
单选题The training programs held in Germany are taught in _____.A GermanB EnglishC FrenchD Chinese

The training programs held in Germany are taught in _____.








正确答案: A
细节题。文章第三段首句提到“Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English”,在德国进行的培训项目使用的是英语,所以正确答案是B。A项主观臆断。C、D项张冠李戴,这两种语言是iMOVE数据库提供的服务语言。
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。









After a long period of training, the athletes _________ the sports games to be held next week.

A. are paid for

B. are called for

C. are cared for

D. are prepared for



he five major cost categories of quality are _____ .

A . prevention, appraisal, internal failures, external failures, and equipment (measurement and test).

B . specifications, QA programs, QC programs, parts rejected and parts returned

C . Staffing, Training, reviews, equipment and rejected goods

D . sampling, design considerations, manufacturing considerations, training and rework.

E . None of the above



John Smith is a member of ()colonists.







He replied the question ( ).

A.in the English

B.in English

C.with English



Words with such clusters as “ch”, “ph”, “pn”, “rh” as in chasm, phone, pneumatic and rhetoric are most probably of _________ origin.







Currently, every college student knows that ability is important. They would like to attend various training programs and apply for different certificates so that they are more competent. Do you think that attending training programs and getting more certificates can improve competence? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Do More Certificates Stand for Better Ability?

正确答案:Do More Certificates Stand for Better Ability? This is the very hot season for the college graduates to hunt for jobs in the market. You may see a lot of graduates holding a variety of certificates indicating their versatile skills. Every college student knows that ability is important. They would like to attend various training programs and apply for different certificates so that they are more competent. However can attending training programs and getting more certificates improve their competence? As far as I am concerned the certificates do not really mean competence. First of all the certificates are simply several pieces of papers proving that you have attended some training programs. Whether you are competent or not really depends upon your cleverness and experience. For example many English majors have passed the TEM-8 an English test specific for the language students. Does that mean their English is perfect once getting such a certificate? Not exactly. The fact is you may find more often than not that many students speak broken English and write poor English. The reason is that they may assume that a certificate can prove their English is very good. So they stop their daily exercises and training and rest on the satisfaction of getting their certificates. Secondly the ability must be obtained through hard work and long practice. The students should attach more importance to obtaining the ability rather than getting the certificates. The social practices help them make the book knowledge become their own. The certificates should stimulate them to study hard and become more excellent and competent. As for the recruiting companies they prefer the students who can put their book knowledge into daily use which is far more practical than the certificates. Finally the students should try to make themselves more marketable. They need to give up the unrealistic assumption and realize the true fact. To sum up the certificates do not really mean competence. What we need to do is integrate the certificates with the development of our competence. The two should go hand in hand to make us capable persons.
Do More Certificates Stand for Better Ability? This is the very hot season for the college graduates to hunt for jobs in the market. You may see a lot of graduates holding a variety of certificates indicating their versatile skills. Every college student knows that ability is important. They would like to attend various training programs and apply for different certificates so that they are more competent. However, can attending training programs and getting more certificates improve their competence? As far as I am concerned, the certificates do not really mean competence. First of all, the certificates are simply several pieces of papers proving that you have attended some training programs. Whether you are competent or not really depends upon your cleverness and experience. For example, many English majors have passed the TEM-8, an English test specific for the language students. Does that mean their English is perfect once getting such a certificate? Not exactly. The fact is you may find, more often than not, that many students speak broken English and write poor English. The reason is that they may assume that a certificate can prove their English is very good. So they stop their daily exercises and training and rest on the satisfaction of getting their certificates. Secondly, the ability must be obtained through hard work and long practice. The students should attach more importance to obtaining the ability rather than getting the certificates. The social practices help them make the book knowledge become their own. The certificates should stimulate them to study hard and become more excellent and competent. As for the recruiting companies, they prefer the students who can put their book knowledge into daily use, which is far more practical than the certificates. Finally, the students should try to make themselves more marketable. They need to give up the unrealistic assumption and realize the true fact. To sum up, the certificates do not really mean competence. What we need to do is integrate the certificates with the development of our competence. The two should go hand in hand to make us capable persons. 解析:文章题目紧贴大学生活,相信每个人都会有这样的经历:考取各种各样的证书。但是社会认可的是大学生的实践能力而不是学历,一纸证书并不能说明什么,人们应该走出这个认识误区。证书并不能代表个人能力,这就是本文的基本论点。第一段应该申明这个基本论点,第二段可以从证书并不能反映一个人的真实能力这一角度出发论证文章的观点,论据要具有说服力。第三段可以从一个人的能力是需要通过实践才能得来的这一点出发,结合实例展开论述。最后再重申和强调本文的论点。整篇文章要有条理、有逻辑,层次清楚。


146 The five major cost categories of quality are _____ .

A. prevention, appraisal, internal failures, external failures, and equipment (measurement and test). B. specifications, QA programs, QC programs, parts rejected and parts returned

C. Staffing, Training, reviews, equipment and rejected goods

D. sampling, design considerations, manufacturing considerations, training and rework.

E. None of the above



Some managers think social skills should be taught_________.

A、in society

B、in universities

C、on company training courses

D、by government



learners will discover on the internet that they can use ___________ as a means of learning about and communicating with people around the world, including those who are not native speakers.

A. German

B. Chinese

C. French

D. English

