
问答题Practice 9  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  How valuable is history for our generation? On the surface this question is not as easy as it once might have been, for there is a widespread beli

Practice 9  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  How valuable is history for our generation? On the surface this question is not as easy as it once might have been, for there is a widespread belief that history may no longer be relevant to modem life. We live, after all, in an age that appears very different from the world that came before us.  Adapted from Stephen Vaughn, History: Is It Relevant?  Assignment: Is knowledge of the past no longer useful for us today? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
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How do you think of the theme of our event?()

A. It's pretty good.

B. I feel so sorry about that.

C. I'd like to have some tea.



Write about the following topic:
In recent years, the Chinese Culture Yearhas frequently been held by our government in different parts of the world,such as Australia, Italy, Turkey, etc. What do you think about it? Please writea composition entitled "The Impact of the Chinese Culture Year".You′re supposed to write about 180 words or so.

The Impact of the Chinese Culture Year In recent years, the Chinese Culture Year has become more and more fashionable and frequently beenheld by our government in different parts of the world, such as Australia,Italy, and Turkey, etc. The Year of Chinese Culture in these countries consistsof a series of cultural activities ranging from performing arts projects,visual arts exhibitions to film festivals. For example, there is the exhibitionof cultural relics, Chinese traditional drama and folk music shows, kung fu andacrobatics shows, etc. The Chinese Culture Year, aiming at strengthening thefriendly relations between China and other countries as well as promoting themutual understanding among different peoples, will showcase the gems of China's traditional as well as contemporaryculture to present a panoramic picture of China to all over the world, whichwill provides other countries with a golden opportunity to have a betterunderstanding of Chinese culture and development. At the same time, the ChineseCulture Year has greatly enhanced the Chinese people' s national pride andconfidence.


reflect is to think carefully about sth., or to say sth. that you have been thinking about.()




Practice 7  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  Prudence shall be our guiding principle. When faced with a conflict, or a divergent path in the course of life, we shall always make caution our ally. Recklessness and rash action lead not to fruitfulness, but only to regret at the haste of our decisions. Often times, people ask me how I have been so successful in business. “Everything you touch turns to gold,” they say. “What’s your secret?” they wonder. When I reflect on my decisions, I realize that the key to my success is nothing more than simple opportunism. When I saw an opening, I jumped at it. While everyone else was standing still, agonizing over the correct course of action, I went in feet first, with no hesitation. That is the key to my Success.  Assignment: Consider the two contrasting statements above. Which best reflects your view on life? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
I have always believed that when opportunity knocks, one should answer the door. There are two main reasons behind this way of thinking: the first, opportunities could pass us by and never occur again; and the second, no matter how hard working one is, a lucky break may lead to the success one has been dreaming of. This is not the same as recklessly jumping into any plan of action that presents itself. Rather, by weighing possible outcomes, positive prospects should be easily detected.
My older sister, Elise, attended Georgetown University in Washington, DC a few years ago. Though she liked the campus, her classes, fellow students, and even the city, Elise rarely ever left the neighborhood of Georgetown to explore DC. Over the semesters and summer holidays, my sister never applied for a single internship with the various powerful institutions and companies in DC, including the congressional offices. Upon graduation, Elise found herself with a small copy editing job at a start-up newspaper in Portland, Oregon. She realized a few months before graduating that her interests were in public service, but possessed absolutely no experience in the field. Elise realized that she had lived in the political and public sector apex in the nation for four years, and never taken advantage of personal contacts in DC or Georgetown to build future connections and job prospects. My sister’s story has been a warning to me, not only to make use of every opportunity I know of, but also to seek out ones that are not obvious.
Another family member’s experience also taught me the importance of chance prospects play in success. My father had tried for years to be hired as a teacher at a local private school. Though he applied multiple times over a decade, hoping to earn the coveted and well-paid position of head of biology, the school always informed him that there were no vacancies. He had all but given up on teaching and decided to pursue a research position when, out of the blue, my dad decided to attend a job fair in a nearby town, and ran into the principal of the private school, who informed him of an opening. Despite the possibility of attaining a biochemistry research position, my father attended two interviews with the school, and after one week, my father was finally hired. His experience reminds me of the importance of persistence, but equally as necessary, the significance of knowing when to rely on lucky opportunities for success.
Ambitious people require more than perseverance, talent, and knowledge to achieve their goals. Opportunity is an underrated, not often talked about factor in success, but almost every successful person will admit that luck has played a positive role at some point in his life.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 12  ● You work in a company which deals with industrial waste. You have read about a new kind of pump which could save your company thousands of dollars in servicing and maintenance costs.  ● Write a memo of 30—40 words to your Head of Department saying:  ● where you read about the new pump,  ● why you think it could be a good investment,  ● how you might get more information about it.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: Head of Department
From: Char Shui
Re: Diskflow pump
I read about the Diskflow pump in the commercial section of this morning’s newspaper, which needs very little maintenance and consequently could save the company a lot of money. If you are interested, I could call Diskflow Company for more information.
解析: 暂无解析


The communications revolution has influenced both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time,but there have been( )views about its economic,political,social and cultural implications.




Practice 8  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Some people think people have benefited from modern communications technology, but other people think some people have not benefited at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Daily communication tools make the distance between people shrink. There are various ways such as mobile phones, Facebook, Twitter and E-mail which changes our life from daily life to work style. As for the dramatic and rapid changes, people in all walks of life hold different opinions. Personally, it is a must to be tolerant of the new technological innovations.
It is undeniable that all these high-tech tools can alienate the virtual interpersonal relationship that exists between people. If we want to tell somebody something, we do not have to really see him, and we can send a short message, a E-mail, or leave one on Facebook. Regardless of the convenience, face-to-face conversations are still one of the best ways to understand each other.
High technologies provide us with more choices which can yield higher efficiency, which can be illustrated from three perspectives. Firstly, it is a useful time-saver for people greatly enjoy social life. Social network enable them to spare the trouble of heavy traffic in rush hours when they need to have contact with friends. Secondly, it is also a money-saver. Compared with the high cost of an official visit to someone or some place, chatting on-site or through telephone is much cheaper. If each company has an E-conference system, information sharing should never be a daydream in the era of information. Lastly, and most importantly, with the great help of new inventions, people may communicate with others without being limited to geographical difference. Namely, no matter where one stays, he or she can get in touch with people on the Internet at any time.
In summary, modem technologies are excellent assistants of our life and work, so it is wise to accept them and make full use of them properly.
解析: 暂无解析


What about the commission? ().

A、 Of course, I’d give you our lowest quotation

B、 I’m afraid you have to tell me how large your order is going to be

C、 It’s a general practice everywhere else



Practice 13  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  —In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience.  —W.B, Prescott  Assignment: Which is a more powerful force of social change: power or patience? Write an essay in which you answer this question and support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Although the first two centuries of the American experiment have been characterized by the systematic disenfrachisement of African Americans, women, the destitute, and those from the wrong political party, democracy has slowly and patiently evolved and strengthened, not through military victories, but by patient commitment to an idea. Indeed, democracy is the antithesis of concentrated power. Yet, tragically, recent American leaders act as if it can be forced upon a people, in ignorance of the true history of their own democracy, and of the nature of democracy itself. They have come to believe that America, by dint of its relative success with democracy at home, has earned the right to exert its unbridled will throughout the world. They will fail because they do not understand the value of patience over power, of ideas over arms, of compassion over strategy. The patient commitment to true democracy will, in the long run, be more powerful than the strongest army on earth.
The current war in Iraq was first proclaimed as a preemptive strike against terrorists in order to protect our homeland. When it was revealed beyond doubt that Iraq in fact posed no threat to us, our leaders re-cast the war as one to free Iraq and bring democracy to an oppressed people. But this could not possibly be so. Such proclamations express only the wishes of politicians, not human reality. Democracy is the patient triumph of ideas over might. It is a waging of words rather than a waging of war; it is a faith in humanity to choose what is right and good, not to force-feed a single-minded view down the throats of the masses.
But, the neoconservatives say, our own freedom, our own democracy, was earned only through wars like the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the World Wars. We must exert our power and perhaps spill the blood of our brave soldiers so that freedom will reign! But this is true only for one’s own freedom, not the freedom of others. Each people must earn its own freedom. No country on this earth will ever accept that it has been given democracy by an invading force. It’s story must belong to its people, just as the story of our freedom is our own.
We have a long way to go before we understand democracy well enough to preach it to others, let alone force it down their throats. True leaders lead by example, not by force. When our leaders learn the true meaning of democracy well enough to live it, then they will have earned the right to speak it, and the world will follow their example. To reach that point, we need patient faith in an idea, not the powers of arms.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 12  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  I have learned that success is to be measured not so,: much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.  —Booker T. Washington  Assignment: Is the struggle endured to achieve success more important than the accomplishment itself? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
While overcoming obstacles can build character, I do not believe that such struggles are more important than the accomplishment itself. Struggles can help us learn and discover simpler paths toward success, but struggle is defined more by the pain it causes than by the lessons it teaches. We can see this in examining historic wars and modern heroes.
Many films and novels praise the nobility of battle and the lessons learned in war. But the price paid by soldiers and innocent people significantly outweighs these lessons. In international disputes, success with- out conflict is far better than the triumph of war. By avoiding war, nations avoid the tragedy of lost lives as well as the economic hardships involved in rebuilding infrastructure and paying off debt.
Many suggest that heroes like Lance Armstrong demonstrate the value of overcoming adversity. In the past seven years, Armstrong has overcome a battle with cancer to win an unprecedented seven straight championships at the Tour de France. His story has provided cancer patients with one of their most inspiring narratives. But as wonderful as those effects have been, Armstrong’s story would have been better if he had not been forced to overcome cancer. Armstrong is an exceptional athlete, and accomplished an astonishing feat that his illness should not eclipse. In fact, he was stricken by a very treatable form of cancer. Are we truly helping cancer patients by making them believe that all cancer treatment can be easily scheduled between training runs? No. His story may help aspiring cyclists far more than it helps patients facing months of painful chemotherapy.
Another interesting example is Alice Sebold, a writer who has overcome a traumatic rape she suffered in college. It’s difficult to overstate the magnitude of her struggles in overcoming this violation to write two beautifully crafted works, The Lovely Bones and Lucky. Although her battles undeniably helped to craft her work, her status as a writer is unrelated to her status as a victim. Without such pain in her life, I believe that she would have created different, but equally powerful stories. Artists suffer enough by being able to see so deeply into the human condition; literature is not served any better when its greatest writers are subjected to torture. Stories of success despite adversity are well rep- resented in books, films, and even daily newscasts. They inspire us by showing triumphs of the human spirit. The danger here, however, is in using these struggles as a crutch, depersonalizing adversity in an effort to feel less afraid of our own difficulties. There is nothing wrong with feeling inspired by a story of overcome obstacles and suggesting that struggle builds character. But it is the accomplishments themselves that represent success, not the struggle. Success without wounds leaves room for greater happiness, fewer losses, and better health.
解析: 暂无解析
