
单选题Wrought iron has an inherent resistance to corrosion but is not to be had freely , its place has been taken by the cuprous alloysAccording to the above sentence , which of the following statements is true?()A Wrought iron can resist liquids flowB It is

Wrought iron has an inherent resistance to corrosion but is not to be had freely , its place has been taken by the cuprous alloysAccording to the above sentence , which of the following statements is true?()

Wrought iron can resist liquids flow


It is difficult to attain the wrought iron


Wrought iron should be combined with cuprous alloys


The cuprous alloys have mere disadvantages than wrought iron

正确答案: A
解析: 暂无解析
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow ____?to environmental threats.

A. response

B. responsibility

C. resolution

D. resistance




The field current supply in older machines comes from a lower voltage direct current generator or exciter on the same shaft as the alternator. Modern machines however are either statically excited or of the high-speed brush-less type. The exciter is required to operate to counter the effects of power factor for a given load. The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the cosine of the phase angle. With a purely resistance load the voltage and the current are in phase, giving a power factor of one. The power consumed is therefore the product of voltage and current. Inductive or capacitive loads, combined with resistance loads, produce lagging or leading power factors which have a value less than one.

The power consumed is therefore the product of current, voltage and power factor. The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulting from the load. When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. Therefore the exciter, in maintaining the alternator voltage, must vary with load current and also the power factor. The speed change of the prime mover must also be taken into account.

问题: The word “machines” in the passage refers to _____.

A.the direct current generator

B.the alternating current generator

C.the exciter

D.the prime mover

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?

A.With a purely resistance load, the power factor is zero

B.Inductive loads combined with resistance loads produces leading power factors

C.Capacitive loads combined with resistance loads produces lagging power factors

D.With a purely resistance load, the phase angle is zero

When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. This sentence means that _____.A.with a purely resistance load, the voltage drops too much

B.there is a considerable voltage drop in the capacitive load combined with resistance load

C.when the load is the capacitive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drops to zero

D.when the load is the inductive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drop is fairly large

The exciter must vary with: ① load current ② the power factor, ③ speed change of the prime mover.A.①





问题 1 答案解析:B

问题 2 答案解析:D

问题 3 答案解析:D

问题 4 答案解析:D


I'm still working on ______ a few problems.

A iron in ;

B to iron at ;

C ironing out




Iron Deficiencies

Experts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.
"We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."
Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."
Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency.
"The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.
The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.

Who will show evidence of iron loss?
A:Inactive women.
B:Active women.
C:Women who do a program of moderate exercises regularly.
D:Women who are inactive and start to do moderate exercises.

文章第一段第一句告诉我们endurance athletes会缺铁,它是指“耐力运动员”。选项A是指“跳高运动员”,选项B是指“举重运动员”,选项C是指“马拉松运动员”,选项D是指“短跑运动员”。因此选项C最合适。



When a clean bill of lading has been issued,estoppel arises or,in other words,the carrier is prevented from proving,as against a third party relying on the clean bill of lading,that there was any thing wrong.In the case of inherent vice,however,which is a natural defect in the thing shipped,the carrier is not estopped by his clean bill of lading,because a clean bill of lading,in stating that a certain cargo is on board,gives sufficient notice that this cargo,in the natural course of events,may have certain qualities or defects which all similar cargo normally has.For example,a cargo of flour will shrink slightly,and this fact does not have to be noted on the face of the bill of lading.

Similarly,where cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage contemplated by the parties,owing to some inherent vice or hidden defect presented within it,the carrier is not estopped by the clean bill of lading from asserting the inherent defect exception,provided that the damage has not been aggravated by any conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is responsible.

The carrier issuing a clean bill of lading is only bound by his statements as to the outward condition of the cargo and is therefore not estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipment.In other words,a clean bill of lading does not necessarily fulfill the shipper&39;s burden of proof in respect to inherent vice or hidden defect.


The slight shrinkage of flour is ________.

A.an inherent defect of the cargo

B.a damage which is always aggravated by the conduct of carrier

C.a vice or defect which should be noted on face of B/L due to the fact that it is not apparent at the time of shipment

D.an outward condition of the cargo

The carrier issuing a clean bill of lading will only be bound by ________.A.any thing wrong in the natural course of events

B.the conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is responsible

C.inherent vice or hidden defect presented within the cargo

D.the apparent order and condition of the cargo

Of the following,________ in the cargo shipped on board his vessel should be considered as a thing that will give rise to estoppel on the part of the carrier.A.ordinary incident

B.hidden defect

C.inherent vice

D.inherent defect

It is concluded that on issuing a clean bill of lading,the carrier ________.A.indicates that the cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage contemplated by the parties

B.gives sufficient notice that this cargo has no defects which all similar cargo normally has

C.will be prevented from proving there is any natural defect in the thing shipped

D.will not be estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipment


问题 1 答案解析:A

问题 2 答案解析:D

问题 3 答案解析:A

问题 4 答案解析:D


Constant cooling the various components of diesel engine has a number of functions except for ______.

A.good lubrication

B.low thermal stress

C.good mechanical properties

D.acid corrosion



It has been decided that a collision due to any cause other than the negligence of the Shipowner or his servants is within the scope of ________ .

A.act of God

B.peril of the sea

C.queen's enemies

D.inherent vice in the goods



Priestley doesn’t think he has an iron will, and he is not sorry about it.()




Iron Deficiencies

Experts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.
"We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."
Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."
Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency.
"The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.
The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.

Who will have a significant decrease in iron levels?
A:All the women.
B:All the inactive women.
C:Women who start to do moderate exercise and follow their normal diet.
D:Women who start to do moderate exercise and consume additional meat or take iron supplements.

文章第一段第一句告诉我们endurance athletes会缺铁,它是指“耐力运动员”。选项A是指“跳高运动员”,选项B是指“举重运动员”,选项C是指“马拉松运动员”,选项D是指“短跑运动员”。因此选项C最合适。



Superconducting Ceramic(陶瓷)

An underaround revolution beqins this winter. With the flip(轻击)of a switch,
30,000 homes in one part of Detroit will soon become the first in the country to receive
electricity transmitted by ice-cold high-performance cables.Other American cities are
expected to follow Detroit's example in the years ahead,which could conserve enormous
amounts of rower.
The new electrical cables at the Frisbie power station in Detroit are revolutionary
because they are made of superconductors.A superconductor is a material that transmits
electricity with little or no resistance.Resistance is the degree to which a substance resists
electric current.All common electrical conductors have a certain amount of electrical
resistance.They convert at least some of the electrical energy passing through them into
waste heat.Superconductors don't.No one understands how superconductivity works.It
just does.
Making superconductors isn't easy.A superconducting material has to be cooled to an
extremely low temperature to lose its resistance.The first superconductors,made more
than 50 years ago,had to be cooled to -263 degrees Celsius before they lost their
resistance.Newer superconducting materials lose their resistance at-143 degrees Celsius.
The superconductors cable installed at the Frisbie station is made of a ceramic material
that contains copper,oxygen,bismuth(秘),strontium(锶)and calcium (钙).A
ceramic is a hard,strong compound made from clay or minerals.The superconducting
ceramic has been fashioned into a tape that is wrapped lengthwise around a long tube filled
with liquid nitrogen.Liquid nitrogen is supercold and lowers the temperature of the ceramic
tape to the point where it conveys electricity with zero resistance.
The United States loses an enormous amount of electricity each year to resistance.
Because cooled superconductors have no resistance,they waste much less power. Other
cities are watching the Frisbie experiment in the hope that they might switch to
superconducting cable and conserve power,too.

According tothe last paragraph,which of the following statements is NOT true?
A:Other cities hope they can also conserve power.
B:Other cities hope they can use superconducting cables soon.
C:Superconductors waste less power because of their low resistance.
D:The Frisbie experiment is not successful.

