Because of is short of well-trained midwives.
Because of its undeveloped health infrastructure.
Because of cultural influence.
Because of high homebirth death rate.
A.Because he comes from Red
B.Because it is his nickname
C.Because his skin is red, he is an Irish
D.Because the cigar he smokes is Red.
Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War Ⅱ?
A. Because older American cities were dying.
B. Because they were richer and needed more space.
C. Because cities contained the wont pare of society.
D. Because they could hardly afford a live in the city.
Why do the critics criticize advertisers?
A. Because advertisers often brag.
B. Because critics think advertisement is a "waste of money".
C. Because customers are encouraged to buy more than necessary.
D. Because customers pay more.
A.Switch A ,because it has the lowest MAC address
B.Switch C,because it has the lowest priority
C.Switch B,because it has the highest MAC address
D.Switch C,because it is the most centrally located switch
E.Switch A,because it is the most centrally located switch
F.Switch D,because it has the highest priority
23. Why does Philip like action movies?
A. Because they are scary.
B. Because they are interesting.
C. Because they are exciting.
D. Because they are boring,
Why does the author think it necessary to bring order to the Internet_________?
A. Because its database is disorganized.
B. Because the information required is specific.
C. Because its information is diverse and widespread.
D. All of the above.
Sydney Opera House will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon ______.
A.because it is a global expression of cultural modernity
B.because it is the first designed and built modern building
C.because everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like
D.because it is the pioneer in accomplishing such an international architectural icon
Why did they found Google?
A. Because they loved working with the Internet so much.
B. Because they wanted to make a lot of money through the Internet.
C. Because they hoped to make it easier to find specific information online.
D. Because they believed everything is possible.
Why is it difficult to refer to the donor ofDNA?
A、Because the woman or women who supplied the egg and gave birth to the infant would more appropriately be called Mother.
B、Because a traditional father supplies only half the DNAin a child.
C、Because it is hard to clearly define the identity or the role of
Why did Jennifer try to stop her boyfriend?
A. Because they would miss their train.
B. Because he didn’t see the train coming.
C. Because she was sure Lisa was hard to lift.
D. Because she was afraid the train would kill him.