
单选题The central idea of this passage is _____.A man’s mental abilities change from season to seasonB man’s intelligence varies from place to placeC man should take long vacation in summerD if you want to do creative thinking, go to a cool place

The central idea of this passage is _____.

man’s mental abilities change from season to season


man’s intelligence varies from place to place


man should take long vacation in summer


if you want to do creative thinking, go to a cool place

正确答案: C
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Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The climate is associated with man's intelligence.

B. People's creative thinking is changing from season to season.

C. That temperature affects one's creative thinking has been scientifically proved.

D. Autumn is the second best season for thinking.

48.答案为B。根据第一段最后一句,that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities作出该项选择。


Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Scientists have established that influenza viruses taken from man can cause the disease in animals. In addition,man can catch the disease from animals. In fact,a great number of wild birds seem to carry the virus without showing any evidence of illness. Some scientists conclude that a large family of influenza viruses may have evolved in the bird kingdom,a group that has been on the earth 100 million years and is able to carry the virus without contracting the disease. These are even convincing evidence to show that virus strains are transmitted from place to place and from continent to continent by migrating birds.

It is known that two influenza viruses can recombine when both are present in an animal at the same time. The result of such recombinations is a great variety of strains constraining different H and N spikes. This raises the possibility that a human influenza virus can recombine with an influenza virus form. a lower animal to produce an entirely new spike.

Research is underway to determine if that is the way that major new strains come into being. Another possibility is that two animal influenza strains may recombine in a pig,for example,to produce a new strain which is transmitted to man.

According to the passage,scientists have discovered that influenza viruses______.

A. cause ill health in wild birds

B. do not always cause symptoms in birds

C. are rarely present in wild birds

D. change when transferred from animals to man

 [解析] 见本文第三句话。


One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel". Usually the question is asked of a man in action--a man on the go, walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say, "Fine, I'm all right." But "you've put a bug in his ear" — maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he did not realize that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to sec if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?"

Every question has its time and place. It's perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it's no time to ask him that silly question.

When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him "How do you feel", Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age", he said, "either you feel all right or you're dead."

1).According to the writer, greetings, such as "How do you feel?" _________ .

A. show one's consideration for others

B. are a good way to make friends

C. are proper to ask a man in action

D. generally make one feel uneasy

2).The question "How do you feel?" seems to be correct and suitable when asked of ________ .

A. a man working at his desk

B. a person having lost a close friend

C. a stranger who looks somewhat worried

D. a friend who is ill

3).The writer seems to feel that a busy man should _________ .

A. be praised for his efforts

B. never be asked any question

C. not be bothered

D. be discouraged from working so hard

4).George Bernard Shaw's reply in the passage shows his ________ .

A. cheerfulness

B. cleverness

C. ability

D. politeness

5)."You've put a bug in his ear "means that you've _________ .

A. made him laugh

B. shown concern for him

C. made fun of him

D. given him some kind of warning



If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A well-known scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1937), concluded from other men's work and his own among people in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities. He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.

Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature. Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking!

1). Huntington based his conclusions on ___________.

A. work with people in different climates

B. records of temperature changes

C. records of change in his own intelligence

D. all of the above

2). Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _________.

A. a great effect on everyone's intelligence

B. no effect on people's intelligence

C. effect on only a few people's intelligence

D. some effect on most people's intelligence

3). One possible reason why spring is the best season for thinking is that ___________.

A. there are some things making all nature different from before

B. it is neither too warm nor too cold

C. it is more natural for the development of mental abilities

D. it lasts longer than the other seasons

4). The two best seasons for thinking seem to be _____________.

A. winter and summer

B. fall and winter

C. spring and fall

D. summer and spring

5). According to the passage above, vacations from thinking should be taken ___________.

A. as seldom as possible

B. during spring and fall

C. several times throughout the year

D. during the summer



听力原文:M: May I cash these traveler's checks for $300 here?

W: Of course. Would you please countersign them here? Also write place and date as specified.

Q: What does the man want to do according to the conversation?


A.To endorse his cheques.

B.To show his passport.

C.To cash some traveler' s cheques.

D.To open a checking account.

解析:根据男士的话,他是想 "cash these traveler's checks",所以选项C正确。


It is not stated but implied in the passage that ______.

A. Ellsworth Huntington is a fortune-teller rather than a scientist

B. cool weather is more effective on man's creative thinking

C. certain elements in nature are more active in one season than in other seasons

D. summer is a good season for vacation

50.答案为A。根据第二段第一句,He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat is作出该项选择。



One morning Mr Green is driving(11) the country and (12) a small hotel. When he sees an old man (13) 0ne side of the road,he stops his (14) and says to the old man,"l want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there?"

"Yes,"the old man answers,"I'll (15) the way."He (16) Mr Green's car,and they drive about twelve miles.(17) they come to a small house,the old man says,"Stop here. "Mr Green stops and (18)the house. "But this isn't the hotel,"he says to the old man. "Right," the old man answers. "This is my house. And I'll tell you the way (19)the hotel, Turn (20) and go back nine miles. Then you can see the hotel. "

( )11,





Ⅱ.Il.A【解析】句意为:格林先生开车行驶在乡村。若选择B项中的to,则表示格林先生开车目的是去农村,此时句意与本句后半部分含义不够协调,因下文说的是,格林先生开车在找一个小旅馆。比较合适的意思是格林先生在乡下开着车在找旅馆.C、D 语境不妥,故选A。 ~


Passage Four

If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year. A noted scientist, Ells- worth Huntington (1876-1947) concluded from other men's work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and: temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.

He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat is. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that mental, abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.

Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature.

Fall is the next best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking!

46. According to the passage, your mental ability ______.

A. depends on your attitude towards people in different time of the year

B. changes for the worst when you dislike most people in hot season

C. will be best in winter and worst in summer if you want to be creative

D. turns to be more powerful in spring than in any of the other seasons

46.答案为B。根据第一段最后一句Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947) concluded from other men's work and his own among peoples in different climates...作出该项选择。


Do you know the man who’s in a () study under the tree over there?



It can be inferred from the passage that the real danger comes from ______.

A)the asbestos dust that people take in

B) the contact of the worker's skin with asbestos particles

C) the inferior quality of the asbestos itself

D)the excessive use of man made asbestos material

