
单选题By saying “condemning all of us to remain boys and girls forever, jogging and doing push-ups against eternity”, the author means that .A she thinks people shouldn’t be so concerned about physical fitnessB she feels too old and tired to do such hard exe

By saying “condemning all of us to remain boys and girls forever, jogging and doing push-ups against eternity”, the author means that .

she thinks people shouldn’t be so concerned about physical fitness


she feels too old and tired to do such hard exercise


American society is overemphasizing youth and physical appearance


what happened to children centuries ago may occur to adults in America soon

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听力原文:W: Who's your new secretary, Tom?

M: I'm pleased with the work she's been doing so far.

What do we know about Tom's secretary?

A.She's not efficient.

B.She's often late.

C.She's capable.

D.She's honest.

解析:男士指出I'm pleased...由此可知答案为C。


She told us ______ story that we all forgot about the time.

A. such an interesting

B. such interesting a

C. so an interesting

D. a so interesting

such a(an)后接单数可数名词。


One of the most successful, influential, and beloved women in American history, Eleanor Roosevelt once said that she had one regret: She wished she had been prettier. Who hasn’t felt the same way? We are all too awake to our physical imperfections. To overcome them, we spend billions upon billions of dollars every year on cosmetics, diet products, fashion, and plastic surgery.

Why do we care so much about how we look? Because it matters. Because beauty is powerful. Because even when we learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise and funny, we are still moved by beauty. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts its power over us. There is simply no escape.

Aristotle said, “Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.” It’s not fair, but it’s true. We simply treat beautiful people better than we do others. Attach a photograph of a beautiful author to an essay, and people will think that it is more creative and more intelligently written than exactly the same essay accompanied by the photo of a homely author.

As children, beautiful people are more likely to become favorites with parents and teachers. Later, they’re more likely to get good jobs and promotion. Beautiful lawyers get paid more than their less attractive colleagues. Good-looking criminals are more likely to win the sympathy of judges and juries. Attractive people in need are more likely to receive help from strangers.

(1)Eleanor Roosevelt’s regret shows ().

A、she was one of the most successful, influential, and beloved women in American history

B、she was not pretty

C、she has many regrets

D、even she was pretty, she wanted to be prettier

(2)“It matters” in paragraph 2 line 1 means ().

A、It is a matter

B、It doesn’t matter

C、It is important

D、It is not important

(3)According to paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, which of the following is not true?

A、We learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise and funny.

B、We can be immune to beauty.

C、Aristotle meant beauty is the best recommendation.

D、People think a beautiful author’s essay is more creative and more intelligently written.

(4)Paragraph 4 is written to show ().

A、beauty is powerful

B、beautiful children are favorites with parents and teachers

C、beautiful lawyers get higher pay than their homely colleagues

D、attractive people receive more help from strangers

(5)The word “good -looking” in paragraph 4 line 3 may mean ().

A、beautiful or handsome






I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to change, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience and facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didn't remember any word that I had prepared. I ran out of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes up so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myself. I am just storing knowledge, yet I fail to communicate with others. I have received many awards in school, but they don't necessarily reflect anything about me. I don't know how to socialize. When I leave school I fear I will be of no use to society.

I realize that everyone has his own way of living. I want to change my lifestyle. Of course I will keep studying. Yet I plan to look for a part-time job, which might turn out to be a good chance to get to know society. I still believe that working my hardest makes me happy. I will still stay on in college. But I will not allow it to shelter me from the real world.

1. From the passage, we know that the author _____.

A. does not think education is a most important thing in her life any more

B. thinks that communication with other people is more important than education

C. realizes that it is more important to develop oneself than just to store knowledge

2. By saying that she is “a junior student” in her college, the author means that she is ___.

A. a student in her third year in college

B. a very young college student

C. younger than most students in college

3. The author thinks the awards she has received _____.

A. show that she is a top student

B. show how much time she has spent in learning

C. don't necessarily reflect her real self

4. The author fears that she will be of no use to society mainly because _____.

A. she feels she is a loser

B. she does not know how to communicate with others

C. studying takes too much of her time

5. Which of following statements is NOT true according to the passage, when the author say that she wants to find a part-time job?

A. The job might enable her to get to know society.

B. She wants to change her lifestyle.

C. She wants to get some shelter from the real world.



How does the author summarize the volunteer experience?

A、She will remember this experience forever.

B、It is valuable.

C、It is hard and tiring.

D、It is irrelevant and useless now.



With so many people to care about her, she feels very happy.



Passage Five

Danny was just tired about the way things were going. His mom came to the school and went on and on talking about Rick Jackson. It seemed that she would never stop talking. "Somebody's got to stop that boy!" she was shouting, "Rick's troubling everybody in the neighborhood. And he loves to pick on little boys like Danny."

Mrs. Green, Danny's teacher, was concerned a lot. "I didn't know that Danny was being picked on," she nswered. "He's never said anything about this to me!" Mrs. Green looked at Danny. "How long has this been going on?" She asked. Danny could only shake his head and look at the floor. He knew if he said a word about this, he would have trouble after school.

Danny hadn't said anything about the problem because he wanted to play with the boys in the neighborhood. After all, most of them were nice to him. He hated to leave the gang just because of Rick. Maybe the time had come to find new friends. He felt it hard to make up his mind.

52. We learn from the reading that______.

A. Danny was not a good student

B. Danny's mother talked too much about the school

C. Danny's teacher knew something about Danny's problem before

D. Danny wanted to get away from Rick

52.答案为D  此题为推断题。阅读全篇短文后,可以推断Danny是想要摆脱Rick,因此选D。但他又不想失去一群小伙伴儿,所以最后一句说到Danny很难下决心。


She said that she_____what he could_____us, but she was too busy then.

A、would do, help.

B、could have done, to help.

C、would have done, helping.

D、could do, helped



I was 15 when I met my first real teacher, Mrs Geurin. I didn’t know her well at the time but I thought I hated her.In her first class, she asked us to write a piece about an influencial person, place or memory. I chose to write my lake house, a topic I had already written about and received a vast amount of praise for. Put simply, it was the place that my parents met and fell in love.This teacher knew about my original piece and she was not happy. Throught the school year,we would pass each other in the hall, never saying a word to each other.It was not until February of 2012 that we spoke at the most unusual of places, my father’s funeral. At first, I was angry that she showed up. Did she even care? She didn’t even know him! I stood, watching her give a deep bow to my father’s coffin, completely confused!It was not until she approached me that I realized she was crying even harder than I was.“Kali,” she said, “I am so sorry. My own father passed away just three weeks ago, and I completely feel your pain.” I was shocked. I understood that she had also lost her father, but I didn’t see the connection between us just yet. She had rejected my writing. That was not something that I was willing to so early forgive.A couple of weeks later, she went into my study hall and placed an envelope on my desk.In the letter, she told me her father, also had cancer, also passed away in six months’ time and he was her best friend too. It was not just this letter, but this act of kindness that taught me my,greatest life lesson. Losing has taught us both how to appreciate life. For that lesson, I am always grateful.

39. Why did the author hate Mrs. Geurin at first?

A. Mrs. Geurin said somethig bad about the author’s father.

B. Mrs. Geurin gave the author a hard topic to write about.

C. Mrs. Geurin didn’t appreciate the author’s writing.

D. Mrs. Geurin didn’t like the author’s lake house.

40. Hearing what Mrs. Geurin said at the funeral, the author _____.

A. was grateful to her

B. still didn’t forgive her

C. felt ashamed of herself

D. found they had a lot in common

41. What changed the relationship between Mrs. Geurin and the author?

A. Her apology to the author.

B. Her visit to the lake house.

C. Both losing a good friend

D. A similar sad experience

42. What’s best title for the text?

A. My first teacher

B. My beloved father

C. Seeking common ground

D. Breaking down the emotional barrier

正确答案:39、C 40、A 41、B 42、A




There are many different kinds of cars in the world. My uncle thinks this is because cars are like their drivers. He says: "Rich people have expensive cars,big people have large cars,and old people drive old cars. "But I don-t agree with him.

My neighbor,Mrs Hill,is 82 years old. She drives only to the bank on Tuesdays. She never drives more than 30 kilometers an hour. Do you think Mrs Hill has a very old and small car? No! Her car is new.lt-s very large,and it can g0 200 kilometers an hour!

My friend Mike is an artist. He draws beautiful pictures with lots of colors. But his car is black! Mrs Bates has a very,very old car.lt often has engine trouble. Does she drive that kind of car because she is poor? No,she has four factories and two million dollars in the bank. My aunt Mary has a very small car. Every Sunday,she.drives to the country with her husband,her three children,her mother and their dog.

Now,you have read about some people and their cars. Do you agree with my uncle? Maybe your family have cars. Do you want to say something about them?'

( )21. What does the writer-s uncle think of cars and their drivers?

A. Big people drive small cars.

B. Old people drive new cars.

C. Poor people have expensive cars.

D. Rich people have dear cars.

Ⅲ.21.D【解析】从文中第一段第三句作者叔叔说的话中“...Rich people have expensive cars”可知答案.
