单选题Many doctors direct their patients to name-brand drugs, but smart consumers know that generic drugs cost half as much as buying name-brand drugs.A generic drugs cost half as much as buying name-brand drugsB buying generic drugs costs half as much as na

Many doctors direct their patients to name-brand drugs, but smart consumers know that generic drugs cost half as much as buying name-brand drugs.

generic drugs cost half as much as buying name-brand drugs


buying generic drugs costs half as much as name-brand drugs


generic drugs cost half as much as name-brand drugs


buying generic drugs cost half as much as buying name-brand drugs


to buy generic drugs costs half as much as buying name-brand drugs

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The college will provide ________ for students who have problems with alcohol or drugs.

A contradiction

B counseling

C contact

D conception



I know you are planning a trip to Europe this autumn.Do you know_______?

A:how much it will cost

B:how much has it cost

C:how much cost it will

D:how many will it cost



I know you're planning to travel this summer, but do you know_____? much cost it will be much has it cost much will it cost much it will cost



We're bringing health care to"where people live and work."So declared Larry Merlo,CEO of CVS Health,an American retail-pharmacy giant,announcing a$69 billion deal to buy Aetna,a heatth insurer.One rationale for the deal-assuming the regulators wave it through-is for the merged firm to develop personalised health care that people can easily get access to.There is another,more defensive,impetus behind the deal-the prospect of Amazon going into prescription medicine.The American pharmaceutical market is an alluring one for the online giant.It is large,worth$450 billion in 2016.And it is widely regarded as inefficient,leaving customers without good information about products they are buying.Compared with books,toys and other bulky items,the drugs market would appear to be a nirvana for Amazon.Prescription medicines weigh almost nothing,take up little space and can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per pill.But three barriers block the road to this idyll.First,the sale and distribution of drugs is heavily regulated.Amazon would not be able to dump prescription drugs into the same fulfilment channels as its other products.It must acquire pharmaceutical licences for any state where it wishes to operate.Amazon would also need approval from the Food and Drug Administration at a federal level.Operating in a controlled industry would be a departure for a free-wheeling tech firm.Second,most drugs are paid for by insurers,not by consumers.The pharmacy-benefits managers(PBMs),a sort of middlemen that buy drugs for insurers and companies,perform the complex task of matching purchases with patients'insurers,so that drugs are paid for.That is a source of the sort of opacity that Amazon would seek to remove.But the rcommerce firm would still need to handle issues of payment in the background,without keeping asking consumers for insurance details.Third,although drugs do come in small packages,their shipping and handling often require special attention.Many drugs must be kept cold throughout the supply chain.Others are dangerous,and must be kept in locked cages.Yet these drugs are often also the most expensive.If Amazon cherry-picks drugs that fit well into its existing network,it will miss out on a large slice of the market.Customers could find it confusing to be able to get some prescriptions through Amazon's store but not others.Amazon could find itself a partner,however.In July the boss of Express Scripts,a PBM,said it could use Amazon as an"efficient provider in networks".Or Amazon could buy what it needs.It might buy Rite Aid,a big pharmacy chain,giving it licences,a"cold-chain"infrastructure and Rite Aid's small PBM in one swoop.A prospect like that goes a long way to explaining the marriage of CVS and Aetna.
What prompted CVS to buy Aetna?

A.lts eagerness to bring health care to all.
B.Its desire to develop personalized medicine
C.Its concern over a potential threat
D.lts passion for prescription drug business

第二段②句指出,CVS收购Aetna这一交易背后有一个自卫性的推动力量:网络巨头Amazon大有进入处方药市场的可能。稍作推理可知,二者合并在很大程度上是为了增强力量、对抗Amazon这一巨大竞争/威胁,C.正确。[排除干扰]A.利用开篇句干扰,但选项bring health care to all和原文bringing health care to“where people live ancl work”存在偏差,且这是“CVS宣称的合并前景”,并非题目所问“推动合并的原因”。B.偷换第二段首句所述合并原因,将“开发个性化医疗保健(develop personalised health care)”改为“研发个性化药品(develop personalized medicine)”。D.将第二段②句所述合并原因“Amazon意欲进入处方药市场”改为“二者合并意在进军处方药市场”。


Which three characteristics are unique to the buying process for A small business compared with the buying process for an enterprise?()

A.influenced by peers

B.not constrained by formal RFP

C.much faster

D.less educated

E.focused primarily on cost focused

参考答案:A, B, C


The house rent is expensive.I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying ( ) here.

A、three times as much

B、as much three times

C、much as three times

D、as three times much



They encourage doctors to ________ cheaper medicine instead of more expensive drugs.








The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder _____.

A. how much it cost B. how much did it cost

C. how much it costs D. how much does it cost



We're bringing health care to"where people live and work."So declared Larry Merlo,CEO of CVS Health,an American retail-pharmacy giant,announcing a$69 billion deal to buy Aetna,a heatth insurer.One rationale for the deal-assuming the regulators wave it through-is for the merged firm to develop personalised health care that people can easily get access to.There is another,more defensive,impetus behind the deal-the prospect of Amazon going into prescription medicine.The American pharmaceutical market is an alluring one for the online giant.It is large,worth$450 billion in 2016.And it is widely regarded as inefficient,leaving customers without good information about products they are buying.Compared with books,toys and other bulky items,the drugs market would appear to be a nirvana for Amazon.Prescription medicines weigh almost nothing,take up little space and can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per pill.But three barriers block the road to this idyll.First,the sale and distribution of drugs is heavily regulated.Amazon would not be able to dump prescription drugs into the same fulfilment channels as its other products.It must acquire pharmaceutical licences for any state where it wishes to operate.Amazon would also need approval from the Food and Drug Administration at a federal level.Operating in a controlled industry would be a departure for a free-wheeling tech firm.Second,most drugs are paid for by insurers,not by consumers.The pharmacy-benefits managers(PBMs),a sort of middlemen that buy drugs for insurers and companies,perform the complex task of matching purchases with patients'insurers,so that drugs are paid for.That is a source of the sort of opacity that Amazon would seek to remove.But the rcommerce firm would still need to handle issues of payment in the background,without keeping asking consumers for insurance details.Third,although drugs do come in small packages,their shipping and handling often require special attention.Many drugs must be kept cold throughout the supply chain.Others are dangerous,and must be kept in locked cages.Yet these drugs are often also the most expensive.If Amazon cherry-picks drugs that fit well into its existing network,it will miss out on a large slice of the market.Customers could find it confusing to be able to get some prescriptions through Amazon's store but not others.Amazon could find itself a partner,however.In July the boss of Express Scripts,a PBM,said it could use Amazon as an"efficient provider in networks".Or Amazon could buy what it needs.It might buy Rite Aid,a big pharmacy chain,giving it licences,a"cold-chain"infrastructure and Rite Aid's small PBM in one swoop.A prospect like that goes a long way to explaining the marriage of CVS and Aetna.
What is a PBM responsible for?

A.It maiches drug purchases with patients.
B.It seeks to remove the opacity about drugs.
C.It explains the insurance details to consumers.
D.It handles the issues concerning drugs payment



We're bringing health care to"where people live and work."So declared Larry Merlo,CEO of CVS Health,an American retail-pharmacy giant,announcing a$69 billion deal to buy Aetna,a heatth insurer.One rationale for the deal-assuming the regulators wave it through-is for the merged firm to develop personalised health care that people can easily get access to.There is another,more defensive,impetus behind the deal-the prospect of Amazon going into prescription medicine.The American pharmaceutical market is an alluring one for the online giant.It is large,worth$450 billion in 2016.And it is widely regarded as inefficient,leaving customers without good information about products they are buying.Compared with books,toys and other bulky items,the drugs market would appear to be a nirvana for Amazon.Prescription medicines weigh almost nothing,take up little space and can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per pill.But three barriers block the road to this idyll.First,the sale and distribution of drugs is heavily regulated.Amazon would not be able to dump prescription drugs into the same fulfilment channels as its other products.It must acquire pharmaceutical licences for any state where it wishes to operate.Amazon would also need approval from the Food and Drug Administration at a federal level.Operating in a controlled industry would be a departure for a free-wheeling tech firm.Second,most drugs are paid for by insurers,not by consumers.The pharmacy-benefits managers(PBMs),a sort of middlemen that buy drugs for insurers and companies,perform the complex task of matching purchases with patients'insurers,so that drugs are paid for.That is a source of the sort of opacity that Amazon would seek to remove.But the rcommerce firm would still need to handle issues of payment in the background,without keeping asking consumers for insurance details.Third,although drugs do come in small packages,their shipping and handling often require special attention.Many drugs must be kept cold throughout the supply chain.Others are dangerous,and must be kept in locked cages.Yet these drugs are often also the most expensive.If Amazon cherry-picks drugs that fit well into its existing network,it will miss out on a large slice of the market.Customers could find it confusing to be able to get some prescriptions through Amazon's store but not others.Amazon could find itself a partner,however.In July the boss of Express Scripts,a PBM,said it could use Amazon as an"efficient provider in networks".Or Amazon could buy what it needs.It might buy Rite Aid,a big pharmacy chain,giving it licences,a"cold-chain"infrastructure and Rite Aid's small PBM in one swoop.A prospect like that goes a long way to explaining the marriage of CVS and Aetna.
To sell drugs in America,Amazon must

A.acquire a federal pharmaceurical license.
B.strengthen iis shipping infrastructure. those fitting into its existing network.
D.state clearly what prescriptions it has in store.

第五段指出,药品运输往往需要特殊处理(如冷链或密闭运输),且这些往往是最贵的药品(利润最高),如果Amazon放弃它们,只选择售卖适应现有运输网络的药品,则会失去很大市场且令顾客迷惑。推理可知,作者认为亚马逊若售卖药品,则必须加强运输基础设施,B.正确。[排除干扰]A.将第三段②③句信息“Amazon需获得每一个州的药品许可,还需获得联邦级别的FDA许可”生硬糅杂。C.对第五段⑤句Amazon cherry-picks drugs that fil well into its existing network断章取义,该句整体以If…it will miss out.…假定情形说明Amazon“不可只选择适合现有供应链的药品”。D.将末句“顾客会对‘有些处方药可以在其店内买到,有些却买不到?感到疑惑”的言外之意“Amazon不可只选择售卖适合现有供应链的药品”错误理解为“Amazon应清楚说明店内有什么药品在售”。
