
单选题One reason that many colleges adopt the website is to ______.A provide their students with campus informationB offer medical treatment to students in mental disorderC encourage their students to seek advice about depressionD give their students various

One reason that many colleges adopt the website is to ______.

provide their students with campus information


offer medical treatment to students in mental disorder


encourage their students to seek advice about depression


give their students various help they may need

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How many tablets should one take before he goes to sleep?



C.one and half


解析:本题的依据句为“For maximum nighttime and early morning relief,take two tablets at bedtime.”B选项可以得到确认。


Passage Two

Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the many colleges and universities in the United States. Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard.

In the early years, these schools were much alike. Only young men went to college. All the students studied the same subjects, and everyone learned Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Little was known about science then, and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world. When the students graduated, most of them became ministers (大臣) or teachers.

In 1782, Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors. Later, lawyers could receive their training in Harvard's law school. In 1825, besides Latin and Greek, Harvard began teaching modern languages, such as French and German. Soon it began teaching American history.

As knowledge increased, Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects. Students were allowed to choose the subjects that interested them.

Today, there are many different kinds of colleges and universities. Most of them are made up of smaller schools that deal with (涉及) special fields of learning. There's so much to learn that one kind of school can't offer it all.

36. The oldest university in the US is______.

A. Yale

B. Princeton

C. Harvard

D. Columbia


36.答案为C  从短文第一句可知美国最古老的学校是哈佛。


The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a () show.







It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges 。

A. receive too many visitors

B. mirror the rest of the nation

C. hide the truth of campus crime

D. have too many watchdog groups

文章第四段提到But getting accurate information isn’t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. 可以看出正确选项。


That is the reason()we’ve lost so many customers.

A、 why

B、 that

C、 which



Any discussion of the American educational system would be less than complete if it did not mention the emphasis that many colleges and universities place upon the nonacademic, social,“extracurricular”aspect of education, often defined as personal growth.




该句子是含条件状语从句的主从复合句。句子的主干是:Any discussion would be less than completeIf条件从句翻译时应前置,其中代词it指代主句主语Any discussion …。条件句中又含有that引导的定语从句修饰the emphasis。定语从句的主干是:… universities place emphasisupon the education,句子最后的分词结构(which isdefined as personal growth是前面名词短语the nonacademic, social,extracurricularaspect of education的后置定语。由于名词短语中已含有多个形容词做定语,因此,句末的后置定语应采用拆译法,译成同位语。

词汇方面:place emphasis upon (sth.)强调,重视;extracurricular课外的,业余的,extra-前缀意为“在外,外面”;personal growth个人成长。


As knowledge increased, colleges began to teach______.

A. everything that was known

B. law and something about medicine

C. many new subjects

D. the subjects that interested students


39.答案为C  从第四段可知随着知识的丰富,大学的学科逐渐增多。


The chief reason why philanthropy has conic into a good stage is that

A. the new money is less likely to be regarded as one's private wealth

B. Gates will devote his full attention to philanthropy

C. the welfare state would take over all the charity responsibilities

D. many new millionaires are self-made rather than inherited

逻辑分析题。由原文“New money is less likely to be tied up in assets.making it ripe for philanthropy.”可知选项B(盖茨会将所有精力投入慈善事业);选项C(福利型国家将会承担起所有责任);选项D(许多新百万富翁都是白手起家而不是继承财产)都不合题意;只有选项A(新增的收入不再完全是私人财产)才是正确选项。


Examine the following options, Multicasting supports applications that communicate.()

A. many - to - one

B. one - to - one

C. one - to - many

D. many - to - many



Love Animal Shelter

Foster Owner Program
You can help save a dog's life by becoming a foster owner until we find a loving owner to adopt your pet or until we reunite them with their original owner. We have dogs of all ages for you to care for, and many require special attention.

Although being a foster owner is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world, its emotional, physical, and financial demands should be given careful consideration. For this reason, we require all of our applicants go through an orientation program at our shelter so that they can get used to the responsibilities of caring for a dog and decide for themselves if they would like to continue doing it. We will also have one of our staff conduct a home and lifestyle evaluation to determine if each applicant's living situation is suitable for one of our dogs. Additionally, once a dog has been placed in your care, our adoption center will be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with any situations that arises.

For more information on our foster owner program, including testimonials from current and previous foster owners, visit www.loveanimalshelter.com.
What is the purpose of the advertisement?

A. To encourage people to adopt a pet

B. To encourage people to become foster owners

C. To encourage people to donate to the animal shelter

D. To encourage people to volunteer at the animal shelter

