
单选题Passage1Teaching children to read well from the start is the most important task of elementary schools.But relying on educators to approach this task correctly can be a great mistake. Many schools continue to employ instructional methods that have been

Passage1Teaching children to read well from the start is the most important task of elementary schools.But relying on educators to approach this task correctly can be a great mistake. Many schools continue to employ instructional methods that have been proven inefective. The staying power of the look-sayor whole-wordmethod of teaching beginning reading is perhaps the most flagrant example of this failure to instruct effectively.The whole-word approach to reading stresses the meaning of words over the meaning of letters, thinking over decoding, developing a sight vocabulary of familiar words over developing the ability to unlock the pronunciation of unfamiliar words. It fits in with the self-directed, learning how to learn activities recommended by advocates of open classrooms and with the concept that children have to be developmentally ready to begin reading. Before 1963, no major publisher put out anything but these Run-Spot-Run readers.However, in 1955, Rudolf Flesch touched off what has been called the great debatein beginning reading. In his best-seller Why Johnny Can't Read, Flesch indicted the nation's public schools for miseducating students by using the look-say method. He said-and more scholarly studies by Jeane Chall and Rovert Dyksta later confirmed-that another approach to beginning reading, founded on phonics, is far superior.Systematic phonics first teaches children to associate letters and letter combinations with sounds; it then teaches them how to blend these sounds together to make words. Rather than building up a relatively limited vocabulary of memorized words, it imparts a code by which the pronunciations of the vast majority of the most common words in the English language can be learned. Phonics does not devalue the importance of thinking about the meaning of words and sentences; it simply recognizes that decoding is the logical and necessary first step.One major difference between the look-saymethod of learning reading and the phonics method is________

look-say is simpler


phonics takes longer to learn


look-say is easier to teach


phonics gives readers access to far more words

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Which group of children have a bias when choosing musical instruments?

A.Children with private music tutors.

B.Children who are between 5 and 7.

C.Children who are well-educated.

D.Children who are 8 or older.



We didn't know what had happened to her until we () the accident in the newspaper.


B、read of

C、read over

D、read from



The father as well as children () every Sunday afternoon in winter.




D.are going



By saying “Middle children are invisible” in paragraph 3, Lewis means that middle children 。

A. have to help their parents to serve dinner

B. get the least attention from the family

C. are often kept away from the dinner table

D. find it hard to keep up with other children

文章第三段提到 Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner conversation is likely to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. 可以看出老大和老小都是谈话的焦点,只有中间的孩子是被人忽视的。


He interacts well() other children in the class.







Some children learn to speak,read and write when they are very young compared _____ children.

A. with normal

B. to average

C. with usual

D. to usual

参考答案: B



The law defines youthful offenders (aged 18 or under) as offenses. As for the same offenses, the court would consider an adult as a offenders" are juveniles who commit offenses appropriate only to juveniles, such as truancy from school. Here are a few ideas to help prevent your children from being a delinquent.

Keep your children in school to help prevent delinquency. Minor offenses, such as truancy, can lead to more serious offenses. Make clear to your children your expectations about their school attendance. Meet with school officials if necessary.

Exercise adequate supervision. Juveniles rarely commit serious offenses while under the supervision of an adult. Seek the assistance of your local service agencies, if you feel you cannot control your children. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline.

Educate your children about the dangers of drugs. Drug offenses and addiction can have serious consequences for your children. Let your children know you will not tolerate drug use. Stay informed about drug use trends in children.

Get your children involved in after-school recreational activities, sports, community service or other positive activities. Young people with positive outlets for their energy are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.

Know who your children’s friends are. Show an interest in your children's social life and peer groups. Peer pressure may have a bad effect on teenagers and young people. Do not allow your children to associate with juvenile delinquents.

( )21.the court would consider youthful offenders as”criminals” if they commit offenses.

( )22. You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency.

( )23. If you cannot control your children, ask for help from the local service agencies.

( )24. Inform. your children that you will not tolerate drug use and drug offenses can have serious results for your children.

( )25. Children always involving in positive activities are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.








——I’ve read another book this week .

——Well, maybe is not how much you read but what you read that counts .

A .thisB. thatC. thereD. it



( )Many pictures in the book “Learning How to Learn” can __________.

A.make children read slowly

B.make children understand the book easily

C.make the book boring

D.make children draw beautifully



That book is well ____________ (值得) reading. You’d better read it.


