Using a medium graphite grease as a lubricant
Operating a winch too slow
Using a sheave with an undersized throat
A sheave diameter of 24 times the wire's diameter
Which molten substance is poured into the basket of a wire rope socket being fitted to the end of a wire rope ________.
Galvanizing would be suitable for protecting wire rope which is used for ______.
A.cargo runners
C.topping lifts
D.All of the above
Which statement concerning the lashings of containers with solid bar or wire rope lashings is TRUE ________.
A.Stack weights should be less when using a solid bar lashing as compared to a wire lashing
B.Stack heights may be increased when using a solid bar lashing
C.Stack heights should be reduced when using a solid bar lashing
D.Solid bars should be used for lashing the first tier only,with wire lashings on the higher tier(s)
A bowline knot
A long splice
An overhand knot with a wire rope clip
Wire rope clips with a thimble eye
A ()(钢丝刷) should be used on all bare metal to remove the last of the scale.
What is the accepted standard for wire rope falls used in connection with the lifeboat gear ________.
A.Six by seven galvanized wire rope
B.Six by twenty-four improved plow steel wire rope
C.Six by thirty-seven preformed fiber-core wire rope
D.Six by nineteen regular-lay filler wire rope
Ropes can be divided into three types: ().
Which statement is FALSE concerning a tagline as used with a 30-ton pedestal crane ________.
A.Taglines are wire rope purchases that raise and lower the jib
B.Taglines are wire ropes for horizontal positioning of the rider block
C.Taglines can be fastened to corners of vehicles or containers
D.The crane might not have taglines installed in its rigging system
Which of the following is the MOST likely to cause a server power supply fan to fail but allows the power supply to still be functional?()
three wire rope clamps
an eye splice with four or five tucks
a thimble fastened with four or five tucks
a wire rope socket attached with zinc