
单选题The reference to the peppered moth in line 43 is used to ______.A provide an example of a species that has been shown to undergo macroevolutionB demonstrate that many species have undergone the process of microevolutionC prove that all living things de

The reference to the peppered moth in line 43 is used to ______.

provide an example of a species that has been shown to undergo macroevolution


demonstrate that many species have undergone the process of microevolution


prove that all living things descended from a common ancestor


question the use of the fossil record to support Darwinism


highlight the dangers to the environment of pollution from industrial complexes

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Ants as a Barometer of Ecological Change
At picnics,ants are pests.But they have their uses.In industries such as mining,farming and forestry,they can help gauge the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy.
It has been recognized for decades that ant—which are highly sensitive to ecological change—can provide a near-perfect barometer of the state of an ecosystem.Only certain species, for instance,will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees._______(46) And still others will move in and take up residence.
By looking at which species populate a deforested area,scientists can determine how “stressed”the land is._______(47)Ants are used simply because they are so common and comprise so many species.
Where mine sites are being restored,for example,some ant species will recolonize the stripped land more quickly than others._______(48)Australian mining company Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys for years to determine the rate of recov-ery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.
Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil,where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations.“We found it worked extremely well there,”says Jonathan Majer,a professor of environmental biology.Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia,he says,because ants are so common throughout the region. As Majer puts it:“That's the great thing about ants.”
Ant surveys are so highly-regarded as ecological indicators that governments worldwide accept their results when assessing the environmental impact of mining and tree harvesting._______ (49)
Why not?Because many companies can't afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift results for a comprehensive survey.The cost stems,also,from the scarcity of ant specialists. ______(50)

A: This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery.
B: Yet in other businesses,such as farming and property development,ant surveys aren't used widely.
C: Employing those people are expensive.
D: They do this by sorting the ants,counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.
E: The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem.
F: Others will die out for lack of food.

空前一句“Only certain species , for instance , will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees”讲到某些特定物种在被砍光树木的森林里还能够继续存活,空后一句“still others will move in and take up residence”讲到自然会有其他生物迁入并定居下来,F项“其他种类将会因为缺乏食物而灭绝”与上下文联系紧密,符合语境。
空后一句“scientists can determine how ‘stressed ' the land is”讲到科学家们之所以利用蚂蚁是因为它们很常见而且种类繁多,在此之前应该说明怎么样利用蚂蚁,D项 “科学家们的观察是通过对蚂蚁的分类、数目的确定以及与前期调查结果的对比分析来进行的”符合语境。
空前一句讲到在一些矿井地带的recolonize(复原)过程中,会有一些蚂蚁的物种比其他物种更快地重新在植被破坏的土地上安家,A项“这样可以帮助科学家们测定生态恢复的速度和进程”与上文联系紧密,并且A项中的“the ecological recovery”与本段首句中的“are being restored”相照应,故选A。
空前一句“that governments worldwide accept their results when assessing the environ-mental impact of mining and tree harvesting”讲到世界各国政府都承认了通过蚂蚁而得出的关于估测采矿和伐林对环境带来的影响的结果,而第七段第一句则问道:为什么不用呢?B项“然而在另外一些行业中,比如农业和房地产开发业,用蚂蚁调查的方法并没有被广泛地采用”与下文联系紧密,起承上启下作用,符合语境。
空前一句“many companies can't afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift results for a comprehensive survey”讲到很多国家不能付出高额的费用,研究蚂蚁的专家稀少,故C项“雇佣他们花费巨大”与上文联系紧密,符合语境。



The Book of Life

So far,scientists have named about 1.8 million living species,and that's just a fraction of what proba-
bly exists on Earth.With so many plants,animals,and other creatures covering the planet,it can be tough
to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg or what kind of bird is flying by.
A soon-to-be-launched Web site might help. An international team of researchers has announced the
creation of a Web-based Encyclopedia of Life(EoL).The project aims to catalog every species on Earth in a
single,easy-to-use reference guide.
To get the encyclopedia started,the creators will use information from scientific databases that already
exist.And eventually,in special sections of the site,nonscientists with specialized knowledge will get to join
in.Bird-watchers,for example,will be able to input which birds they've seen and where.The technology
for this kind of tool has only recently become available.
As the EoL develops, you might find it useful for school projects.The site will feature special pages for
kids who are studying ecosystems(生态系统)in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is
accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it. People who visit the site will be able to
choose to leave out pages that haven't been reviewed.
Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you'll be able to pick the level of detail you see to match
your interests,age,and current knowledge.If you wanted to learn about bears for a science class report,for
example,you could use the"novice"setting to get basic information about the animals.On the"expert"
setting,on the other hand,you could get much more detailed information about the history,literature and
exploration of bears.
It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species.The
creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed that process.

The goal of the creation of the EoL is to_______________.
A:collect enough data to analyze the living species on Earth
B:work out an easy-to-use catalog of every living species on Earth
C:enlarge an existing Web site of the living species on Earth
D:add new information to the existing databases of the living species on Earth

由文章内容可知,文章开头运用“蜘蛛”和“鸟”的例子主要说明地球上生物的种类太 多了。
由文中第一句话可知“科学家已经命名1.8百万种物种了”,而不是“仅仅一小部分”, 其他选项在文中都能找到依据。 第三篇 文章主要介绍了为什么野生的大象比圈养的大象要长寿。


"Hidden" Species May Be Surprisingly Common

Cryptic species animals that appear identical but are genetically quite distant—may be much more widespread than previously thought. The findings could have major implications in areas ranging from biodiversity estimates and wildlife management, to our understanding of infectious diseases and evolution.

Reports of cryptic species have increased dramatically over the past two decades with the advent of relatively inexpensive DNA sequencing technology. Markus Pfenninger and Klaus Schwenk, of the Goethe-Universitat, in Frankfurt, Germany, analyzed all known data on cryptic animal species and discovered that they are found in equal proportions throughout all major branches of the animal kingdom and occur in equal numbers in all biogeographieal regions.

Scientists had previously speculated that cryptic species were predominantly found in insects and reptiles, and were more likely to occur in tropical rather than temperate regions. "Species that are seemingly widespread and abundant could in reality be many different cryptic species that have low populations and are highly endangered. " Says Pfenninger. Until the genetic information of all species in at least one taxon is thoroughly studied, no one will know just how many cryptic species exist. "It could be as high as 30%. " Pfenninger says.

"I'm extremely surprised by their results. " Says Alex Smith of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. "It's a call to arms to keep doing the broad kind of genetic studies that we are doing. "

Sampling as many individuals as possible, scientists hope to complete work on all fish and birds in another 5 to 10 years. Once either of these taxonomic groups is completed, Pfenninger says researchers will be able to decide how many cryptic species exist throughout the animal kingdom.

Examples of cryptic species include the African elephant. A 2001 study found the elephants were actually two genetically distinct, non-interbreeding species, the African bush elephant and the African elephant. The species are currently listed as vulnerable and threatened, respectively, by the World Conservation Union (WCU).

The reclassifications are more than an academic exercise. They define populations that have evolved independently of each other and whose genetic differences can have significant consequences. In the early 1900s misidentification of mosquito species based on morphology confused attempts to control malaria in Europe. Ultimately, what was thought to be a single species was actually made up of six sibling species, only three of which transmitted the disease. "The basic unit in biology is always the species, and you have to know what you are dealing with. " Pfenninger says. Much previous research is now no longer used, he says, because it is not clear what species was being studied.

Which of the following about the significance of the research on cryptic species is NOT true?

A.The results of the research can help the development of many other research areas.

B.The results of the research can help the development of biodiversity estimates.

C.The results of the research can help our understanding of infectious disease evolution.

D.The results of the research can help our understanding of "survival of the fittest. "



Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.
3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.

Those who always look on the bright side of life are more likely to______.
A: recover from disease quickly
B: there is not enough hard evidence
C: use their minds actively
D: it improves general well-being
E: listen to musical performances
F: it brings many other benefits

文章第一段第一句是主题句,意为:长期以来,音乐都被用于治疗不同疾病 的患者。C项History of music therapy(音乐疗法的历史)与主题句意思相符,故选C。
文章第二段第一句是主题句,意为:越来越多的证据表明,音乐能引起一些 身体变化,这些变化可以改善我们的健康状况。E项Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music(音乐引起的积极的身体变化)与主题句意思相符,故选E。
文章第三段主要讲这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。当人们感到高兴并且生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,而音 乐能增加这样的愉悦感。B项Increase in General Well-Being(提高总体幸福感)符合本段主题,故选B。
文章第四段主要讲,音乐疗法的益处并不都来自于幸福感的提升,音乐的其他作用到现在还没有被弄明白,罗伯森教授说,音乐的一些作用是很神秘的。D项Other Mysterious Effects of Music(音乐的其他神秘作用)符合本段主题,故选D。
题干意为“研究人员已经发现,当病人收听音乐表演的时候,他们的压力水平会下降。”文章第二段最后一句指出,病人的压力水平明显减低,恢复的时间缩短,需要的药物减少。E项listen to musical performances(收听音乐表演)与原句意思相符,故选E。
题干意为“音乐能够治疗患者的部分原因是因为它能提高总体幸福感。”文章第三段第一句指出,这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。最后一句指出,音乐能增强人的愉悦感,加快恢复进度。D项it improves general well-being(它能提高总体幸福感)与原句意思相符,故选D。
题干意为“那些总是看到生活中积极一面的人更有可能从疾病中很快地恢复过来。”文章第三段第二句指出,当人们感到高兴以及生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,A项recover from disease quickly(从疾病中快速地恢复过来)与原句意思相符,故选A。
题干意为“很多医生不相信音乐可以治疗疾病是因为没有真凭实据。”文章第五段前两句指出,然而科学需要真凭实据,医学界的很多人并不认可音乐的治疗作用,因为相关报告主要是基于各种不同的故事。B项there is not enough hard evidence(没有真凭实据)与原句意思相符,故选B。



The Book of Life

So far,scientists have named about 1.8 million living species,and that's just a fraction of what proba-
bly exists on Earth.With so many plants,animals,and other creatures covering the planet,it can be tough
to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg or what kind of bird is flying by.
A soon-to-be-launched Web site might help. An international team of researchers has announced the
creation of a Web-based Encyclopedia of Life(EoL).The project aims to catalog every species on Earth in a
single,easy-to-use reference guide.
To get the encyclopedia started,the creators will use information from scientific databases that already
exist.And eventually,in special sections of the site,nonscientists with specialized knowledge will get to join
in.Bird-watchers,for example,will be able to input which birds they've seen and where.The technology
for this kind of tool has only recently become available.
As the EoL develops, you might find it useful for school projects.The site will feature special pages for
kids who are studying ecosystems(生态系统)in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is
accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it. People who visit the site will be able to
choose to leave out pages that haven't been reviewed.
Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you'll be able to pick the level of detail you see to match
your interests,age,and current knowledge.If you wanted to learn about bears for a science class report,for
example,you could use the"novice"setting to get basic information about the animals.On the"expert"
setting,on the other hand,you could get much more detailed information about the history,literature and
exploration of bears.
It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species.The
creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed that process.

The word"novice"in Paragraph 5 could be best replaced by_______________.

由文章内容可知,文章开头运用“蜘蛛”和“鸟”的例子主要说明地球上生物的种类太 多了。
由文中第一句话可知“科学家已经命名1.8百万种物种了”,而不是“仅仅一小部分”, 其他选项在文中都能找到依据。 第三篇 文章主要介绍了为什么野生的大象比圈养的大象要长寿。



The Book of Life

So far,scientists have named about 1.8 million living species,and that's just a fraction of what proba-
bly exists on Earth.With so many plants,animals,and other creatures covering the planet,it can be tough
to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg or what kind of bird is flying by.
A soon-to-be-launched Web site might help. An international team of researchers has announced the
creation of a Web-based Encyclopedia of Life(EoL).The project aims to catalog every species on Earth in a
single,easy-to-use reference guide.
To get the encyclopedia started,the creators will use information from scientific databases that already
exist.And eventually,in special sections of the site,nonscientists with specialized knowledge will get to join
in.Bird-watchers,for example,will be able to input which birds they've seen and where.The technology
for this kind of tool has only recently become available.
As the EoL develops, you might find it useful for school projects.The site will feature special pages for
kids who are studying ecosystems(生态系统)in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is
accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it. People who visit the site will be able to
choose to leave out pages that haven't been reviewed.
Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you'll be able to pick the level of detail you see to match
your interests,age,and current knowledge.If you wanted to learn about bears for a science class report,for
example,you could use the"novice"setting to get basic information about the animals.On the"expert"
setting,on the other hand,you could get much more detailed information about the history,literature and
exploration of bears.
It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species.The
creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed that process.

"Spider" and"bird"mentioned in Paragraph 1 are examples to illustrate_______________.
A:animals are people's friends
B:there are numerous living species on Earth
C:it is easy to see spiders and birds
D:there are many types of spiders and birds

由文章内容可知,文章开头运用“蜘蛛”和“鸟”的例子主要说明地球上生物的种类太 多了。
由文中第一句话可知“科学家已经命名1.8百万种物种了”,而不是“仅仅一小部分”, 其他选项在文中都能找到依据。 第三篇 文章主要介绍了为什么野生的大象比圈养的大象要长寿。



The Book of Life

So far,scientists have named about 1.8 million living species,and that's just a fraction of what proba-
bly exists on Earth.With so many plants,animals,and other creatures covering the planet,it can be tough
to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg or what kind of bird is flying by.
A soon-to-be-launched Web site might help. An international team of researchers has announced the
creation of a Web-based Encyclopedia of Life(EoL).The project aims to catalog every species on Earth in a
single,easy-to-use reference guide.
To get the encyclopedia started,the creators will use information from scientific databases that already
exist.And eventually,in special sections of the site,nonscientists with specialized knowledge will get to join
in.Bird-watchers,for example,will be able to input which birds they've seen and where.The technology
for this kind of tool has only recently become available.
As the EoL develops, you might find it useful for school projects.The site will feature special pages for
kids who are studying ecosystems(生态系统)in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is
accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it. People who visit the site will be able to
choose to leave out pages that haven't been reviewed.
Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you'll be able to pick the level of detail you see to match
your interests,age,and current knowledge.If you wanted to learn about bears for a science class report,for
example,you could use the"novice"setting to get basic information about the animals.On the"expert"
setting,on the other hand,you could get much more detailed information about the history,literature and
exploration of bears.
It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species.The
creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed that process.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A:Scientists will review every piece of the information added to the EoL.
B:The EoL will be beneficial to school kids with its development.
C:Scientists have cataloged only a small part of the living species on Earth.
D:People with different interests and knowledge will in a way find the EoL useful.

由文章内容可知,文章开头运用“蜘蛛”和“鸟”的例子主要说明地球上生物的种类太 多了。
由文中第一句话可知“科学家已经命名1.8百万种物种了”,而不是“仅仅一小部分”, 其他选项在文中都能找到依据。 第三篇 文章主要介绍了为什么野生的大象比圈养的大象要长寿。


We can infer from the passage that_____.

[A] Shearer has experienced many violent incidents [B] new tools have been used to investigate terrorists

[C] FBI has been active in the war on eco-terrorism [D] ELF openly declares its beliefs and ends



Text 3 Up until a few decades ago,our visions of the future were largely-though by no means uniformly-glowingly positive.Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity,leading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all.Now utopia has grown unfashionable,as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us,from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change.You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.But such gloominess is misplaced.The fossil record shows that many species have endured for millions of years-so why shouldn't we?Take a broader look at our species'place in the universe,and it becomes clear that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens,if not hundreds,of thousands of years.Look up Homo sapiens in the"Red List"of threatened species of the International Union for the Conversation of Nature(IUCN),and you will read:"Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed,adaptable,currently increasing,and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline."So what does our deep future hold?A growing number of researchers and organisations are now thinking seriously about that question.For example,the Long Now Foundation has its flagship project a medical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence.Perhaps willfully,it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future.The potential evolution of today's technology,and its social consequences,is dazzlingly complicated,and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage.That's one reason why we have launched Arc,a new publication dedicated to the near future.But take a longer view and there is a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance.As so often,the past holds the key to the future:we have now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping the history of the planet,and our species,to make evidence-based forecasts about the situations in which our descendants will find themselves.This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad.To be sure,the future is not all rosy.But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans,and to improve the lot of those to come.31.Our vision of the future used to be inspired by

A.our desire for lives of fulfillment
B.our faith in science and technology
C.our awareness of potential risks
D.our belief in equal opportunity

根据题干信息,our vision of the future used to定位为文章第一段。该段落共计两句话。第一句总体交代了过去人们对未来的畅想总体是积极,正面的(were largely positive)。本题的正确答案就隐含在第二句话中。第二个句子实际上紧接着第一句话,交代了积极畅想的原因在于“科学和技术能治愈人类的一切疾病”,由此可确定本题的正确答案为B。选项A、D都错在因果倒置,“lives of fulfillment”以及“opportunity for all”都是科学、技术带来的结


Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.
3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.

Researchers have found that patients'stress levels decrease when they______.
A: recover from disease quickly
B: there is not enough hard evidence
C: use their minds actively
D: it improves general well-being
E: listen to musical performances
F: it brings many other benefits

文章第一段第一句是主题句,意为:长期以来,音乐都被用于治疗不同疾病 的患者。C项History of music therapy(音乐疗法的历史)与主题句意思相符,故选C。
文章第二段第一句是主题句,意为:越来越多的证据表明,音乐能引起一些 身体变化,这些变化可以改善我们的健康状况。E项Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music(音乐引起的积极的身体变化)与主题句意思相符,故选E。
文章第三段主要讲这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。当人们感到高兴并且生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,而音 乐能增加这样的愉悦感。B项Increase in General Well-Being(提高总体幸福感)符合本段主题,故选B。
文章第四段主要讲,音乐疗法的益处并不都来自于幸福感的提升,音乐的其他作用到现在还没有被弄明白,罗伯森教授说,音乐的一些作用是很神秘的。D项Other Mysterious Effects of Music(音乐的其他神秘作用)符合本段主题,故选D。
题干意为“研究人员已经发现,当病人收听音乐表演的时候,他们的压力水平会下降。”文章第二段最后一句指出,病人的压力水平明显减低,恢复的时间缩短,需要的药物减少。E项listen to musical performances(收听音乐表演)与原句意思相符,故选E。
题干意为“音乐能够治疗患者的部分原因是因为它能提高总体幸福感。”文章第三段第一句指出,这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。最后一句指出,音乐能增强人的愉悦感,加快恢复进度。D项it improves general well-being(它能提高总体幸福感)与原句意思相符,故选D。
题干意为“那些总是看到生活中积极一面的人更有可能从疾病中很快地恢复过来。”文章第三段第二句指出,当人们感到高兴以及生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,A项recover from disease quickly(从疾病中快速地恢复过来)与原句意思相符,故选A。
题干意为“很多医生不相信音乐可以治疗疾病是因为没有真凭实据。”文章第五段前两句指出,然而科学需要真凭实据,医学界的很多人并不认可音乐的治疗作用,因为相关报告主要是基于各种不同的故事。B项there is not enough hard evidence(没有真凭实据)与原句意思相符,故选B。
