
填空题The American two-house legislature reflects the American principle of balances and checks.____

The American two-house legislature reflects the American principle of balances and checks.____
正确答案: A
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The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of ______________ to the outbreak of ____________.

A.the 17th century … the American War of Independence

B.the 18th century … the American Civil War

C.the 17th century … the American Civil War

D.the 18th century … the U.S.– Mexican War

正确答案: B


The most appropriate title for this text would be______.

A.American Newspapers: Struggling for Survival

B.American Newspapers: Gone with the Wind

C.American Newspapers: A Thriving Business

D.American Newspapers: A Hopeless Story

解析:主旨题。题干问本文最恰当的标题是什么,属于中心思想主旨题,因此需要分析每段段落结构与归纳段落主旨。分析段落结构可知:第一段结构  第一句作者提问美国报业是否会消亡。第三句至第五句具体解释说明美国报业遇到的困境。第六句转折,作者认为以上的讨论已经过时了


We ear comude from the text that .

A. American cities are changing far the worse

B. people have different views on American cities

C. many people are now moving from American cities

D. the population is decreasing in older American cities



The Beginning of American Literature America has always been a land of beginnings.After Europeans"discovered"America in the fifteenth century,the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine hope of a new life,an escape from poverty and persecution,a chance to start again.We can say that,as a nation,America begins with that hope.When,however,does American literature begin?
American literature begins with American experiences.Long before the first colonists arrived,before Christopher Columbus,before the Northmen who"found"America about the year 1000,native Americans lived here.Each tribe's literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of linking with the land.Another kind of experience,one filled with fear and excitement,found its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers sent home in Spain, French and English.In addition,the journals of the people who lived and died in the New England wilder- ness tell unforgettable tales of hard and sometimes heartbreaking experiences of those early years. Experience,then, is the key to early American literature.
The New World provided a great variety of experiences,and these experiences demanded a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early American writers.These writers included John Smith,who spent only two-and-a-half year on the American continent.
They included Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd,who thought of themselves as British subjects,never suspecting a revolution that would create a United States of America with a literature of its own.American Indians,explorers,Puritan ministers,frontier wives,plantation owners-they are all the creators of the first American literature.

According to the last paragraph,which of the following statements is true about American literature?
A:Some British writers started American literature.
B:Early-day American literature is a reflection of the boring life then.
C:Some British writers had'doubts about the future of American literature.
D:Some British writers had great confidence in the future of American literature.

由文章第一段第二句话“… a genuine hope of a new life …”可知,that hope指的是人们对在美洲新大陆开始新生活的希望。故选B。
由文章第二段第三句话“Each tribe ' s literature was tightly woven into the fabric of dail life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of linking with the land.”可知,美洲土部落的文学是他们日常生活的真实写照。故选A。
文章最后一段的第一句话“Experience , then , is the key to early American literature."本段的主题句,说的是:美洲的生活经历是美国早期文学产生的关键因素。故选D。
由文章最后一段第四句话“They included Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd , wh thought of themselves as British subjects,never suspecting a revolution that would create a United States of America with a literature of its own.”可知,这两位自认为是大英帝国臣民的英国作家对一场将会创造出一个拥有自己文学的美利坚合众国的革命从来没有任何怀疑。可见,一些英国作家对美国文学的将来充满信心。故选D。


CEOs of big companies decided to help colleges enroll more minority students because they_____.

[A]think it wrong to deprive the minorities of their rights to receive education

[B]want to conserve the fine characteristics of American nation

[C]want a workforce that reflects the diversity of their customers

[D]think it their duty to help develop education of the country




american literature is mainly about the seeking of the american people for success and happiness. ()




A、American Society of Anesthesiologists

B、American Stomatological Association

C、American Surgical Association

D、American Standard Association

E、American Statistical Association



According to the passage, the group with the highest AIDS rate is_________ .

A. the white Americans

B. African-American men

C. the American women

D. the black American women

细节题。根据文章第三段“…half of the more h fl l mi lion Americans living with HIV are black.“(……50多万以上的HIV携带者是黑人。)及“For women,the situation is even worse.The rate of diagnosis for African-American women is 23 times as high as that for their white counterpart.”(而妇女的情况更糟。美籍非洲妇女的患病率是同类白人女性的23倍。)所以正确答案是D。


The Safety Equipment Certificate shows that the vessel conforms to the standards of the ______.


B.American Bureau of Shipping

C.American Salvage Association

D.SOLAS Convention



Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent( ),or pronghorn.

A.it is the American antelope
B.the American antelope is
C.is the American antelope
D.the American antelope

考查倒装句。本句话中,主语、谓语、宾语完全倒装,宾语typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent提前,表示强调,后面的主语为The American antelope,or pronghorn。故本题选C。句意:非洲大陆的典型草原动物是美洲羚羊或叉角羚。
