
单选题Doctors give less importance to the communication between patients and doctors mainly because ______.A modem medical instruments are usedB they can cure more diseases and save more livesC they have much more medical experience than beforeD they are too

Doctors give less importance to the communication between patients and doctors mainly because ______.

modem medical instruments are used


they can cure more diseases and save more lives


they have much more medical experience than before


they are too busy to have time to talk with patients

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The present campaigns that doctors have begun are______.

A. to save or rescue more than two million people

B. to reveal the fight between doctors and mosquitoes

C. to support the WHO's effects in destroying mosquitoes

D. to kill all malaria-bearing mosquitoes before their resistance becomes too great

 [解析] 见最后一段第一句话。


In the United States, 30 percent of the adult population has a "weight problem". To many people, the cause is obvious: we eat too much. But scientific evidence does little to support this idea. Going back to the America of 1910, we find that people were leaner than today, yet they ate more food. In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used machines much less, and didn't watch TV.

Several modern studies, moreover, have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinner people. In fact, some investigations, such as a 1979 study of 3, 545 London office workers, report that, on balance, fat people eat less than slimmer people.

Studies show that slim people are more active than fat people. A study by a research group at Stanford University found the following interesting fact:

The more the man ran, the greater loss of body fat.

The more they ran, the greater their increase in food intake.

Thus, those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost the greatest amount of body fat.

1、What kind of physical problem do many adult Americans have?____

A、They are too slim.

B、They work too hard.

C、They are too fat.

D、 They lost too much body fat.

2、Based upon the statistics given in the article, suppose there are 500 adult Americans, about how many of them will have a "weight problem"?____

A、 30.

B、 50.



3、Is there scientific evidence to support that eating too much is the cause of a "weight problem"?____

A、Yes, there is plenty of evidence.

B、Of course, there is some evidence to show this is true.

C、There is hardly any scientific evidence to support this.

D、We don't know because the information is not given

4、In comparison with the adult American population today, the Americans of ____.

A、ate more food and had more physical activities

B、ate less food but had more activities

C、 ate less food and had less physical exercise

D、had more weight problems

5、What have modern medical and scientific researches reported to us?____

A、Fat people eat less food and are less active.

B、 Fat people eat more food than slim people and are more active.

C、 Fat people eat more food than slim people but are less active.

D、 Thin people run less, but have greater increase in food intake.

正确答案:1C 2D 3C 4A 5A


The United States has more than one hundred twenty medical colleges. The American Association of Medical Colleges says these schools have about seventy thousand students.

How hard is it to get into one of the top medical schools, like for example the one at Yale University in Connecticut? Last year almost three thousand seven hundred students hoped to get accepted there. Only one hundred seventy-six -- or less than five percent -- were admitted.

People who want to become medical doctors often study large amounts of biology, chemistry and other science. Some students work for a year or two in a medical or research job before they try to get accepted to medical school.

Medical students spend their first two years in classroom study. They learn about the body and all of its systems. And they begin studying diseases -- how to recognize and treat them. By the third year, students guided by experienced doctors begin working with patients in hospitals. As the students watch and learn, they think about the kind of medicine they would like to practice as doctors. During the fourth year, students begin applying to hospital programs for the additional training they will need after medical school. Competition for a residency at a top hospital can be fierce.

A medical education can be very costly, especially at a private school. One year at a private medical college can cost forty thousand dollars or more. The average at a public medical school is more than fifteen thousand dollars. Most students have to take out loans to pay for medical school. Many finish their education heavily in debt.

Doctors are among the highest paid professionals in the United States. Specialists in big cities are generally the highest paid. But there are also doctors who earn considerably less, including those in poor communities.

(1)Which of the following ideas is NOT suggested in the passage?

A、It is hard to get into one of the top medical schools.

B、The United States has more than one hundred twenty medical colleges.

C、Medical students need two years' classroom study.

D、After graduating from medical schools, the students become doctors.

(2)How many years the medical students take to graduate from medical school?





(3)In what way many medical students pay for their medical education?

A、Have part-time jobs in hospitals.

B、Take out loans.

C、Their parents pay for it.

D、Work hard for the scholarship.

(4)What the medical students begin to do in their fourth year of study?

A、Looking for a job.

B、Working with patients in hospitals

C、Applying to hospital programs for the additional training.

D、Learning about the body and all of its systems

(5)_______ are generally the highest paid.

A、Specialists in big cities.

B、Experienced doctors.

C、Doctors in poor communities

D、Doctors who graduated from private medical schools.



George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they ______.

A) manage their patients incompetently

B) give patients more medicine than needed

C ) reduce drug dosages for their patients

D) prolong the needless suffering of the patients

[试题分析] 文章细节事实题。
[详细解答] 题干要求考生回答乔治?安纳斯认为在以下哪一种情况下,医生应该受到制裁。安纳斯所关注的是病人病痛能否得到有效处理,为解决这个问题他认为医生可以采取任何必要的措施和手段。在最后一段,他明确指出,对病人不必要和可预见的痛苦漠不关心的医生应该受到惩罚。因此D选项“延长病人不必要的痛苦”是正确答案。A选项“不能胜任管理病人的工作”太宽泛,文中具体指的是病人痛苦的死亡可被认为是医生不能胜任管理的表现。文章第五段提到,安纳斯认为只要医生开的药物是用于合法的医疗目的,就没有违法,所以B选项“给病人的药物超过所需”和c选项“减少给病人的药物剂量”可排除。


A report published today by British doctors showed some worrying trends, but also some positive signs that in the long- term the country’s health might improve. The report was based on two years of interviews with family doctors about their patients.

The doctors expressed concern that patients were eating too much and were generally overweight. The doctors said this was particularly worrying as they were seeing more and more young people with weight problems. But it was not just their patients eating too much concerned doctors, but the quality of the food as well.

The doctors said that many of their patients led busy lives and did not have time to cook traditional meals. Because of this many of them were turning to unhealthy fast foods. Sales

of this type of food have been increasing steadily over the last decade, although there were signs that the rate of growth is declining. The doctors felt that there was a clear link between over- consuming of fast food and health problems among their patients.

But the report was not all bad news. The doctors interviewed also reported an increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating among their patients. Many reported an increase

in the number of patients they see who had switched to a healthy organic diet.

41.The report was_____________________.

A). mainly bad news B). all bad news C). all good news D). mainly good news 42. The doctors expressed concern about the problem of ___________________. A). patient’s eating too much B). patient’s quality of the food

C). both the patient’s eating too much and low quality of the food. D). old patients’ overweight

43.The doctors said that many of their patients didn’t cook traditional meals because__________________.

A). patients led busy lives and they have no time to cook the traditional meals. B). patients liked to have some fast food.

C). patients believed that traditional cook were not delicious D). patients often went out for dinner

44. At the moment sales of fast food______________. A). are growing rapidly B). are growing slowing C). are declining

D). are at the same speed as before

45. Doctors report that more of their patients _________________. A). are aware of the importance of healthy eating B). don’t care about healthy eating

C). are stopping eating fast foods D). turn to fast food more often

参考答案:41-45 A C A B A


The modern people like traveling now because______.

A. it can bring us more knowledge

B. it can make us rich

C. they have too much money

D. it is a good idea


此题为细节题。答案在第三段内;Travelling is a good idea to us because we can get more about knowledge。现代人喜欢旅游是因为可以从旅行中开阔眼界,增长知识。


there is no reason that they should limit how much vitamin you take ____ they can limit how much water you drink.

A. any more than

B. no more than

C. much more than

D. no less than



The author uses the example of caner patients to show that

A. medical resources are often wasted.

B. doctors are helpless against fatal diseases.

C. some treatments are too aggressive.

D. medical costs are becoming unaffordable.



Compared with their American counterparts, Japanese newspapers are much more stable because they______.

A.have more sources of revenue

B.have more balanced newsrooms

C.are less dependent on advertising

D.are less affected by readership



George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they

A manage their patients incompetently.

B give patients more medicine than needed.

C reduce dmg dosages for their patients.

D prolong the needless suffering of the patients.

