
单选题Main engine room control console alarms are to be of the self monitoring type, meaning that an open circuit to a particular alarm circuit will ()A cause an alarm conditionB secure power to the indicatorC secure power to the monitored deviceD automatica

Main engine room control console alarms are to be of the self monitoring type, meaning that an open circuit to a particular alarm circuit will ()

cause an alarm condition


secure power to the indicator


secure power to the monitored device


automatically recluse within 10 seconds

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With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched will control the main engine

A.the bridge officer on watch

B.the chief engineer

C.the duty engineer

D.the duty motorman



If both the ‘high level’and ‘low level’ alarms come on for the same address of a centralized(集中的) control console, the most likely problem is a/an ______.

A.sensor failure

B.failed alarm

C.low level

D.extremely high level



When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0

A.engine room logbook

B.vovage logbook

c engine room logbook or voyage loglook

D.engine room logbook and voyage logbook




  • A、The main body of a vessel is the hull.
  • B、The main body of a vessel is the superstructure.
  • C、The main body of a vessel is the engine room.
  • D、The main body of a vessel is the poop.




At 0840 hrs,with the ship&39;s head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her starboard side.A spout of water mixed with oil about 60cm in diameter and 2.5-3m high above the engine room bottom plating was observed,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down.

The engine room flooded rapidly and the water level soon reached the electro-magnetic couplings,stopping the main engine.In the meantime,on being apprised of the situation,the Master ordered the evacuation of the engine room,which was successfully carried out under the supervision of the 2/E engineer,and the engine room crew were mustered on the boat deck wearing life jackets.

Shortly thereafter,the emergency air cut-off to the engine room and the emergency fuel shut-off were actuated causing the main generator to stop at 0845 hrs.The emergency generator then started up automatically.The starboard anchor was dropped in an attempt to prevent further westward drift.The vessel was by this time being subjected to pounding on the rocks,eventually breaking her back at 0930 hrs after which the violent motion ceased. Evacuation of the vessel commenced at 1045 hrs using 2 SAR helicopters with a Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft in attendance,and was completed at 1220 hours.


The main engine was caused to stop by the loss of the function of ________.

A.engine room bottom plating

B.emergency fuel shut-off

C.emergency air cut-off

D.electro-magnetic couplings

The reason that the violent motion of the vessel ceased was that ________.A.the starboard anchor was dropped properly to prevent further westward drift

B.the winds and/or seas decreased in a considerable extent

C.the vessel was held fast on the grounding rocks

D.the vessel's back was broken

This report is most likely prepared by ________.A.the master of the vessel

B.the cargo owners of the vessel

C.the shippers of the vessel

D.the independent investigator of the accident

The crew were taken off the vessel by ________.A.air-planes


C.an fixed-wing aircraft

D.the boat under the supervision of the 2/E engineer


问题 1 答案解析:D

问题 2 答案解析:D

问题 3 答案解析:D

问题 4 答案解析:B


The additional mark______in the Classification Certificate for Machinery represents the propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine room is watched by duty personnel.







Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds.The vessel is ______.

A.sagging with tensile stress on main deck

B.sagging with compressive stress on main deck

C.hogging with tensile stress on main deck

D.hogging with compressive stress on main deck



Which of the following is operated from the main engine room console on an automated vessel?

A.Fire pump and lube oil pump

B.Lube oil pump and distilling plant

C.Distilling plant and shaft alley door

D.Shaft alley door and fixed CO2 release



Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must ______.

A.secure the engine room ventilation

B.secure the machinery in the engine room

C.evacuate all engine room personnel

D.All of the above



Where are the life-jackets for the duty personnel?()

  • A、They are in the chief officer’s cabin.
  • B、They are in the store room.
  • C、They are in the control room.
  • D、They are in the engine room.

