
单选题According to the woman, the purpose of The Times’campaign of saving the children’s hospital is toA do something worthwhile and rewarding.B scare the people walking in the street.C attract people’s attention.D criticize the authorities.

According to the woman, the purpose of The Times’campaign of saving the children’s hospital is to

do something worthwhile and rewarding.


scare the people walking in the street.


attract people’s attention.


criticize the authorities.

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正确答案: Consider→Considering


她问起我的小说,我说讲的都是发生在上海这个后殖民情调花园里的混乱而真实的故事。“有一篇译成德文的小说,如果你有兴趣,我可以送给你。”我情真意切地说。那还是在复旦读书时一个读德文的男生爱上我翻译的,他是个优等生,没等毕业就去了柏林留学。  她对我微笑,那笑像叫不出名的花儿开在春风里。她把一张写有电子信箱,电话,传真,地址的名片递给我,“不要丢,以后我们还会有机会见面的。”她说。

“One of the novels has been translated into German. If you are interested, I can give you a copy,” I said with genuine feeling. It was translated by a student of German who fell for me back when I was still at Fudan University. He was a top student who left to study in Berlin before he even graduated.
She smiled at me with a smile like an unnamed flower blossoming in the spring wind. She handed me her namecard complete with e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers and address. “Don’t lose it. We’ll have the chance to meet again,” she said.
解析: 暂无解析


Free trade is an economic policy under which the government does not interfere with trade. No tariffs are applied to imports or exports, and people are allowed to trade goods and services as they please. Supply and demand dictates the prices for which goods and services sell and are the only factors that determine how resources are allocated in society. Under a free trade system, there are no trade barriers. There is free access to markets and market information, and there are no government-imposed monopolies. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Those who support free trade believe that it allows companies to come by raw materials and lower prices, which, in turn, results in lower prices on the open market. Supporters also believe that the levels of employment in a nation are determined by the monetary policy of that nation and not the trade policy. Additionally, when people must compete for a profit, they produce better products and are more motivated to increase their education and knowledge because these increases come with personal benefits.  On the contrary, many believe that the government should dictate prices and impose more taxes on imports and exports. Critics often believe that many outsourced jobs are a result of free trade practices; and regulating trade could keep companies from finding cheaper labor and lower cost overseas. There are also concerns with the social burden of limited job security if companies put too much effort into looking for cheaper labor and lower cost. Critics feel that this results in a more worried, cautious public that is less likely to spend and invest in the economy. This is certainly not an advantage when the world economy is already in recession.

My View on Free Trade Free trade is a system in which goods, capital, and labor flow freely between nations, without barriers which could hinder the trade process. There are a number of arguments both for and against this practice. People for it believe that free trade can decrease the cost, then lower prices for goods and it can also prompt producers to improve the quality of products and motivate people to increase their education and knowledge. However, people against it think that it would bring many outsourced jobs, increase the social burden of limited job security and make people more worried and less likely to spend and invest. As far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides. Free trade is no exception.
On the one hand, it is helpful to improve profitability, promote the capital accumulation and make the economy continuous to develop. It is also supposed to encourage innovation, since competition between companies sparks a need to come up with innovative products and solutions to capture market share. In addition, free trade can also foster international cooperation, by encouraging nations to freely exchange goods and citizens. Agreements between trading partners can also promote educational advantages, such as sending engineers to train with people in the top of the engineering field in one nation, or sending agriculture experts to rural areas to teach people about new farming techniques and food safety practices.
On the other hand, when trade introduces strong competitors, it may put domestic producers out of business. If developing countries have industries that are relatively new, then at the moment these industries would struggle against international competition. Some industries may appear “Matthew effect”, which is not conducive to harmonious and healthy development of industry.
In conclusion, there are pros and cons to free trade. We should take full advantage of it and avoid its disadvantages to serve our country’s own economy development. Thus it may bring significant benefits for us.


The word “piquant” in the last paragraph probably means______.








正确答案: D


What does the word “sprawl” in the first paragraph indicate?

正确答案: It indicates parts of Orange County extend untidily in different directions.
语义理解题。由题干定位到文章第一段,sprawl一词在该段出现了两次,第一次在“the Los Angeles sprawl”中作动名词,第二次在“sprawling Orange County”中作动词,根据meet一词可知,以上所涉及的两处为两个不同的地区,且是两个区域向外延伸的边缘地带;此外,该段首句还提到,沿着大道,三进三出Cerritos;且sprawl一词原意为“随意地摊开四肢”,由以上几点可以推测出sprawl在此处意为“凌乱地展开”。


To help, or not to help? That has become a dilemma in modern China. According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, 76.1 percent of the respondents say that our current society provides a “bad environment” for good people doing good deed. The following article is about the prevalent fear of helping old people in China. Read it carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the article;  2. give your comment on this phenomenon.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Lately, China’s Ministry of Health issued guidelines on how to handle cases of elderly falling. But instead of addressing the worrisome legal liability issue, it focuses mainly on medical consequences of a fall and offers technical solutions to different fall scenarios, while also telling people to overcome embarrassment and psychological fear of helping. This has further inflamed citizens who feel in a dilemma between wanting to help, and having fear of being taken advantage of for their kindness.  Falling down is a leading cause of death for Chinese citizens aged 65 and above, according to Yang Maowei, Associate Professor of the First Hospital of China Medical University. However, in recent years, there have been frequent reports of such deaths in public places with no one helping the victims, Yang said.  It seems that Chinese people have become reluctant to help because they worry that the person they help may later turn around and sue them, as that is what’s been happening a number of times in recent years. As a consequence, several elderly have been left to die in the streets with people passing by or watching, but not helping them.  One line in the guidelines that particularly irked netizens said, “whether or not to lend a hand depends on the situation.”  After the Ministry’s guidelines came out, Sina Weibo conducted a poll, asking people whether they are still willing to help an elderly who has fallen, considering the Ministry’s guidelines.  Of the 5,031 who voted, only 20 percent said yes, while 43 percent said no, and the remaining 38 percent said, they’re not sure.  Some people left comments expressing their inner conflicts and disillusionment over China’s sliding moral values:  “I dare not help, but I’ll run to a public phone booth to call 120, the emergency number in China, and ask for an ambulance.”  “I can’t even protect my own safety. How can I have the ability to take care of others? It’s really funny!”  “To put it frankly, it reflects the degeneration of society’s morality. The culture has no direction, the morality has no bottom line, and the trust between people, and between people and the government is too low.”  “Unless I were Bill Gates, I would help for sure.”  “I would certainly help before. Now I’m really a bit afraid.”  “In today’s Chinese society, traditional values and virtues have been eradicated completely. No matter what guidelines are issued, when one really stands at a critical point, the law will not protect the poor people.”  “There’s no way out. The state educates us this way, and now it turns around to accuse us of having no morality. Isn’t that ridiculous? Whether to help is not a moral issue, but the crux of China’s current education”  “At present, China’s social values are lost, and morality is ruined to the point of national doom.”

To Help, or Not to Help, That’s Not a Question The news coverage above mainly introduces the disappointing social phenomenon that many people now are becoming reluctant to help those in need because of the fear of being sued for unintentional injury or accidental death. The guidelines issued by China’s Ministry of Health on how to handle cases of elderly falling has triggered a heated debate. According to some netizens’ opinions on Sina Weibo, most of them hold that the degenerated society’s morality and the decreased trust between people should be responsible for that current situation. As far as I am concerned, despite of the distressing trend, we are not supposed to just sit around and do nothing when we are in face of a desperate people in need.
First of all, a helpful and harmonious social environment can only be built through our joint effort. Building a healthy society is like building a house, which requires we everyone to spare no effort. Secondly, just as the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in one day, so we would certainly encounter setbacks and difficulties and we should never give up. The society cannot get improved by itself. Thirdly, a good social context is beneficial for ourselves as long as we begin to trust the others, since it is each individual’s behavior that cultivates, protects and strengthens the social morality.
I do believe that there is still a great number of warm-hearted people who are willing to give the people in need a helpful hand. If everyone can learn from them and help the strangers without any hesitation, a sound society can sure be built. With the climate of morality and credibility deteriorating in some way today, it is high time that we should actively devote our selves to the improvement of social morality and build a harmonious society.



正确答案: another→other


The first episode of “Six Feet Under” is mentioned in the first paragraph to______.

introduce the topic of funeral home.


relate the owners of Salem Funerals & Cremations.


show the popularity of an American television show.


bring about the history of family-owned funeral homes.

正确答案: C


“An identifying figure” (Para. 5) refers to a person _____.

who serves as a model for others


who is always successful


who can be depended upon


who has been rewarded for his success

正确答案: A
通读全文可知儿童不是随意选择模仿对象的,而是选择他欣赏并佩服的人,因为“Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole ...”,故A项正确。


“In rude health” in the first sentence of paragraph 3 probably means______.

in bad health.


strong and healthy.





正确答案: B
语义理解题。由题干关键词可定位到文章第三段第一句,即该段的主题句。随后通过列举SCI、斯图尔特和家庭式殡葬公司的例子说明他们都面临着困难。由此可见,整个殡葬业的形势不容乐观。因此该段首句要表达的也正是这一层含义。由此可以推断,in rude health应该表示“情况好”之意。故答案为B项。选项C具有一定的干扰性,但该段并没有提及“盈利”的问题,故排除。
