
单选题In how many different ways can five pupils be seated in four chairs?A 20B 40C 60D 80E 120

In how many different ways can five pupils be seated in four chairs?










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How many types of communication?







How many aspects does face normally have?







How many price choices does the man offer?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.



We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把...按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop their leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

Which of the following is not mentioned in the third paragraph?

A.Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others.
B.Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.
C.Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.
D.Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.

根据第三段第二句“The pupils often work in groups:this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate,to share,and to develop leadership skills.”可知,经常以小组学习的学生们可以有机会学会合作、分享,以及培养领导能力。由此,可以分别对应到选项A、C。根据第三段第三句“They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think…”可知.学生们以小组学习可以学到如何处理个人问题,而且还可以学会如何思考等,可与选项B“reasoning abilities”(推理能力)相对应。因此,通过排除可以得到本题答案为D。


We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把...按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop their leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

By "held back" the writer means "_______ "

A.made to remain in the same classes
B.forced to study in the lower classes
C.drawn to their studies
D.prevented from advancing

hold back意为“隐瞒,控制,阻碍,犹豫不决”,同样根据文章第一句话和第二句话可以看出此处hold back意为“阻止”,prevent from正合此意。“mixed.ability teachin9”对于聪明孩子并来阻止,也就是说“mixed.ability teachin9”并未阻止聪明孩子的发展,所以答案为D。


How many ways of communication?







We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把...按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop their leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

The writer's purpose in writing this passage is to

A.argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
B.recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
C.offer advice on the proper use of the library
D.emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching

本题的问题是“作者写这篇文章的目的是什么”。文章第一段以“mixed-ability teaching”这一有利于学生发展的教学方法引出提升学生能力的话题;接着第二段提到学生能力的提升不仅仅是智力方面的提高,而是全方面能力的提升;第三段便举出课堂上提升能力的一种教学方法——group work;最后一段作者提出学生学习还可以通过work in pairs,work on individual tasks and assignments等其他方法来学习。通过文章脉络整理得到本题答案为D。



The music club

The music club needs two people. Read about the four people. How many things can each student do?

Ma Hui

I can’t sing and I can't dance. I can play the violin and the piano.


I can’t dance, but I can sing. I can play the violin.


I can sing, but I can-t dance. I can play the trumpet and the guitar.


I can sing and dance. I can play the trumpet and the guitar.

( )21. How many things can Ma Hui do?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

21.B【解析】根据Ma Hui的自述l can play the violin and the piano.可知。


We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把...按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop their leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

The writer argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the students'_______

A.personal qualities and social skills
B.total personality
C.learning ability and communicative skills
D.intellectual ability

题目问:作者坚决主张一位教师主要应该关心学生哪方面的发展。由concern和development可以定位到文章第二段第三句“We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full,not just their academic ability.”我们要关注学生所有方面能力的发展,并不仅仅是学术上的能力。由第二段第二句“This is only one aspect oftlleir total personality.”可以得到学生所有方面的能力即“total personality”.因此答案为B。


If a teacher asks students to list as many ways as they can to tell someone to open the door and list the possible functions of a sentence in different contexts, he / she is probably trying to highlight__________.

A.the potential meanings of a sentence
B.different realizations of the same function
C.the relationship between form and function
D.different ways of getting people to do the same thing

