease.So scientists in the United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a part.Twenty-three thousand healthy adults took part in the study by Harvard University and the University of Athens.Those who took thirty-minute naps three times a week had a thirty-seven percent lower risk of death from heart problems than people who did not take naps.
6 The researchers say napping may improve heart health by reducing stress.They say the research suggests that naps are especially good for working men.But they say not enough female subjects died during the study to judge the benefits for women.

According to some researchers,by measuring the levels of NT-proBNP in the blood people may know______.
A:where fewer people die from heart problem
B:whether they have the risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke
C:would probably have lower rates of heart disease
D:how to test a person's NT-proBNP level in the blood by himself
E:his heart muscle would be under pressure in some way
F:that napping is of great benefit to women too



心力衰竭(heart failure )

心力衰竭(heart failure ):是各种心脏疾病导致心力衰竭的一种综合征,绝大多数情况下是指心肌收缩力下降使心排血量不能满足机体代谢的需要,器官、组织血液灌注不足,同时出现肺循环和(或)体循环淤血的表现。


Napping to a Healthier Heart?

1 Researchers say they have developed a simple test that can tell if a person with heart disease is
likely to suffer a heart attack.The test measures levels of a protein in the blood.The researchers say people
with high levels of this protein are at high risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
2 Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of California in San Francisco led the team.For about
four years,they studied almost one thousand patients with heart disease.The researchers tested the heart
disease patients for a protein called NT-proBNP. Patients with the highest levels were nearly eight times more
likely than those with the lowest levels to have a heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
3 The researchers say the presence of high levels of the protein in the blood shows that the heart
muscle is under pressure in some way.The study involved mostly men,so the researchers could not say for
sure that the results are also true for women.They say the patients with the highest levels of NT-proBNP
were older and had other problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.
4 Other researchers say more studies are needed to confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart
disease patient should affect that person’s treatment.They also would like to know if more aggressive
treatment could reduce the patient's chance of a heart attack or stroke.The study appeared in the
Journal of the American Medical Association.
5 Could a little sleep during the middle of the day reduce the risk of a heart attack?An unrelated
study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that the answer may be yes.In countries
like the United States,afternoon naps are mostly for children. But they are common for adults in
Mediterranean countries.And these countries generally have lower rates of heart disease.So scientists in the
United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a part.Twenty-three thousand healthy adults took part
in the study by Harvard University and the University of Athens.Those who took thirty-minute naps three
times a week had a thirty-seven percent lower risk of death from heart problems than people who did not take
6 The researchers say napping may improve heart health by reducing stress.They say the research
suggests that naps are especially good for working men.But they say not enough female subjects died during
the study to judge the benefits for women.

If a person has a high level of NT-proBNP_________.
A: where fewer pepole die from heart problem
B:whether they have the risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke
C:would probably have lower rates of heart disease
D:how to test a person's NT-proBNP level in the blood by himself
E:his heart muscle would be under pressure in some way
F:that napping is of great benefit to women too

由第二段后面两句可知,通过检查心脏病人的NT-proBNP水平,发现水平最高的病人 与水平最低的病人之间患心脏病的可能性相差近8倍。
第三段说到,研究涉及的多是男性,并发现老年男性且患有糖尿病和高血压者 NT-proBNP的水平最高。
由第四段的内容可知,其他研究者认为还要确认一些问题,如心脏病病人蛋白质水平 是否影响其治疗;他们还想知道更多的积极治疗能否减少病人得心脏病和中风的机会。
第五段说到,地中海国家的成年人普遍都午睡,而且患心脏病的几率较低。哈佛大学 和雅典大学的研究证明,每周午睡三次,每次30分钟的人比完全不午睡的人死于心脏病的几 率低37%。
答案来源于第三段第二句和文章的最后一句。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本篇文章主要讲述了普通感冒的传播特点及其预防和治疗。



Human Heart can Make New Cells

Solving a longstanding(为时甚久的)mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to
generate new cardiac(心脏的)cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows
with age.
The finding,published in the April 3rd issue of Science,could open a new path for the treatment of heart
diseases such as heart failure and heart attack,experts say.
"We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes(心肌细胞),are renewed," said lead
researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen,a professor of stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm,
Sweden."It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we were born with
or whether they could be renewed,"he said.
"The process of renewing these cells changes over time,"Frisen added. In a 20-year-old,about 1
percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year , but the turnover(更替)rate decreases with age to only
0.45 percent by age 75.
"If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated,it may be potentially
possible to develop pharmaceuticals(药物)that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after , for
example,a heart attack,"Frisen said.
That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts.
"A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure,."noted co-author Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj,also from the
Karolinska Institute."Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said.
"With this finding,scientists are opening the door to potential therapies(疗法),to having ourselves heal
ourselves,"Bhardwaj said."Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells
make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing."
But barriers remain.According to Bhardwaj,scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell
production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off,especially in older patients with
heart failure.In addition,the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts一
whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.

The human heart stops producing cardiac cells ______.
A:when a person becomes old
B:as soon as a person gets sick
C:immediately after a person is born
D:once a person dies

根据第一段中“…the human heart continues to generate new cardiac(心脏的)cells throughout the life span”可知,在人的整个生命进程中,其心脏持续产生新的心肌细胞。言外之 意,这个过程直到生命结束才会停止。
根据第二段中“The finding...could open a new path for the treatment of heart diseases”可 知,这个研究成果将为心脏病的治疗开辟新的途径。因此C项符合题意。
根据第四段中“…but the turnover(更替)rate decreases with age to only 0.45 percent by age 75”可知,C项符合题意。
根据倒数第三段中“Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying”可知,慢性心力衰 竭是由心肌细胞死亡导致的。因此A项符合题意。
最后一句的大意是:另外,心脏产生的新细胞的数量是按照健康心脏估算的,而患病心脏的细胞更替率是否与健康心脏相同还不得而知。因此C项符合题意。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了远古冰人尸体的发现及对其的相关研究情况。


Stem Cell Therapy May Help Repair the Heart
According to scientists in the USA,stem cell therapy may one day be able to repair the
hearts of people with heart failure.Researchers at Pittsburgh University School of Medicine
examined 20 patients who had severe heart failure and were going to have surgery.
They injected stem cells into the parts of their hearts that were damaged.They then
compared their hearts with those of people who had undergone surgery without having the
stem cells injected into them(they had also suffered from severe heart failure).The
patients who had had the stem cells injected had hearts that were able to pump(用泵抽运)
more blood than the others.
According to Professor Robert Kormos,one of the researchers,these results could
revolutionize heart treatment.Although previous studies had indicated that there might be a
benefit,this is the first study that has actually proved that stem cell therapy can help the
failing heart work better.
All the patients in this study had hearts that could not pump blood properly.The
scientists measured their ejection fraction(射血分数).This is a measure of heart
performance;you measure how much blood is being pumped out by the left ventricle(心
Healthy people's ejection fraction is about 55%.These patients had ejection fraction of
under 35%. They all had by-pass surgery(搭桥手术)performed on them. Some of the
patients had stem cells taken from their hip bones and injected into 25-30 sites in the
damaged heart muscle.Six months later their ejection fraction rate was 46.1%while those
who just had surgery but no stem cell injections averaged 37. 2%.
No side effects were reported.
Heart failure is a common problem all over the world.In the UK alone about 650, 000
people suffer from heart failure every year. As the number of people suffering from heart
failure increases in the world in general these findings are particularly significant.
Current treatments relieve the symptoms.This new stem cell therapy actually repairs
the damaged muscle in the heart and has the potential of curing the disease.

Heart failure is more common in the UK than anywhere else in the world.
C:Not mentioned



Napping to a Healthier Heart?
1 Researchers say they have developed a simple test that can tell if a person with heart disease is likely to suffer a heart attack.The test measures levels of a protein in the blood.The researchers say people with high levels of this protein are at high risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
2 Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of California in San Francisco led the team.For about four years,they studied almost one thousand patients with heart disease.The researchers tested the heart disease patients for a protein called NT-proBNP.Patients with the highest levels were nearly eight times more likely than those with the lowest levels to have a heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
3 The researchers say the presence of high levels of the protein in the blood shows that the heart muscle is under pressure in some way.The study involved mostly men,so the researchers could not say for sure that the results are also true for women.They say the patients with the highest levels of NT-proBNP were older and had other problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.
4 Other researchers say more studies are needed to confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart disease patient should affect that person's treatment.They also would like to know if more aggressive treatment could reduce the patient's chance of a heart attack or stroke.The study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
5 Could a little sleep during the middle of the day reduce the risk of a heart attack?An unrelated study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that the answer may be yes.In countries like the United States,afternoon naps are mostly for children.But they are common for adults in Mediterranean countries.And these countries generally have lower rates of heart disease.So scientists in the United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a part.Twenty-three thousand healthy adults took part in the study by Harvard University and the University of Athens.Those who took thirty-minute naps three times a week had a thirty-seven percent lower risk of death from heart problems than people who did not take naps.
6 The researchers say napping may improve heart health by reducing stress.They say the research suggests that naps are especially good for working men.But they say not enough female subjects died during the study to judge the benefits for women.

Paragraph 5______
A:More Questions to Be Asked
B:Older Males Have Higher Levels of NT-proBNP
C:Development of a Simple But Important Test
D:Evidence of Positive Relationship Between Napping and Heart Disease
E:How to Control the Levels of NT-proBNP
F:Effects of NT-proBNP on Heart Disease



无症状性心力衰竭(asymptomatic failure)

无症状性心力衰竭(asymptomatic failure):指左室已有功能不全,射血分数降至正常以下(《50%)而尚无心力衰竭症状的这一阶段。


Napping to a Healthier Heart?

1 Researchers say they have developed a simple test that can tell if a person with heart disease is
likely to suffer a heart attack.The test measures levels of a protein in the blood.The researchers say people
with high levels of this protein are at high risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
2 Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of California in San Francisco led the team.For about
four years,they studied almost one thousand patients with heart disease.The researchers tested the heart
disease patients for a protein called NT-proBNP. Patients with the highest levels were nearly eight times more
likely than those with the lowest levels to have a heart attack,heart failure or stroke.
3 The researchers say the presence of high levels of the protein in the blood shows that the heart
muscle is under pressure in some way.The study involved mostly men,so the researchers could not say for
sure that the results are also true for women.They say the patients with the highest levels of NT-proBNP
were older and had other problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.
4 Other researchers say more studies are needed to confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart
disease patient should affect that person’s treatment.They also would like to know if more aggressive
treatment could reduce the patient's chance of a heart attack or stroke.The study appeared in the
Journal of the American Medical Association.
5 Could a little sleep during the middle of the day reduce the risk of a heart attack?An unrelated
study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that the answer may be yes.In countries
like the United States,afternoon naps are mostly for children. But they are common for adults in
Mediterranean countries.And these countries generally have lower rates of heart disease.So scientists in the
United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a part.Twenty-three thousand healthy adults took part
in the study by Harvard University and the University of Athens.Those who took thirty-minute naps three
times a week had a thirty-seven percent lower risk of death from heart problems than people who did not take
6 The researchers say napping may improve heart health by reducing stress.They say the research
suggests that naps are especially good for working men.But they say not enough female subjects died during
the study to judge the benefits for women.

Paragraph 3 ________
A:More Questions to Be Asked
B:Older Males Have Higher Levels of NT-proBNP
C:Development of a Simple But Important Test
D:Evidence of Positive Relationship Between Napping and Heart Discase
E: How to Control the Levels of NT- proBNP
F: Effects of NT-proBNP on Heart Disease

由第二段后面两句可知,通过检查心脏病人的NT-proBNP水平,发现水平最高的病人 与水平最低的病人之间患心脏病的可能性相差近8倍。
第三段说到,研究涉及的多是男性,并发现老年男性且患有糖尿病和高血压者 NT-proBNP的水平最高。
由第四段的内容可知,其他研究者认为还要确认一些问题,如心脏病病人蛋白质水平 是否影响其治疗;他们还想知道更多的积极治疗能否减少病人得心脏病和中风的机会。
第五段说到,地中海国家的成年人普遍都午睡,而且患心脏病的几率较低。哈佛大学 和雅典大学的研究证明,每周午睡三次,每次30分钟的人比完全不午睡的人死于心脏病的几 率低37%。
答案来源于第三段第二句和文章的最后一句。第4部分:阅读理解第一篇 本篇文章主要讲述了普通感冒的传播特点及其预防和治疗。


Stem Cell Therapy May Help Repair the Heart
According to scientists in the USA,stem cell therapy may one day be able to repair the
hearts of people with heart failure.Researchers at Pittsburgh University School of Medicine
examined 20 patients who had severe heart failure and were going to have surgery.
They injected stem cells into the parts of their hearts that were damaged.They then
compared their hearts with those of people who had undergone surgery without having the
stem cells injected into them(they had also suffered from severe heart failure).The
patients who had had the stem cells injected had hearts that were able to pump(用泵抽运)
more blood than the others.
According to Professor Robert Kormos,one of the researchers,these results could
revolutionize heart treatment.Although previous studies had indicated that there might be a
benefit,this is the first study that has actually proved that stem cell therapy can help the
failing heart work better.
All the patients in this study had hearts that could not pump blood properly.The
scientists measured their ejection fraction(射血分数).This is a measure of heart
performance;you measure how much blood is being pumped out by the left ventricle(心
Healthy people's ejection fraction is about 55%.These patients had ejection fraction of
under 35%. They all had by-pass surgery(搭桥手术)performed on them. Some of the
patients had stem cells taken from their hip bones and injected into 25-30 sites in the
damaged heart muscle.Six months later their ejection fraction rate was 46.1%while those
who just had surgery but no stem cell injections averaged 37. 2%.
No side effects were reported.
Heart failure is a common problem all over the world.In the UK alone about 650, 000
people suffer from heart failure every year. As the number of people suffering from heart
failure increases in the world in general these findings are particularly significant.
Current treatments relieve the symptoms.This new stem cell therapy actually repairs
the damaged muscle in the heart and has the potential of curing the disease.

The 20 patients had stem cell injections instead of surgery.
C:Not mentioned




Human Heart can Make New Cells

Solving a longstanding(为时甚久的)mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to
generate new cardiac(心脏的)cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows
with age.
The finding,published in the April 3rd issue of Science,could open a new path for the treatment of heart
diseases such as heart failure and heart attack,experts say.
"We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes(心肌细胞),are renewed," said lead
researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen,a professor of stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm,
Sweden."It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we were born with
or whether they could be renewed,"he said.
"The process of renewing these cells changes over time,"Frisen added. In a 20-year-old,about 1
percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year , but the turnover(更替)rate decreases with age to only
0.45 percent by age 75.
"If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated,it may be potentially
possible to develop pharmaceuticals(药物)that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after , for
example,a heart attack,"Frisen said.
That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts.
"A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure,."noted co-author Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj,also from the
Karolinska Institute."Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said.
"With this finding,scientists are opening the door to potential therapies(疗法),to having ourselves heal
ourselves,"Bhardwaj said."Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells
make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing."
But barriers remain.According to Bhardwaj,scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell
production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off,especially in older patients with
heart failure.In addition,the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts一
whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.

Chronic heart failure is attributed to _________.
A:the dying heart cells
B:the effect of pharmaceuticals
C:the weight of the patient
D:the life span of a person

根据第一段中“…the human heart continues to generate new cardiac(心脏的)cells throughout the life span”可知,在人的整个生命进程中,其心脏持续产生新的心肌细胞。言外之 意,这个过程直到生命结束才会停止。
根据第二段中“The finding...could open a new path for the treatment of heart diseases”可 知,这个研究成果将为心脏病的治疗开辟新的途径。因此C项符合题意。
根据第四段中“…but the turnover(更替)rate decreases with age to only 0.45 percent by age 75”可知,C项符合题意。
根据倒数第三段中“Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying”可知,慢性心力衰 竭是由心肌细胞死亡导致的。因此A项符合题意。
最后一句的大意是:另外,心脏产生的新细胞的数量是按照健康心脏估算的,而患病心脏的细胞更替率是否与健康心脏相同还不得而知。因此C项符合题意。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了远古冰人尸体的发现及对其的相关研究情况。
