
单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题。Passage 2Scientists have found that although we are prone to snap overreactions,if we take a moment and think about how we are likely to react,we can reduce or even eliminate the negative effects of our quick,hard-wired respon

请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题。Passage 2Scientists have found that although we are prone to snap overreactions,if we take a moment and think about how we are likely to react,we can reduce or even eliminate the negative effects of our quick,hard-wired responses.Snap decisions can be important defense mechanisms; if we are judging whether someone is dangerous,our brains and bodies are hard-wired to react very quickly,within milliseconds.But we need more time to assess other factors.To accurately tell whether someone is sociable,studies show,we need at least a minute,preferably five.It takes a while to judge complex aspects of personality,like neuroticism or open-mindedness.But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren't exclusive to the mterpersonal realm. Psychologists at the University of Toronto found that viewing a fast-food logo for just a few milliseconds primes us to read 20 percent faster,even though reading has little to do with eating.We unconsciously associate fast food with speed and impatience and carry those impulses mto whatever else we're doing.Subjects exposed to fast-food flashes also tend to think a musical piece lasts too long.Yet we can reverse such influences.If we know we will overreact to consumer products or housing options when we see a happy face(one reason good sales representatives and real estate agents are always smiling),we can take a moment before buying.If we know female job screeners are more likely to reject attractive female applicants,we can help screeners understand their biases-or hire outside screeners.John Gottman,the marriage expert,explains that we quicklythin slice information reliably only after we ground such snap reactions inthick sliced long-term study.When Dr.Gottman really wants to assess whether a couple will stay together,he invites them to his island retreat for a much longer evaluation: two days,not two seconds.Our ability to mute our hard-wired reactions by pausing is what differentiates us from arumals:dogs can think about the future only intermittently or for a few minutes.But historically we have spent about 12 percent of our days contemplating the longer term.Although technology might change the way we react,it hasn't changed our nature.We still have the imaginative capacity to rise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.The time needed in making decisions may ____.

vary according to the urgency of the situation


prove the complexity of our brain reaction


depend on the importance of the assessment


predetermine the accuracy of our judgment

正确答案: B
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阅读下面一段课文,回答下列 24~26 小题。

第 24 题 阅读全诗,分析这首诗的抒情层次。



30.in this passage the writer wants to tell us

A. how to eat breakfast

B. people can-t work without breakfast

C. breakfast is important

D. parents may not have breakfast



According to the passage, most children tend to believe that they go to school because they_____.

A. need to acquire knowledge

B. have to obey their parents

C. need to find companions

D. have to observe the law



Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?

Researchers Have Pointed Out the Disadvantages of Breast-feeding


Researchers Have Found Out the Shortcomings of Formula


Breast-feeding Improves Chances of Success


Breast-feeding Benefits Both Mother and Baby

正确答案: A
主旨大意题。文章首段首句交代了文章主旨大意“Babies who are breast-fed may be more likely to be successful in life...”(与配方奶粉喂养的孩子相比,母乳喂养的孩子在将来更可能取得成功)。后文就是对母乳喂养的好处通过跟踪调查进行具体说明。A、B两项说的是缺点,不符合文章主题,D项说的是母乳喂养对妈妈和孩子的好处,但本文主要讲的是对孩子的好处,并没有提到对妈妈有好处。选项C正确。


请阅读Passage l。完成第21—25小题。
Passage 1
It's one of our common beliefs that mice are afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has never seen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from it and run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wired into a mouse s brain.
But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. She has found a way to"cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infecting them with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature.
The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii, might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third of people around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseases among humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and the death of unborn babies.
However, the parasite's effects on mice are unique. Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat's urine(尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted that normal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected with the parasite walked freely around the test area.
But that's not all. The parasite was found to be more powerful than originally thought—even after researchers cured the mice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat's smell,which could indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice's brains.
Why does a parasite change a mouse's brain instead of making it sick like it does to humans?
The answer lies in evolution.
"It's exciting scary to know how a parasite can manipulate a mouse's brain this way," Ingram said. But she also finds it inspiring."Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor and take antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptoms to also go away."
She said, but this study has proven that wrong."This may have huge implications for infectious disease medicine."

The passage is mainly about__________.

A.mice' s inborn terror of cats
B.the evolution of Toxoplasma
C.a new study about the effects of a parasite on mice
D.a harmful parasite called Toxoplasma gondii

根据文章第二段“She has found a way t0‘cure’mice of their inborn fear of cats by infecting them with a parasite。reported the science iournal Nature.”可知,Berkeley发现了一种通过让老鼠感染寄生虫来改变它们天生害怕猫的方法。文章下面的内容也都是围绕着这个新发现来阐述的.故选C。


According to the passage,quicksand is usually found______.

A. on hillsides

B. far inland

C. near water

D. on prairies

[解析] 见第二段第一句话,流沙通常存在于沿岸边和河床上。选项c最为接近。


25. The passage can most probably be found in a ________ book.

A. science

B. history

C. travel

D. maths





第3题:According to this passage, gestures are__________

A. spoken words              

B. a non-language element

C. pictures in a language     

D. written language




The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that__________.

A.scientists have found a way to prolong the period of clinical death
B.biological death occurs when vital organs have suffered permanent damage
C.modern scientists divide the process of dying into clinical and biological death
D.cooling delays the processes leading to biological death



Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?

The author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits  science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.


Both of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.


The first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,


The first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.


The author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

正确答案: E
