
单选题What is the best way to reduce the amount of soot?A Installing exhaust filters on all trucks and buses.B Better managing forest fires.C Getting Americans to give up SUVs.D Melting snow and ice.

What is the best way to reduce the amount of soot?

Installing exhaust filters on all trucks and buses.


Better managing forest fires.


Getting Americans to give up SUVs.


Melting snow and ice.

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What caused him _______ his job?

A、give up

B、giving up

C、given up

D、to give up



29. What's the purpose of the passage?

A. To give some advice on how to lose weight.

B. To advise people to eat apples every day.

C. To tell people how to enjoy a better life.

D. To advise people to give up bad habits.



What is the implication of the words on the bus wall?

A. All small acts will add up to kindness.

B. It's a small act to help a person in need.

C. Everyone can play his own part to make things better.

D. You should be kind to your neighbors and they will treat you the same way.


34.答案为C  比较四个选项,只有C最符合原意,公汽上标语的意思是小的善举也能起作用。


New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot after the way sunlight re- flects off snow.According to a computer simulation,black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century. Soot in the higher latitudes(维度)of the Earth,where ice is more common , absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy,white background. Dark-colored black carbon,or soot, absorbs sunlight,while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.
Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change.Also,if snow and ice covered areas begin melting,the warming effect increase,as the soot becomes more con-centrated on the snow surface.“This provides a positive feedback,as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier.”said Dr. James Hansen,a researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies,New York.
Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo(反照率),which may be contributing to trends to-ward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere,such as thinning Arctic sea ice and melting glac-iers permafrost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.
“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space,thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”Hansen said. Soot's increased absorp-tion of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world's climate.“ This forcing is unusual-ly effective,causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magni-tude.”Hansen noted.
Hansen cautioned,although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial,it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century .Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing for the rest of the century.
The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was large in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes. These observations were coherent with the researchers' climate model situations,which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.

The largest warming effects happened in the Northern Hemisphere with_____.
A: thin sea ice and insufficient sunlight
B: light、 snow cover and sufficient sunlight
C: heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight
D:.thick sea ice and sufficient sunlight

文章第二段最后一句“…while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.”说浅色的冰反射太阳光,而黑色的煤烟灰并不反射。其他三项在文章一、二段都有提到,故本题选C。

根据第五段首句“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back in-to space, thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”可知,黑炭覆盖的地区有更强烈的加热效果。故本题选B。

第五段中的“This forcing”指的是其前面所说的“Soot's increased absorption of solar energy”。因此本题选B。

根据第六段“…it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.”可知,温室气体是上世纪气候变暖的首要原因,故选C。

由最后一段最后一句“…which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.”知,部分大规模的温室效应发生在有厚雪覆盖层和阳光强烈的地方。故本题选C。


New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot after the way sunlight re- flects off snow.According to a computer simulation,black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century. Soot in the higher latitudes(维度)of the Earth,where ice is more common , absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy,white background. Dark-colored black carbon,or soot, absorbs sunlight,while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.
Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change.Also,if snow and ice covered areas begin melting,the warming effect increase,as the soot becomes more con-centrated on the snow surface.“This provides a positive feedback,as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier.”said Dr. James Hansen,a researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies,New York.
Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo(反照率),which may be contributing to trends to-ward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere,such as thinning Arctic sea ice and melting glac-iers permafrost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.
“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space,thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”Hansen said. Soot's increased absorp-tion of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world's climate.“ This forcing is unusual-ly effective,causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magni-tude.”Hansen noted.
Hansen cautioned,although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial,it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century .Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing for the rest of the century.
The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was large in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes. These observations were coherent with the researchers' climate model situations,which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.

What is the main cause of climate warming during the past century?
A: Soot.
B: Snow.
C: Greenhouse gases.

文章第二段最后一句“…while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.”说浅色的冰反射太阳光,而黑色的煤烟灰并不反射。其他三项在文章一、二段都有提到,故本题选C。

根据第五段首句“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back in-to space, thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”可知,黑炭覆盖的地区有更强烈的加热效果。故本题选B。

第五段中的“This forcing”指的是其前面所说的“Soot's increased absorption of solar energy”。因此本题选B。

根据第六段“…it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.”可知,温室气体是上世纪气候变暖的首要原因,故选C。

由最后一段最后一句“…which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.”知,部分大规模的温室效应发生在有厚雪覆盖层和阳光强烈的地方。故本题选C。


After installing a new hydraulic pump in a system, what special attention should be given to the hydraulic system?

A.The relief valves in the system should be readjusted

B.The filters and strainers should be checked frequently

C.All system pressure should be readjusted

D.The system should be drained and renewed with a fluid of different operating characteristics



As recently as three decades ago,many Americans believed that using credit was an unwise and?dangerous way to pay for what they bought.Some even thought that owing money to a store or a?credit company was something to be ashamed of.Good citizens,they believed,always bought what?they wanted with real money and they paid the full price immediately.
Today,however,all that has changed.Credit,as some observers have noted,has become a?way of life in the United States.More and more Americans now are depending on those small pieces?of plastic,credit cards,to pay for large purchases such as televisions,record players or furniture.Many people today would consider it unusual not to use a credit card to pay for a costly restaurant?dinner,a hotel room or an airline trip.And there are some situations in which Americans must have?credit cards.If they want the temporary use of a car,for example,they first must give the car rental?company the number of their credit card.That number is considered a guarantee that they will return?the car and pay for using it.
Credit cards offer two major services to Americans.First of all,they are easier and safer to?carry than large amounts of money.Second,they permit people to borrow,to have the immediate?pleasure of owning something,even if they do not have enough money to pay for it at the time.With?credit cards people pay for goods or services at the end of each month instead of when they buy them.And when the time does come to pay,most credit cards offer people a choice.They can pay all of?what they owe for the month or they can just pay usually between 5 and 10 percent of what they owe.

What is the best title for the passage?

A.Credit—a Way of Life in America
B.Credit Services in America
C.Convenience of Living in America
D.History of Credit Cards in America



If you try all kinds of jobs, not only will you find out what you want to do, but you will also ___________ up a surprising amount of useful information as you go along.







New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot after the way sunlight re- flects off snow.According to a computer simulation,black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century. Soot in the higher latitudes(维度)of the Earth,where ice is more common , absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy,white background. Dark-colored black carbon,or soot, absorbs sunlight,while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.
Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change.Also,if snow and ice covered areas begin melting,the warming effect increase,as the soot becomes more con-centrated on the snow surface.“This provides a positive feedback,as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier.”said Dr. James Hansen,a researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies,New York.
Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo(反照率),which may be contributing to trends to-ward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere,such as thinning Arctic sea ice and melting glac-iers permafrost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.
“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space,thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”Hansen said. Soot's increased absorp-tion of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world's climate.“ This forcing is unusual-ly effective,causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magni-tude.”Hansen noted.
Hansen cautioned,although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial,it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century .Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing for the rest of the century.
The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was large in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes. These observations were coherent with the researchers' climate model situations,which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.

“This forcing” in Paragraph 5 refers to_____.
A: sun's heating on snow surface
B: soot's increased absorption of solar energy
C: carbon-dioxide's warming effect
D: snow's increased reflection of sunlight

文章第二段最后一句“…while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.”说浅色的冰反射太阳光,而黑色的煤烟灰并不反射。其他三项在文章一、二段都有提到,故本题选C。

根据第五段首句“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back in-to space, thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”可知,黑炭覆盖的地区有更强烈的加热效果。故本题选B。

第五段中的“This forcing”指的是其前面所说的“Soot's increased absorption of solar energy”。因此本题选B。

根据第六段“…it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.”可知,温室气体是上世纪气候变暖的首要原因,故选C。

由最后一段最后一句“…which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.”知,部分大规模的温室效应发生在有厚雪覆盖层和阳光强烈的地方。故本题选C。


New research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot after the way sunlight re- flects off snow.According to a computer simulation,black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century. Soot in the higher latitudes(维度)of the Earth,where ice is more common , absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy,white background. Dark-colored black carbon,or soot, absorbs sunlight,while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.
Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an important role in climate change.Also,if snow and ice covered areas begin melting,the warming effect increase,as the soot becomes more con-centrated on the snow surface.“This provides a positive feedback,as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier.”said Dr. James Hansen,a researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies,New York.
Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo(反照率),which may be contributing to trends to-ward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere,such as thinning Arctic sea ice and melting glac-iers permafrost. Soot also is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land.
“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space,thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”Hansen said. Soot's increased absorp-tion of solar energy is especially effective in warming the world's climate.“ This forcing is unusual-ly effective,causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magni-tude.”Hansen noted.
Hansen cautioned,although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial,it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century .Such gases are expected to be the largest climate forcing for the rest of the century.
The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hemisphere was large in the winter and spring at middle and high latitudes. These observations were coherent with the researchers' climate model situations,which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.

Which of the following statements of soot is NOT true?
A: It absorbs sun's heat.
B: It is responsible for climate change.
C: It reflects sunlight.
D:.It may account for a quarter of global warming over the past century.

文章第二段最后一句“…while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.”说浅色的冰反射太阳光,而黑色的煤烟灰并不反射。其他三项在文章一、二段都有提到,故本题选C。

根据第五段首句“Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back in-to space, thus heating the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon,”可知,黑炭覆盖的地区有更强烈的加热效果。故本题选B。

第五段中的“This forcing”指的是其前面所说的“Soot's increased absorption of solar energy”。因此本题选B。

根据第六段“…it does not alter the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century.”可知,温室气体是上世纪气候变暖的首要原因,故选C。

由最后一段最后一句“…which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.”知,部分大规模的温室效应发生在有厚雪覆盖层和阳光强烈的地方。故本题选C。
