
单选题Fixed C02 systems would not be used on crew’s quarters or().A the paint lockerB spaces open to the atmospereC cargo holdsD the engine room

Fixed C02 systems would not be used on crew’s quarters or().

the paint locker


spaces open to the atmospere


cargo holds


the engine room

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In the event of fire in a machinery space,______.

A.the fixed carbon dioxide system should be used only when all other means of extinguishment have failed

B.the fixed carbon dioxide system should be used immediately,as it is the most efficient means of extinguishment

C.water in any form should not be used as it will spread the fire

D.the space should be opened 5 minutes after flooding CO2 to prevent injury to personnel



Which lashing device(s)would be used in securing heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels ________.

A.Buckle or ratchet tensioner



D.All of the above



The students must finish the test in().

A、three quarters of an hour time

B、three quarter's of an hour time

C、three quarters of an hour's time

D、three quarters'of an hour's time

正确答案: C



Human Space Exploration

While scientists are searching the cause of the Columbia disaster,NASA is moving
ahead with plans to develop a new craft that would replace shuttles(航天飞机)on space
station missions by 2012 and respond quickly to space station emergencies.
The space agency released the first set of mission needs and requirements several days
ago for the orbital space plane(轨道航天飞机),which would be designed to transport a
crew of four to and from the International Space Station.
Although it includes few specifics, the plan states the orbiter(轨道航天飞机)will be
safer,cheaper and require less preparation time than the shuttle.It would be able to
transport four crew members by 2012一though it would be available for rescue missions by
2010.NASA says the craft should be able to transport injured or ill space station crew
members to "definitive(决定性的)medical care" within 24 hours.
The release of the requirements showed NASA remains focused on the long-term
priorities of space exploration,even as questions exist concerning the loss of Columbia and
its seven-member crew on February 1,2003.
Experts at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville,Alabama,have been working for
years on a successor to the shuttle.The project,known as the Space Launch Initiative(倡
议),was divided last year into two parts一one focusing on a future launch vehicle,the
other on a space station orbiter. The orbiter is expected to be ready sooner.
The program's managers say NASA officials have told them not to alter Space
Launch Initiative in light of the Columbia disaster.
U.S. President George W. Bush asked Congress for about U.S.$1 billion for Space
Launch Initiative in 2004,funds that would be almost equally split between the Orbital Space
Plane and Next Generation Launch Technology.

Besides its main mission,the orbiter would also be used as
A:a medical research center.
B:a space station.
C:a space ambulance.
D:a passenger plane.



______ is not a proper form for Muster lists.

A.A separate card given to each crew member

B.A separate instruction booklet given to each crew member

C.A card fixed in each cabin with instructions for the occupant of the cabin

D.A well prepared notice posted on water-tight doors and/or in chart-room



The forecastle card ______.

A.Advises the crew of the conditions of employment

B.Is also known as a Merchant Mariner's Document

C.Designates the quarters a seaman will occupy during a voyage

D.Is posted in the crews quarters and lists the emergency stations



Which statement is TRUE concerning inert gas systems on tankers ________.

A.Flue gases from the ship's boilers are used in some systems

B.The gas is helium

C.Using the system accelerates the rusting of the tanks

D.All of the above



A crew list is a piece of paper which shows ______.

A.all names of crew members on board

B.all crew member's lists on board

C.all paper of crew members on board

D.all names of lists for the crew on board



Fixed CO2 systems would not be used on crew’s quarters or ______.

A.the paint locker

B.spaces open to the atmosphere

C.cargo holds

D.the engine room




  • A、Deck cargo at shipper’s risk.
  • B、Not tallied by ship’s crew.
  • C、1000 packages tallied by ship’s crew.990 packages tallied by tallyman.
  • D、Tally said to be.

