
填空题Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____

Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____
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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Any applicant who had worked in this field would receive __________over those who had not.

A. reference

B. inference

C. preference

D. conference



In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of observer?

A.Giving feedback and dealing with errors.
B.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions.
C.Walking around to see how each student performs in group work.
D.Offering help to those who need it both in ideas and language.



The passage would probably be most helpful to .

A. those who draw maps B. those who get lost

C. those who make compasses D. those who do experiments



Psychologically Unhealthy Internet

Internet is used widely in our daily life.It brings us convenience as well as some troubles.Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well一being,according to research at Carnegie Mellon University.
_______(46)Though actually,even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Inter-net experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently,the two-year study showed.And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet,_______(47)
Researchers are confused about the results,which were completely contrary to their expectations_______(48)
The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for the drop in well-being,researchers hypothesized._______(49),and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.
"_______(50);it's about how it is used,"says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel,one of the study's sponsors."It really points to the need for considering social factors in terms of how you design applications and services for technology."

A:Faceless,bodiless"virtual"communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation
B:Generally,people may assume only those who stick to the computer screen suffer from that.
C:but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.
D:They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television,since the Net allows users to choose their information and to communicate with others.
E:But it's important to remember this is not about the technology
F:The researchers' expectation is that television would prove more attractive to the audience than the Net.

前一句提到:研究人员对这些结果困惑不解,因为这与他们的预料截然相反。“这些结果”指的是上一段中说的:使用因特网似乎确实诱发了人们的不良感觉。选项D, 他们预测,和看电视相比,从社交角度来说,上网可能更健康一些。因为网络允许使用者选择自己需要的信息并且和别人进行交流,这句正说明了研究人员困惑的原因。所以D是正确答案。
后文中的“It's about...”为该题的解答提供了句式结构上的提示。通常我们会用“It's not about..., it's about...”选项E,然而,重要的是不要忘记这与技术本身是无关的,与后文“问题在于如何使用因特网”构成了完整的意思。所以正确答案是E。


What kind of workers does the writer like to employ (雇佣)?

A. Those who have the same ideas as she does.
B. Those who get on well with the public.
C. Those who can sell her books around the world.
D. Those who have big families and new ideas.

根据第二段结尾"I have always wanted the people who work for the 'Body Shop' to feel the same way. "知道作者希望员工跟她有一致的想法。所以答案选A。



A:What is your mother's (46) (47) ?

B: (48) favorite (49)is playing basketball.

A:Why (50) she like playing basketball?

B:Because (51) very interesting.

A:Who is (52) basketball (53) ?

B: (54) basketball teacher (55) Mr Smith.




A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on hisclothes, __________from the sort of candles used only in churches.

A.had come



D.that come

考查时态。句意为“一个闯入教堂的小偷被抓了,因为在他衣服上发现的蜡迹来自只有教堂使用的一种蜡烛”。该句是由because引导的原因状语从句。主语中包含定语从句“who broke into a church”.从句中的“found on his clothes”为插入语,只起到修饰traces of wax的作用。为了使because所引导的句子成分完整,要选择谓语动词。主句为一般过去时.从句动作发生在主句之前.用过去完成时。故选A。


University applicants who had worked at a job would receive ____ over those who had not.







Who should consult page 78 of the directions?

A.Those who worked for an employer during 2006
B.Those who expect to receive a refund from the government
C.Those who did not have enough tax withheld from their pay
D.Those who are not sure how much they earned in 2006





Although the stigma(耻辱)once associated with mental illness has gradually gone away in recent years,most of the Americans who have clinical depression still don't get treated for it partly because many are too embarrassed to go to a psychologist. In fact,the majority of depressed people who seek professional help turn first not to a psychologist but to their primary care physician.
But do regular doctors really know how to identify depression?A large new scientific review suggests they don't. In a review of 41 previous studies,the authors found that general practitioners make frequent mistakes,missing true cases of depression about half the time and incorrectly diagnosing it in 19%of healthy people.
Alex Mitchell,Amol Vaze and Sanjay Rao of Leicester General Hospital in the U.K. estimate that about 1 in 5 people in developed nations will experience depression in their lifetime.That means that among a general patient population of 100,about 20 will develop the condition,but the typical doctor will find it in only 10 of those who have it. And among the 80 healthy people,the doctor will incorrectly identify depression in 15.
This is significant because depression can make the patient and his or her family weak.Depression also carries an enormous social burden,leading to missed work days,loss of productivity and increases in health-care spending. Further,those misdiagnosed with depression may end up being prescribed medicine that not only costs a lot but can have serious side effects.
The various studies that Mitchell,Vaze and Rao reviewed used different methods to verify whether doctors had missed depression in their patients.Virtually all the studies pointed to the same conclusion:general physicians aren't very good at recognizing the most common mental illness in the world.
Why?One reason is that the typical doctor visit is quite short,usually no longer than 15 minutes.It's hard for patients to open up about their symptoms during that brief period.Doctors should spend more time or schedule follow-up appointments with patients they suspect have depression, which would dramatically increase the rate of accurate diagnoses.

Those who"will develop the condition"(Line 3,Para. 3)refer to________.
A:patients who will be misdiagnosed as depression
B:patients who will survive depression
C:patients who will suffer from depression
D:patients who receive correct diagnose

本题是细节考查题。题干是:大多数抑郁症患者拒绝看心理医生,部分原因是什么?选D的依据是第一段第一句话:"…most of the Americans who have clinical depression still don't get treated for it partly because many are too embarrassed to go to a psychologist.”但大多数有临床抑郁症的美国人仍然没有得到医治,部分原因是他们对此觉得很尴尬所以不愿去看心理医生。选项D的意思是他们将看心理医生与尴尬的感受联系在一起,与原文相符。
本题是细节考查题。题干是:一篇新的科学研究报告中,研究者发现了什么?选B的依据是第二段第三句和第四句:" In a review of 41 previous studies , the authors……in 19% of healthy people.”在这份研究报告里,作者回顾了以往41项研究,发现普通的家庭医生经常出错,有半数真正患抑郁症的人他们判断不出来,却将19%的健康者误诊为抑郁症患者。选项B的意思是普通内科医生时常做出错的抑郁症诊断,与原文相符。
本题是细节考查题。题干是:第三段第三行的“will develop the condition" 意思是什么? 选C的依据是第三段第一句:" Alex Mitchell , Amol Vaze and Sanjay Rao of Leicester General Hospital in the UK estimate that about 1 in 5 people in developed nations will experience depression in their lifetime.”来自英国斯特综合医院的艾力克斯·米契尔、阿莫尔·维兹与桑杰·饶估计在发达国家,大约每5个人当中就有1个人在其一生中会出现抑郁症状。题干中的condition就是指本句的抑郁症状,而develop the condition指的是患上抑郁症,选项C 的意思是病人受抑郁症的折磨,与原文相符。
本题是细节考查题。题干是:根据这篇文章,抑郁症可导致什么情况?选 C的依据是第四段第二句和第三句:" Depression also carries an enormous social burden , leading to missed work days,loss of productivity and increases in health-care spending.Further,those misdiagnosed with depression may end up being prescribed medicine that not only costs a lot but can have serious side effects.”抑郁症也会给社会带来巨大负担,导致人们无法上班,生产力下降以及医疗支出增加。此外,被误诊为抑郁症可能最终被开一些药,不仅花很多钱,而且可能有很严重的副作用。选项C的意思是大笔的医疗费,与原文相符。
本题是细节推理题。题干是:为什么普通内科医生不能诊断出抑郁症?选A的依据是最后一段第二句:" It's hard for patients to open up about their symptoms during that brief period.”这么短的时间内,病人很难讲述他们的症状。选项A的意思是医生的诊断做得太匆忙了,与原文相符。
