
单选题When the engine room is put in standby condition, the engineer in charge of the watch need not to()A ensure all machinery which may be used during maneuvering is in readyB ensure an adequate reserve of power is available for steering gear and other req

When the engine room is put in standby condition, the engineer in charge of the watch need not to()

ensure all machinery which may be used during maneuvering is in ready


ensure an adequate reserve of power is available for steering gear and other requirements


keep the main propulsion unit controls continuously attended when in the manual mode of operation


ensure all machinery which may be used during maneuvering is running stably

正确答案: D
解析: 暂无解析
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What must be paid attention when watchkeeping in the engine room?

正确答案:Fuel oil, lubricant oil must be invariable considered. Dispose of oily water. If abnormal sound or symptom is detected, report to Chief Engineer immediately. Obey instructions from Captain, Chief Engineer, Officer on the bridge.


when you do the watch keeping in the engine room ,what should you be careful about ?

正确答案:I should take close watch on the fuel oil and lubricating oil condition to notice any possible problems arising from abnormal temperature ,,leakage ,or some other problems ; if hearing is seeing abnormal noises for machines ,I should make a quick judgement and report them to C/E or even master I myself cannot deal with it ,obey the rules of the company and the instruction from C/E and master and some warning from the deck department .l


When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0

A.engine room logbook

B.vovage logbook

c engine room logbook or voyage loglook

D.engine room logbook and voyage logbook



Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must ______.

A.secure the engine room ventilation

B.secure the machinery in the engine room

C.evacuate all engine room personnel

D.All of the above



Which of the following is the stated proper sequence before commencing cargo operations aboard Ro-Ro vessels?

A.Start ventilation,lower the ramp,notify engine room

B.Lower the ramp,start ventilation,notify engine room

C.Notify engine room,lower the ramp,start ventilation

D.Start ventilation,notify engine room,lower the ramp



With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched will control the main engine

A.the bridge officer on watch

B.the chief engineer

C.the duty engineer

D.the duty motorman



when do you have call the chief engineer to the engine room ?

正确答案:In emergency situations such as fire ,explosion and flooding etc ;Some other situations include : (1) if damage to or loss of function of the machinery occurs which may cause a hazard to the safe operation of the vessel (2) if a malfunction of certain equipment occurs that may cause damage or breakdown of the propulsion machinery ,auxiliary machinery ,monitoring system or speed regulating system ; (3) in situation which the engineer officer of the watch is in doubt as to which decision to make or which measure to adopt .


How to pump out bilge water in the engine room?

正确答案:Pump bilge water into sludge tank. Then pump bilge water into oily water separator. Enquire master or deck officers on duty to pump out at appropriate water. The proportion should not beyond 15 PPM.机舱排污水程序可表述为把污水排到污水集中柜内,再通过油水分离器在允许排放区域按含油量小于15 PPM排放。


On a vessel with a single propeller,transverse force has the most effect on the vessel when the engine is put ______.

A.full ahead

B.full astern

C.half ahead

D.slow astern



The ()is next to the chart room.

  • A、engine room
  • B、cook room
  • C、saloon
  • D、pilot room

