
单选题Cutting pliers can ()the wire.A repairB washC cutD adjust

Cutting pliers can ()the wire.








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The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show _______.

A. the tendency of cutting household waste

B. the increase of packaging recycling

C. the rapid growth of super markets

D. the fact of packaging overuse




(ii) Identify and explain the potential financial statement risks caused by the breach of planning regulations

discussed in the press cutting. (6 marks)

(ii) Several significant financial statement risks are indicated by the press cutting.
Overstatement of property, plant and equipment
Medix Co has constructed a research laboratory which is likely to be impaired at the year end. The local authority has
the power to shut down the facility, and it is clear from the press cutting that this is likely to happen before the year end.
Following IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, the premises should be written down to recoverable amount, and the
impairment loss recognised as an expense. The directors should carry out an impairment review before the year end. If
the premises cannot be used as intended then the recoverable amount (measured using the higher of value in use and
fair value less selling cost) is likely to be less than current carrying value. In this case, assuming the local authority is
successful in shutting down the research laboratory, the recoverable amount is likely to be nil, as the premises have no
value in use, as it will never be used commercially, and has no market value as it is likely to be demolished.
In addition, any tangible assets such as laboratory equipment located at the premises should be tested for impairment
as if the company cannot use the premises then the assets contained within it are likely to have a lower recoverable
amount than carrying value.
Contingency – fines or penalties imposed by local authority
The press cutting indicates that Medix Co has been sued before, and that the local authority may again take legal action
against the company. IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets states that a provision should be
recognised if the company has a probable obligation at the year end which can be measured reliably. If payment is
deemed only possible at the year end, then disclosure of the contingent liability should be made in a note to the financial
If the local authority commences legal proceedings against Medix Co before the year end of 30 June 2008, then
management should assess the probability of payment. The financial statement risk is not recognising a provision (and
associated expense within the income statement), or not disclosing a contingency.
Demolition costs
The local authority may require Medix Co to demolish the premises. If this demand is made before the year end, Medix
Co should recognise a provision for demolition costs as an unavoidable legal obligation would have been created. The
financial statement risk is that in this situation, Medix Co fails to recognise a provision and associated expense within
the income statement.
Going concern
The above issues could indicate that the company may not continue in operational existence. The potential lack of
disclosure of these issues represents a financial statement risk.


From “Dreams of head-cutting!”(Paragraph 3), we learn that the writer.

A. was mad at the sales agent.

B. was reminded of the cruel pharaoh

C. wished that the sales agent would have had dreams.

D. dreamed of cutting the sales agent’s head that night.




  • A、There are some saws in my toolbox.
  • B、There are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox.
  • C、There are some spanners in my toolbox.
  • D、There are some tools in my toolbox.



Another aspect of C that's worth mentioning here is that it is, to put it bluntly, a bit dangerous. C does not, in general, try hard to protect a programmer from mistakes. If you write a piece of(66)which will(through some oversight of yours)do something wildly different from what you intended it to do, up to and including(67)your(68)or trashing your(69), and if it is possible for the(70)to compile it, it generally will. You wont get warnings of the form. "Do you really mean to... ?" or "Are you sure you really want to... ?". C is often compared to a sharp knife :' it can do a surgically precise job on some exacting task you have in mind, but it can also do a surgically precise job of cutting off your finger. It's up to you to use it carefully.







People can help solve the problem of pollution by______.

A. urging their governments to control litter and waste

B. cutting down the use of oil and other oil products

C. reducing unnecessary buying, over-consumption and careless disposal of wastes

D. making anti-pollution advertisements


此题为细节题。见文章的最后一句:Pollution and waste combineby cutting out unnecessary buyingexcess consumption and careless disposal…。


Your hair needs ____; would you like me ____ it for you?


B.to cut...doing

C.to be cut...to do

D.being cut...to do



30. The best title for the passage is _________

A. Cutting Price

B. Corner Store

C. Supermarket

D. Shopping

30.D【解析】本文是关于购物的,文中不涉及砍{ 题,因此D项更适合。


The destruction of habitats(栖息地)all over the world is the primary reason species are?becoming extinct(灭绝)or endangered.Houses,highways,dams,industrial buildings,and?ever-spreading farms now dominate?21?formerly occupied by forests,deserts,and wetlands.22?the beginning of European settlement in America,23,
over 65,000,000 acres of?wetlands have been drained.One million acres alone vanished
24?1985 and 1995.
Habitat destruction can be?25?or it can be subtle,occurring over a
26?period of time?without being noticed.27?such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff fromfarms,can change?the?28?and quantity of water in streams and rivers.To?29?living in a delicately balanced?habitat,this disturbance can be as
30?as the clear-cutting of a rainforest.
31?remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands,remaining?species are forced to exist in these?32?areas,which causes further habitat?33?These?species become less adaptable to environmental?34;in fact,they become?35?endangered.Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by 90%,one-half of its plants,animals and insects will?become extinct.
第34题的答案是( )




A laptop LCD screen needs to be replaced. Which of the following tools would be BEST used toopen the case?()

  • A、Flathead screwdriver
  • B、Plastic shim
  • C、Metal shim
  • D、Pliers

