
问答题Directions:There is one passage in this section with 5 statements. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.  For questions 1 - 5, mark  Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;  N (

Directions:There is one passage in this section with 5 statements. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.  For questions 1 - 5, mark  Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;  N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;  NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.  You hear the same complaint all the time as people get older: “My memory is terrible.” Is it all in the mind, or do real changes take place in the brain with age to justify such grumbling (抱怨)? The depressing answer is that the brain’s cells, the neurons, die and decline in efficiency with age.  Professor Arthur Shimamura, of the University of California at Berkeley, says there are three main ways in which mental function changes. The first is mental speed, for example how quickly you can react to fast-moving incidents on the road. Drivers in their late teens react quickly but tend to drive too fast, while the over sixties are more cautious but react more slowly. The near-inevitable slowing with age also partly explains why soccer players are seen as old in their thirties, while golf professionals are still in their prime at that age. This type of mental slowing results from a reduction in the efficiency with which the brain’s neurons work.  The fact that adults find it harder to learn musical instruments than children points to a second type of mental loss with age—a reduction in learning capacity. The parts of the brain known as the temporal lobes control new learning, and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging. This means that, as we get older, we take longer to learn a new language, and slower to master new routines and technologies at work, and we have to rely more on diaries and other mental aids.  “Working memory” is the third brain system which is vulnerable to the effects of aging. Working memory is the brain’s “blackboard”, where we juggle from moment to moment the things we have to keep in mind when solving problems, planning tasks and generally organizing our day-to-day life. Absent-mindedness occurs at all ages because of imperfections in the working memory system—so, for instance, you may continually lose your glasses, or find yourself walking into a room of your house only to find that you cannot remember what you came for.  Such absent-mindedness tends to creep up on us as we age and occurs because our plans and intentions, which are chalked up on the mental blackboard, are easily wiped out by stray thoughts and other distractions. Stress and preoccupation can also cause such absent-mindedness, in addition to age-related changes in the brain. The frontal lobes of the brain—located behind the forehead and above the eyes—are where the working memory system is located. Like the temporal lobes, which handle new learning, the frontal lobes are more vulnerable to the aging process than other parts of the brain.  The news, however, is not all bleak. Although neurons reduce in number with age, the remaining neurons send out new and longer connection fibers (dendrites) to maintain connections and allow us to function reasonably well with only relatively small drops in ability.  This and other evidence suggests that the principle “use it or lost it” might apply to the aging brain. Professor Shimamura studied a group of university professors who were still intellectually active, and compared their performance on neuropsychological tests with that of others of their age group, as well as with younger people. He found that on several tests of memory, the mentally active professors in their sixties and early seventies were superior to their contemporaries, and as good as the younger people.  Research on animals provide even stronger evidence of the effects of stimulation on the brain structure. Professor Bryan Kolb, of the University of Lethbridge in Canada, has shown that animals kept in stimulating environments show sprouting (生长) and lengthening of the connecting nerve fibers in comparison with animals kept in unstimulating environments.  The beneficial effects of continued mental activity are shown by the fact that older contestants in quiz shows are just as fast and accurate in responding to general knowledge questions as younger competitors, suggesting that at least part of their intellectual apparatus is spared the effects of aging because of practice and skill.  Such findings lead to the intriguing possibility of “mental fitness training” to accompany jogging and workouts for the health conscious. Research in Stockholm by Professor Lars Backman and his colleague has shown that older people can be trained to use their memory better, with the effects of this training lasting several years.  Just as people go bald or grey at different rates, so the same is true for their mental faculties. Why this should be the case for memory and other mental functions is not yet clear. If Professor Shimamura is right, then the degree to which people use and stretch their mental faculties may also have a role to play.  Statements:  1.The passage gives a description of several methods of testing mental ability.  2.Professor Shimamura identified a number of areas in which mental function may change.  3.As the temporal lobes of the brain are affected by aging, it becomes harder to pick up new skills.  4.Research indicates that physical training can help to improve memory.  5.Taking part in quizzes is the best way to stimulate the brain.
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(ii) Discuss whether gains and losses that have been reported initially in one section of the performance

statement should be ‘recycled’ in a later period in another section and whether only ‘realised’ gains and

losses should be included in such a statement. (9 marks)

(ii) Recycling is an issue for both the current performance statements and the single statement. Recycling occurs where an
item of financial performance is reported in more than one accounting period because the nature of the item has in some
way changed. It raises the question as to whether gains and losses originally reported in one section of the statement
should be reported in another section at a later date. An example would be gains/losses on the retranslation of the net
investment in an overseas subsidiary. These gains could be reported annually on the retranslation of the subsidiary and
then again when the subsidiary was sold.
The main arguments for recycling to take place are as follows:
1. when unrealised items become realised they should be shown again
2. when uncertain measurements become certain they should be reported again
3. all items should be shown in operating or financing activities at some point in time as all items of performance are
ultimately part of operating or financing activities of an entity.
There is no conceptual justification for recycling. Once an item has been recognised in a statement of financial
performance it should not be recognised again in a future period in a different part of that statement. Once an item is
recognised in the statement there is an assumption that it can be reliably measured and therefore it should be recognised
in the appropriate section of the statement with no reason to show it again.
Gains and losses should not be based on the notion of realisation. Realisation may have been a critical event historically
but given the current financial exposures of many entities, such a principle has limited value. A realised gain reflects the
same economic gain as an unrealised gain. Items should be classified in the performance statement on the basis of
characteristics which are more useful than realisation. The effect of realisation is explained better in the cash flow
statement. Realisation means different things in different countries. In Europe and Asia it refers to the amount of
distributable profits but in the USA it refers to capital maintenance. The amount of distributable profits is not an
accounting but a legal issue, and therefore realisation should not be the overriding determinant of the reporting of gains
and losses.
An alternative view could be that an unrealised gain is more subjective than a realised gain. In many countries, realised
gains are recognised for distribution purposes because of their certainty because this gives more economic stability to
the payment of dividends.


Directions: In this section, you are required to write a passage of no less than 100 words based on the following situation. 你听说你的朋友获得了奖学金(scholarship),你给他发封邮件表示祝贺。

正确答案:Dear Yang:How are you gettling along these days? I am glad to know you won the scholarship Congratulations!Everybody knows that it is extremely difficult for a high school student to get the scholarship from Harvard University, one ot the most world-famous universities But you have made it! The scholarship is the best reward to your hard work over these years All of our classmates know how many hardships you have overcome in these years Moreover, it is a great honor both for you and for our school! Our teachers and classmates are very proud of you!I do hope your study abroad will be smoothful and successful in the future Sincerely yours.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state your views on the topic: health and diet. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the outline below: it is necessary to keep a balanced diet should it is important to do regular exercises it is essential to keep in good spirits / in a positive mood renew our spirits and release our stress. Be bound to keep healthy How to Keep Healthy

参考答案: Nowdays,more and more people know the importance ofkeeping healthy.Wlithopout a healthy body,wo can do nothing .for me,there are main ways to keep haelthy.first it is necessary to keep a balanceddiet,which is the basis of good health .it is important to take regular exercises,such as swimming,jogging and so on.last but not least ,it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life,we are bound to keep healthy.


Directions: There are 15 sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

6. ______ you go there early, there won't be much a chance of getting a ticket.

A. Until

B. If

C. Unless

D. If only


答案为C。不会有很多机会得到票,除非你早点到那儿。unless“除非”;until“直到” if“如果”;if ioly如果......该多好”。只有C选项能用在句中。




Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. Most of the retired people are happy ________ their quiet life in the country- side.

A) to

B) of

C) with

D) on




Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions, There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

6. I know the difference between these two words. So ______ they.

A. know

B. will

C. do

D. does


6.答案为C  我知道这两个词的区别,他们也知道。so表示“也...”,句型为so+助动词+主语,根据前一句的谓语动词,得知应选C




Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. By the end of this year Mr. Smith ________in our company for exactly three years.

A) is working

B) has worked

C) will work

D) will have worked




Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

6. ______ the look on his face, he wasn't satisfied with their performance.

A. To judge by

B. Judging by

C. Judge by

D. To be judged by



It is not possible to determine whether both continents are moving in opposite directions or whether one continent is stationary and the other is drifting away from it.

63. 【译文】无法断定两个大陆是在朝相反的方向运动,还是一个大陆停止不动而另一个从它身边漂移开去。
【解析】此句翻译时注意 it是形式主语,  to 引导的不定式短语是真正主语,注意两个whether从句的选择关系,以及后一个从句中两个小句所描述的相对关系。determine后面跟的是whether... or whether...引导的选择关系的从句。注意后面whether从句中有两个分句,用 and连接,其中the other 指的是 the other continent。
重点词:  determine确定,断定;continent 大陆;stationary 静止的,固定的


The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tanker that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a ______.





