
单选题When starting CPR on a drowning victim,you should().A start chest compressions before the victim is removed from the waterB drain water from the lungs before ventilatingC begin mouth-to-mouth ventilations as soon as possibleD do not tilt the head back

When starting CPR on a drowning victim,you should().

start chest compressions before the victim is removed from the water


drain water from the lungs before ventilating


begin mouth-to-mouth ventilations as soon as possible


do not tilt the head back since it may cause vomiting

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I () his face when he opened the letter.

A.should like you to see

B.would have liked you to be seen

C.should like you to have seen

D.would like you to see



Receiving Visitors at the Airport

Do you, sometimes, need to go to meet some visitors at the airport? What should you do when you meet them? What should you talk about? On their arrival, you should pay attention to the following points:

Going up to meet the visitors

Asking about their journey

Helping with their luggage

When going to the visitors and making introduction at the airport, you should remember that the person of less importance, regardless of gender, is introduced to the person of greater importance and the visitor is always more important than anyone in your organization. The introduction is usually followed by a brief and firm handshake.

To break the ice, after introduction, you can ask about their journey, like: “Did you enjoy your journey?” , “How was your trip?” etc. If you want to be more friendly and helpful, you may offer to take the luggage.

When you get to the hotel, accompany your visitors to the hotel front desk and help them with the check-in. After check-in, ask a bell boy to help carry the luggage.

When your visitors have settled down, discuss the schedule with them to see if there might be any changes. If there are changes, don't forget to let the related persons know.

1.When making introductions, the introduction is usually starting with a brief and firm handshake.

2.In order to break the ice, you may ask visitors about their journey after the introduction.

3.If you want to be more friendly and helpful, you'd better help carry the luggage.

4.You should discuss the schedule with the visitors before they've settled down.

5.It is not friendly to ask about the visitor's journey.

参考答案:1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F


Which are necessary when you call the victim? ()

A. listen to the breath

B. Move all the clothes

C. watch chest movement

D. transfer the patient to the bed



When you find you make a mistake in the chat room, what should you do?


 I should correct myself and apologize to those that I have offended.


In which two situations should you run the command sync group?() (Choose two.)

A. when you enable Unified Failover

B. when you create an ActiveN group

C. when you synchronize the sticky table

D. when you require synchronization of the 3G Cache objects

参考答案:A, B


When a customer is complaining to you ,you should_____.

A. listen carefully and make notes

B. make personal comments



What procedures should be taken when you receive helm orders as a helmsman?

正确答案:The helmsman should take three procedures orderly when he receives the helms orders, that is to repeat, carry out and report. The helmsman should answer the helm orders clearly and loudly. When the ship does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should report it immediately to the person giving the orders.


Which are correct when you do CPR? ()

A. Never stops until help comes

B. Turn the head to the side and clean the vomiting

C. Ensure the environment is safe enough before CPR starts

D. Do the CPR for children in the same way as for adults



When you're _t_________ ,you should have some water.

32. thirsty


If a victim is unconscious,you should first look for evidence of ______.

A.high fever

B.head injury

C.broken limbs

D.irregular breathing

