
单选题It can be inferred that ______.A Mrs. Lancaster will find a better paid job in the futureB the job of draughtswoman is very demandingC the court may hear more stress-related casesD the job of housing officer causes mental injuries

It can be inferred that ______.

Mrs. Lancaster will find a better paid job in the future


the job of draughtswoman is very demanding


the court may hear more stress-related cases


the job of housing officer causes mental injuries

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In order to find _______ better job, he decided to study _________ second foreign language.

A. the ; a B. a ; aC. the ; the D. a ; the



--- Do you like your job?

--- ______.

A. I’m a nurse

B. Yes. I find it very interesting

C. They are very nice



192. Advice given by human resources officers in large foreign companies can help you find a satisfying job. Here are some useful suggestions. Don’t start writing your resume before your graduation. From the first day you enter the university, you have begun writing it. Plan to put your four years to full use so that at graduation your resume will be full of valuable experiences and remarkable academic results. Never apply to a company or for a job blindly. Find out where your interests lie and what your advantages are. Decide first what road you want to take for the rest of your life. Choose a company and a job that fits you well. Don’t feel inferior to boys if you are a girl job-hunter. Except for some physical work, girls are as capable as boys. Girls even have lots of advantages over boys. For instance, girls are stronger in social communication. They are innately skilled to express themselves effectively and to show understanding to others. They tend to be more patient, easier to get along with, and usually have better command of foreign languages. [共5题]

(1) Who may be most interested in the advice given in this passage?

(A) Bosses of big companies.

(B) Officers who take in employees.

(C) Students who will soon graduate.

(D) People with much work experience.

(2) The first suggestion given in the passage is that you should ________.

(A) learn to write a resume soon after you enter the university

(B) try your best to achieve excellent results at university

(C) write your resume during all the years at university

(D) fully enjoy the four years of your university life

(3) Before applying for a job, you should make sure of ________.

(A) your interests and strong points

(B) your life experiences and skills

(C) the job or jobs that are easier for you to find

(D) the company that can offer you a good job

(4) In the opinion of human resources officers, girls ________.

(A) tend to be difficult to appear friendly

(B) should have confidence in themselves

(C) demand more understanding from others

(D) like to express their ideas freely

(5) The best title for the passage might be ________.

(A) Secrets of Getting a Well-paid Job

(B) What to Write in Resume

(C) Advantages of Girl Job-Hunters

(D) How to Succeed in Job Hunting

正确答案:C B A B D


Which two statements are true about a job chain? ()(Choose two.)

A. A job chain can contain a nested chain of jobs.

B. The jobs in a job chain cannot have more than one dependency.

C. A job of the CHAIN type can be run using event-based or time-based schedules.

D. The jobs in a job chain can be executed only by using the events generated by the Scheduler

参考答案:A, C


HOW TO EMPLOY AND APPLY When a company needs to employ new people, it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website. However nowadays, people more often find such advertisements on a website. Then people, who are interested, can apply for the job. They send in a letter (or an email) and also a resume (or CV) as well. The two parts are very important in job-hunting. The former is used to apply for a certain position. The latter is used to introduce his or her education background and work experiences. But more and more companies may often ask people to fill out a standard form. The company’s Human Resources Department will then select the most suitable people to attend an interview.

1.According to the passage, where can we find job advertisements more often nowadays ().

A.In a magazine.

B.In a newspaper.

C.On a website.

2.How do people apply for a job ().

A.By phone.

B.By email.

C.Go to visit the company.

3. Besides the application letter, what else is also important()

A.A resume.

B.A picture.

C.A certificate.

4.What do companies provide to job applicants nowadays before they apply for jobs()

A.A standard form.

B.An invitation letter.

C.An email address.

5.Who is in charge of selecting the applicants for the coming interview().

A.The manager of the company.

B.The Human Resources Department.

C.The secretary of the manager.

参考答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:B


Why does CareerSite’s agent offer each job hunter only three job options?

A To focus on better job matches.

B To attract more returning visits.

C To reserve space for more messages.

D To increase the rate of success.



You can meet people()can possibly help you find a paid job later on.

A. that

B. who

C. which



Yes,_____is difficult to find a job nowadays, but_____is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but few things to do.

A、it, it.

B、what, what.

C、it, what.

D、what, it. C



You can always get better results if you prepare your job _________.

A、with advance

B、in advance


D、for advance



More psychologists have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic:All caregivers believe that they are the best people for the job.In other words,they all felt that they could do the job better than anyone else.Social workers______caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an eldery,dependent relative.


