
单选题What may help you feel better about your body?A Observing other healthy people around you.B Looking around at the models you see every day.C Exercising every day to improve your body shape.D Talking to your parent or even your doctor.

What may help you feel better about your body?

Observing other healthy people around you.


Looking around at the models you see every day.


Exercising every day to improve your body shape.


Talking to your parent or even your doctor.

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28. Which of the following may the author disagree?

A. Sitting up slowly without using your hands helps burn calories.

B. Eating apples every day is good for people's health.

C. You have to join a gym if you want to lose weight.

D. It’s good to walk around while talking on the mobile phone.



Tiny Invaders

The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,
and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think
about it very much-until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there.
They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you
are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only
live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny
creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so
good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against
germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the
body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and
destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!
Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of
germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a
germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.
That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm
strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are
medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.
Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your
antibodies attack it.

The heart contains the body's strongest muscle.
C:Not mentioned

由文章第二段的第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”可知,病毒只能生存在动植物体内,故选B。
由文章第三段第三句“You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap andwater.”可知,通过用水打上肥皂清洗皮肤可以预防一些疾病,故选A。
由文章第三段最后一句中“germs can still enter the body through...eyes and nose”可知,致病菌可以通过伤口、口、眼、鼻等进入人体,故选A。
由文章第四段倒数第三句“After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”可 知,在毁掉致病菌以后,抗体会留在人体中,故选A。
由文章最后一段内容可知,疫苗是接种到人体中用以抵抗致病菌的;疫苗是一种药物, 故选B。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people () about you than the words you use.






Germs are everywhere. You can′t see them, but they are on your desk, on your computer, and even in the air!
Like people, germs move around the world. They fly with us on planes. When food, clothes, and other things travel around the world, germs travel, too. Some germs are safe, but some are dangerous. Germs cause illnesses like colds and the flu.
Warmer Weather Brings Germs
The world′s weather is changing. Cooler countries are getting warmer, so insects from hot countries can move there. Some of these insects, like mosquitoes, carry dangerous germs. These germs cause headaches, fever, and can even kill people.
Under Your Skin
Your skin protects you from germs. It stops some germs, but not all. They can enter your body when you eat, or when you have a cut. Germs are on your hands, too. They enter your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Your immune system (免疫系统) protects you, too. When germs get inside your body, your immune system finds and kills them. Special cells (细胞) move around your body and fight germs. They help you stay healthy. Other cells make antibodies. Antibodies help your body find and stop germs.
What can you do to fight germs? You should wash your hands with soap and water. Soap kills many germs, and water washes them away.
Please fill in the blank with proper phrases to complete the title of the last paragraph.

Fighting Germs.


Tiny Invaders

The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,
and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think
about it very much-until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there.
They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you
are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only
live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny
creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so
good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against
germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the
body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and
destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!
Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of
germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a
germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.
That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm
strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are
medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.
Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your
antibodies attack it.

Viruses can only live inside people or animals.
C:Not mentioned

由文章第二段的第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”可知,病毒只能生存在动植物体内,故选B。
由文章第三段第三句“You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap andwater.”可知,通过用水打上肥皂清洗皮肤可以预防一些疾病,故选A。
由文章第三段最后一句中“germs can still enter the body through...eyes and nose”可知,致病菌可以通过伤口、口、眼、鼻等进入人体,故选A。
由文章第四段倒数第三句“After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”可 知,在毁掉致病菌以后,抗体会留在人体中,故选A。
由文章最后一段内容可知,疫苗是接种到人体中用以抵抗致病菌的;疫苗是一种药物, 故选B。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


What Makes Me the Weight I Am?
There's no easy answer to this question.Your genetic makeup,the physical traits that get passed down to you from your parents,plays a big part in determining your size and weight. ______(46)But if your parents are smaller than average,you may want to rethink that professional basketball career!
The same goes for your body type.Have you ever heard someone say a person is"big boned"?It's a way of saying the person has a large frame,or skeleton.Big bones usually weigh more than small bones. ______(47) Like your height or body type,your genes have a lot to say about what your weight will be.But that's only part of the story.Being overweight can run in someone 's family , but it may not be because of their genes._______ (48 ) And even though some kids gain weight more easily than others , when they eat right and exercise , most kids can be a healthy and happy weight that's right for them.It's true the way you live can change the way you look.
How much you weigh is a balance between the calories you eat and the calories you use. ______(49)If you spend your free time watching TV, your body won' t use as many calories as it would if you played basketball,skated,or went for a walk.If you are in balance,your weight will stay right for you as you grow.But if you eat more and exercise less,you may become overweight.______(50)

A:That's why it's possible for two kids with the same height but different weight,to both be the right weight.
B:If you eat more calories than your body needs to use,you will gain too much weight.
C:Poor eating and exercise habits also run in families and this may be the reason the members.of a family are overweight.
D:However , many overweight people have difficulty reaching their healthy body weight.
E:On the other hand, "you eat less and exercise more, you, may lose weight.
F:If both your parents are tall,there is a good chance you'II be tall.

空格前后句中都出现了parents,因此判断空格处也谈及parents的可能性很大,因此首先注意F项。而且空格前句中的your size and weight呼应F项中的tall,而空格后句中的smal-ler也是在说身高的问题,因此判断F是答案。
空格前后句中都出现了“calories(热量)”,因此判断空格处出现该词的可能性较大,因此首先重点注意B项。空格后面的句子结构是“if you… , your body…”,该结构也正好与B呼应,形成排比结构,因此判断B是答案。


Tiny Invaders

The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,
and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think
about it very much-until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there.
They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you
are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only
live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny
creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so
good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against
germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the
body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and
destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!
Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of
germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a
germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.
That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm
strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are
medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.
Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your
antibodies attack it.

Vaccines can make you sick.
C:Not mentioned

由文章第二段的第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”可知,病毒只能生存在动植物体内,故选B。
由文章第三段第三句“You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap andwater.”可知,通过用水打上肥皂清洗皮肤可以预防一些疾病,故选A。
由文章第三段最后一句中“germs can still enter the body through...eyes and nose”可知,致病菌可以通过伤口、口、眼、鼻等进入人体,故选A。
由文章第四段倒数第三句“After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”可 知,在毁掉致病菌以后,抗体会留在人体中,故选A。
由文章最后一段内容可知,疫苗是接种到人体中用以抵抗致病菌的;疫苗是一种药物, 故选B。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


Stress is the feeling you get when you're really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours,or even days.It makes you feel (11),scared(恐惧的),or angry. You may find it difficult to eat and sleep,or you might eat and sleep much(12) than usual. Stressing out will lead to serious 'problems like heart illness.(13) not all stress is bad for you. The good kind (14) your body and mind alert(机敏的) and can make you perform better,like when you're giving a speech to your class or running to the finish line.

What causes stress? Do you know(15) your dad is worried about the bills,or your mom is unhappy? Because they're stressed out! There are lots of things in your life that ,(16) cause stress-having too much homework,taking a test in a subject that you are not good (17) ,or hearing your parents argue!

There are some ways to (18) stress. If you're stressed out,try these quick and easy

ways to relaxt Take part in sports and out-of-class activities. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Eat a healthy,balanced (19) that includes all kinds of food. Talk with your close friends,family members or teachers: It'll make you feel better,and (20) may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.

( )11.





Ⅱ.11.D【解析】句意:压力使你感觉心烦、恐惧和恼怒。 其他三项均不合意。


Tiny Invaders

The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,
and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think
about it very much-until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there.
They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you
are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only
live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny
creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so
good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against
germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the
body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and
destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!
Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of
germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a
germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.
That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm
strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are
medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.
Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your
antibodies attack it.

All bacteria cause illnesses.
C:Not mentioned

由文章第二段的第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”可知,病毒只能生存在动植物体内,故选B。
由文章第三段第三句“You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap andwater.”可知,通过用水打上肥皂清洗皮肤可以预防一些疾病,故选A。
由文章第三段最后一句中“germs can still enter the body through...eyes and nose”可知,致病菌可以通过伤口、口、眼、鼻等进入人体,故选A。
由文章第四段倒数第三句“After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”可 知,在毁掉致病菌以后,抗体会留在人体中,故选A。
由文章最后一段内容可知,疫苗是接种到人体中用以抵抗致病菌的;疫苗是一种药物, 故选B。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


Germs are everywhere. You can′t see them, but they are on your desk, on your computer, and even in the air!
Like people, germs move around the world. They fly with us on planes. When food, clothes, and other things travel around the world, germs travel, too. Some germs are safe, but some are dangerous. Germs cause illnesses like colds and the flu.
Warmer Weather Brings Germs
The world′s weather is changing. Cooler countries are getting warmer, so insects from hot countries can move there. Some of these insects, like mosquitoes, carry dangerous germs. These germs cause headaches, fever, and can even kill people.
Under Your Skin
Your skin protects you from germs. It stops some germs, but not all. They can enter your body when you eat, or when you have a cut. Germs are on your hands, too. They enter your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Your immune system (免疫系统) protects you, too. When germs get inside your body, your immune system finds and kills them. Special cells (细胞) move around your body and fight germs. They help you stay healthy. Other cells make antibodies. Antibodies help your body find and stop germs.
What can you do to fight germs? You should wash your hands with soap and water. Soap kills many germs, and water washes them away.
What do antibodies do?

They help protect us from germs.
