单选题Which of the following inferences may be drawn from the discussion of Lu Yu’s work?A Before A. D. 800, it was largely unknown how to cultivate tea.B Some people even today drink tea for reasons other than its physical benefits.C Drinking tea was primar

Which of the following inferences may be drawn from the discussion of Lu Yu’s work?

Before A. D. 800, it was largely unknown how to cultivate tea.


Some people even today drink tea for reasons other than its physical benefits.


Drinking tea was primarily a Zen Buddhist practice until the late 700s.


The Classic of Tea is one of the earliest works of Chinese origin that is concerned with agriculture.


Lu Yu was interested in popularizing tea in countries other than China.

正确答案: B
推断题。第二段中作者提到陆羽的茶经,并对其进行了介绍,即“melded Buddhist teachings with the art and craft of tea, forever linking the drink to spirituality”,故可知茶不仅仅是一种有益健康的饮品,它也体现了一种文化,故本题选B项。
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


An interesting project called Blue Zones is recording the lifestyle. secrets of the communities with the highest, hest concentrations of centenarians in the world.

The people in the five regions in Europe, Latin America,Asia and the US that live to be 100 have a lot going for them. Genes probably play a small role, but these folks also have strong social ties ,tightly-knit families and lots of opportunities to exercise.

As we were examining the dietary secrets of the Blue Zones, as described in author Dan Buettner" s latest book, The Blue Zones Solution, we were struck by how essential tea drinking is in these regions. In fact, Buettner&39; s Blue Zones Beverage Rule--a kind of guideline summarized from his 15 or so years of studying these places--is:" Drink coffee for breakfast, tea in the afternoon, wine at 5 p. tm"

Science has plenty to say about the healthful virtues of green tea. Researchers are most enthusi- astic almt the components in green tea, as well as foods like cocoa. Why might they help so many Okina~vans in Japan break 1007 Some components in green tea can lower the risk of stroke,heart disease attd several cancers. One review study also found that drinking green tea can slightly improve metabolism (新陈代谢).

If you find yourself on the island of Ikaria, the Greek Blue Zone in the middle of the Aegean, you won&39;t be offered any tea made with tea leaves. Instead, Ikarians typically make their daily cup of tea with just one fresh herb that they have picked themselves that day--either rosemary, wild sage,oregano,nmrjotmn,mint or dandelion,all plants that may have anti-inflammatory (消炎的) properties, which may help lower blood pressure. This could explain Ikaria&39; s very low dementia (痴呆) rate,since high blood pressure is a risk factor for the disease.

52. What does the underlined word "centenarians" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.People who have secret lifestyles

B.People who enjoy physical exercise

C.People who are one hundred years old or older

D.People who carry the gene for being slim

What may the tea Ikarians drink daily help?A.To improve metabolism

B.To lower blood pressure

C.To lower life stress

D.To improve social relationships

According to Paragraph 3 ,what is the recommended time for tea drinking?A.In the morning

B.Any time of a day

C.In the early evening

D.In the afternoon

What might be the best title of the passage?A.Tea-Drinking Tips

B.Lifestyle Secrets of Ikarians

C.Tea-Drinking Ceremony in Okinawa

D.Blue Zones Solutions


问题 1 答案解析:C

【考情点拨】词义理解题。 【应试指导】由第二段第一句中的“live to be l00 have a lot going for them”可知,centenarians指的是“百岁老人”,故选C。

问题 2 答案解析:B

问题 3 答案解析:D
【考情点拨】事实细节题。 【应试指导】由第三段最后一句中的“tea in the afternoon”可知,喝茶的建议时间是下午,故选D。

问题 4 答案解析:A
【考情点拨】主旨大意题。 【应试指导】文章前两段介绍了百岁老人长寿的秘诀,第三段指出了喝茶在长寿老人聚集区的重要地位,第四段介绍了绿茶的功效,第五段介绍了伊卡里亚人每天喝的茶及其功效。所以这篇文章主要介绍喝茶的好处,故选A。


The teahouse is very popular in China.It is a place for the Chinese people to have tea.There are many other names for it, such as Chalou and Chating.Although the names are different, they have similar forms and contents.

Small teahouses existed long before in China.During the Song Dynasty, Chasi and Chafang were places where tea was sold.During the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu people from high society often spent their time in teahouses.As a result, teahouses became important meeting places for people from all walks of life.

To the Chinese people, teahouses are similar to the cafés in western countries.They are social places.People gather and spread all kinds of social information; customers taste tea and talk about news and daily things there.In order to attract customers, some teahouses build stages for shows like Chinese drumming, Storytelling and Beijing Opera.

The rise of teahouses is closely related with Chinese tea culture.After several thousand years of development, the teahouse has become a part of life for the Chinese people.Now, those who come to Beijing will be attracted to the famous teahouses to experience Chinese tea culture.

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage A.

21.The teahouse is a place for the Chinese people to ______ tea.




22.______ was a place to sell tea.





23.Finally, teahouses became important meeting places for ______.

A.all kinds of people

B.important people

C.upper class

D.the Manchu people

24.The word “similar to” means ______.

A.different from

B.the same as

C.close to

D.related to

25.People come to teahouses not to ________.

A.share social information

B.taste tea



Which of these could increase risks of suffering heart diseases? ()

A、Drinking green tea.

B、To eat as what you want

C、Reducing alcohol intake

D、Using Indo-Mediterranean diet



– What would you like for drink? -- _____________.

A、I like tea.

B、I drink tea.

C、I have a cup of tea.

D、I’d like a cup of tea.



Tea drinking is a habit that greatly benefits mankind.It enables people to drink the amount of water necessary for the body.Drinking it hot warms the stomach, sooths and refreshes the inner man, and acts as an aid to digestion.

Research has shown that drinking tea may help to protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers, slow down aging and strengthen the immune system.It can also encourage weight loss and improve oral health.It is believed that many other health benefits of different types of tea will be discovered in the future.That will be an exciting time for tea drinkers.

A few tips are provided to get the most out of tea drinking and avoid its side effects on health:

1.Drink a cup of tea a few times a day.In green tea drinking cultures, the usual amount is three cups per day.

2.To bring out the catechins in tea, allow it to steep for three to five minutes.

3.Drink freshly brewed tea.

4.Give tea several minutes to cool off before sipping.

5.Drink tea between meals.

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage B.

26.Tea drinking is a ______ habit.





27.Drinking tea has ______ health benefits.

B.a few



28.Many health benefits of different types of tea _____ known.



C.will be

D.have been

29.It is good to drink _____ of green tea per day.

A.a cup

B.two cups

C.three cups

D.several cups

30.It is good to drink tea _____.

A.before meals

B.after meals

C.between meals meals



We're going to _____ with _____ today, aren't we?

A. the tea…the Smiths

B. tea…those Smiths

C. a tea…a Smith

D. tea…the Smiths

参考答案: D


There are mainly six types of tea in the traditional Chinese concept, namely, black tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea, yellow tea and dark tea.

Black tea is fully fermented, so its leaves and tea soup are red.The flavour and aroma of black tea are rich and robust with a little bitterness.Famous black tea includes Qimen black tea, Tanyang Gongfu, etc.

Green tea is non-fermented and the tea soup is green.It has a more delicate and fresher flavour than black tea.Famous green tea includes West Lake Longjing Tea, Bi Luo Chun Tea, etc.

White tea, originated in Fujian Province, is probably the rarest tea.It is slightly fermented, just left to dry as it is.White tea has a lighter colour than other types of tea with a subtle flavor.

One of the most famous white teas is White Tip Silver Needle.

Oolong tea is partially fermented and has the most difficult tea processing.The result is a distinctive flavour, which combines the freshness of green tea and the mellowness of black tea.Famous oolong tea includes Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao, etc.

Yellow tea is relatively unknown.It is fermented.In the tea processing, the leaves are mounded and dried by the heat of fermentation.The flavour is close to green and white teas.Famous yellow tea includes Junshan Yinzhen, Huoshan Huangya, etc.

Dark tea is post-fermented, which gives the leaves a dark black colour.The tea soup has a strong aroma with a thick and robust flavour.Famous dark tea includes Hunan dark tea, Yunnan Pu-erh tea, etc.

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage B.

11._____ tea is non-fermented.





12._____ tea is slightly fermented and the rarest kind of all.





13._____ tea is partially fermented and combines the freshness of green tea and the mellowness of black tea.





14.The flavour of _____ tea is similar to green and white teas.




15.The soup of _____ tea has a strong aroma with a thick flavour.






Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee ________ tea.






Tea drinking is very popular in China.It is frequently discussed in poems and novels and appears in paintings.Tea also plays an important role in Chinese daily life.It is a custom to make tea for guests.People like to drink tea when they get together.Young people show respect to their elders by offering a cup of tea.In the traditional Chinese marriage ceremony, both the bride and groom kneel in front of their parents and serve them tea as an expression of gratitude.

Tea drinking habits vary in different parts of China.People from different regions favour different types of tea.Tea drinking methods are also different.In the north of China, people like to drink tea with a bowl or a glass.Those in the south of China enjoy tasting tea with cultural tea sets.

Tea culture in China is very different from that of other countries.In the West, tea with sugar and milk may be served with desserts.An example of western tea culture is afternoon tea.Tea ceremonies also differ among eastern countries, such as the Japanese or Korean tea ceremony.

Decide each statement is T (true) or F (false) based on Passage A.

1.Making tea for guests is a western custom.

2.The bride and bridegroom kneel to serve tea to their parents in the modern Chinese marriage ceremony.

3.People in the north of China enjoy drinking tea with a bowl.

4.The westerners may drink tea served with sugar and milk.

5.Tea ceremonies among eastern countries are the same.



Drinking tea may help to protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers.(翻译)

