
单选题______ the future, I think we’ll just have to wait and see.A With regard B As regards C In viewD On reflection

______ the future, I think we’ll just have to wait and see.

With regard  


As regards    


In view


On reflection

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Had he worked harder, he ______ the exam.

must have got through


would have got through


would get through  


could get through

正确答案: D
如果他很努力的话,他就能通过这次考试了。这里用与过去相反的虚拟语气,即would+ have done的句式,所以应选B项。


The government gave a very ______ explanation of its plan for economic development.








正确答案: A


An employer has to pay for your glasses if they are prescribed specifically ______ you view the screen, but not if you use these glasses in other situations too.

for the distance at which


at the distance for which


for which at the distance  


at which the distance for

正确答案: C


Most children at the tender age of six or so are full of the most impractical schemes for becoming policemen, firemen or train drivers when they grow up. When I was that age, however, I could not be bothered with such mundane ambitions, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  I was going to have my own zoo. At the time, this did not seem to me, and still does not seem, a very unreasonable idea. My friends and relatives, who had long found me strange because I showed little interest in anything that did not have fur or feathers, accepted this as just another manifestation of my strangeness. They felt that, if they ignored my often-repeated remarks about owning my own zoo, I would eventually grow out of it.  As the years passed, however, to the bewilderment of my friends and relatives, my resolve to have my own zoo grew increasingly stronger, and eventually, after going on a number of expeditions to bring back animals for other zoos, I felt the time was ripe to acquire my own.  From my latest trip to West Africa, I had brought back a considerable collection of animals which were living, temporarily I assured her, in my sister’s suburban garden in Bournemouth. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to convince local councils in various areas to support my plans, I began to investigate the possibility of starting my zoo on the island of Jersey in the English Channel.  I was given an introduction to a man named Hugh Fraser who, I was told, was a broad-minded, kindly soul. He would show me around the island and point out suitable sites. So, I flew to Jersey and was met by Hugh Fraser who drove us to his family home, probably one of the most beautiful old houses on the island. There was a huge walled garden with lots of outbuildings all built in the beautiful local stone which was the colour of autumn leaves glowing in the sunshine. Turning to my wife, I said, “What a marvelous place for a zoo!”  If my host had promptly fainted on the spot, I could not have blamed him. The thought of creating the average person’s idea of a zoo, with all the grey cement and iron bars, in such a lovely spot was horrible. To my astonishment, however, Hugh Fraser did not faint, but merely cocked an enquiring eyebrow at me and asked whether I really meant what I said. Slightly embarrassed, I replied that I had meant it, but added hastily that I realized that it was impossible. Hugh said he did not think it was as impossible as all that.  He went on to explain that the house and grounds were too big for him to keep up as a private individual, and so he wanted to move to a smaller place in England. Would I care to consider renting the property for the purpose of establishing my zoo? I could not imagine more attractive surroundings for my purpose, and by the time lunch was over, the bargain had been sealed.  The alarm displayed by all who knew me when this was announced can only be imagined. The only exception to the general chorus of disapproval was my sister. Although she thought it a mad scheme, at least it would rid her back garden of the assorted jungle creatures who were beginning to put great strain on her relationship with her neighbours.  Answer the questions in maximum of fifteen words.  1.How did the writer’s friends and family react to his childhood ambition?  2.Why didn’t the writer start a zoo in England?  3.Why was the writer introduced to Hugh Fraser?  4.What was Hugh’s initial reaction to the writer’s comment about the walled garden?  5.How did the writer’s sister feel about the establishment of the zoo in Jersey?

1.They ignored his often-repeated remarks./They took no notice of it./They thought he would grow out of it. 参见第二段最后一句,他们认为,只要对我关于建动物园的话充耳不闻,我长大后会最终忘了这些。ignore/take no notice忽视。grow out of因长大而不再做。
2.He failed to convince local councils to support his plans. 由第四段中… unsuccessful attempts to convince local councils in various areas to support my plans… 可知,作者在当地的尝试都失败了。unsuccessful attempt  失败的尝试。
3.Hugh would show him around Jersey and point out suitable sites./Hugh knew the island of Jersey very well. 参见第五段第二句,Hugh带我参观泽西岛并指出适宜建园的地点,说明他很熟悉这个岛。
4.He didn’t faint, but asked the author if he meant it./Hugh was interested in the idea. 第六段,…however, Hugh Fraser did not faint…asked whether I really meant what I said…,Hugh问作者是否是认真的,表明他对此很感兴趣。mean it认真的,当真的。
5.Relieved./Happy。 由最后一段最后一句可推断出,姐姐因为能把动物从自己后院移到他的动物园尔感到轻松许多。
解析: 暂无解析


I ______ to be present at your birthday party, but business interfered. I hope you will forgive me.

am to have intended


was to intend


was to have intended


ought to intend

正确答案: B
我本来打算参加你的生日派对的,但是突然有生意要做,所以我希望你能原谅我。因为是本来打算做而没有做的事情,所以用was表示过去,was to do something表示过去将要做什么事情,用have intended这个完成时态是因为这个打算对现在的结果产生影响,即虽然临时有事没去,但是最开始是打算去的,所以希望对方能理解。


What is the problem with Premier’s present IT system?    

It is very complicated to operate.


It frequently breaks down.


It is very slow.

正确答案: A
解析: 对话中女士提到It’s just too difficult to use.由此可知,该系统的问题是很难操作。


What letter comes next in this series of letters?  B A C B D C E D F ?

正确答案: E


Flora: Billy, would you like to join our ride-sharing group to and from work?  Billy: Why not? It'll save me some money, and the company would welcome it.  Flora: ______.  Billy: I'll be waiting, and thanks.

Well, let me know why you gave me a call.


We'll pick you up tomorrow morning at your place at seven.


I'll be back later today to find out your decision.


Come by later and I'll show you which are the best trains to take.

正确答案: B
Flora询问Billy是否加入他们的ride-sharing group,Billy表示愿意,最后Billy说会等着他们来接他,说明此处Flora应该是告诉Billy来接他的时间和地点,B项最合适。


In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than four words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  As a result of all these factors, when the recession eases and people find more confidence, there will be an explosion of employees seeking new opportunities to escape their current jobs. This will be led by younger, less-experienced employees and the hard - headed young graduates. ‘Headhunters’ confirm that older staff are still cautious, having seen so many good companies ‘go to the wall’, and are reluctant to jeopardize their redundancy entitlements. Past experience, however, suggests that, once triggered, the expansion in recruitment will be very rapid.  The problem which faces many organizations is one of strategic planning; of not knowing who will leave and who will stay. Often it is the best personnel who move on whilst the worst cling to the little security they have. This is clearly a problem for companies, who need a stable core on which to build strategies for future growth.  Whilst this expansion in the recruitment market is likely to happen soon in Britain, most employers are simply not prepared. With the loss of middle management, in a static marketplace, personnel management and recruitment are often conducted by junior personnel. They have only known recession and lack the experience to plan ahead and to implement strategies for growth. This is true of many other functions, leaving companies without the skills, ability or vision to structure themselves for long-term growth. Without this ability to recruit competitively for strategic planning, and given the speed at which these changes are likely to occur, a real crisis seems imminent.  SUMMARY:  Taking all of these various factors into consideration, when the economy picks up and people  1 there will be a very rapid expansion in recruitment. Younger employees and graduates will lead the search for new jobs, older staff being more 2 Not knowing who will leave creates a problem for companies; they need a 3 of personnel to plan and build future strategies. This is a serious matter, as 4 are often conducted by inexperienced staff, owing to the loss of many middle management positions. This inability to recruit strategically will leave many companies without the skills and vision to plan ahead and 5 to achieve long-term growth.

1.find more confidence 第一句话提到当经济萧条缓解了,人们有更多的自信了时,就会出现员工寻找新工作的大潮。摘要中的economy picks up(经济复苏)与原文的recession eases相对应,因此答案是find more confidence。
2.cautious 第一段中间部分提到与那些新员工和新毕业生相比,老员工因为有很多顾虑,所以会更加谨慎地(cautious)选择是否要找新工作。
3.(stable) core 第二段最后一句提到面对不知道哪个员工会去会留的问题,公司需要一个stable core来制定未来发展策略。
4.personnel management and recruitment 第三段第二、三句提到随着中层管理者的流失,人事管理和招聘通常由初级员工来操作,而他们缺少经验。题干中的inexperienced与原文中修饰junior personnel的lack the experience相对应,所以答案为personnel management and recruitment。
5.implement strategies 根据最后一段第三句话可知,一些公司由于使用缺乏经验的junior personnel,从而不能做到提前计划,实施能够使公司未来长期发展的战略。
解析: 暂无解析


One hundred boys went on a school outing. Eighty-one percent of the boys lost a shoe, 82 percent of the boys lost a sock, 77 percent of the boys lost a handkerchief and 68 percent of the boys lost a hat.  What is the minimum percentage who lost all 4 items?

正确答案: 8%
