
According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE? ( )[A] Wal-Mart was forced to withdraw its investment from Germany.[B] Wal-Mart operates very well in South Korea.[C] Wal-Mart has wholly-owned operations in China and Canada.[D] Wal-Mart m


According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE? ( )

[A] Wal-Mart was forced to withdraw its investment from Germany.

[B] Wal-Mart operates very well in South Korea.

[C] Wal-Mart has wholly-owned operations in China and Canada.

[D] Wal-Mart made its new company logo known in 2009.

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Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Searching through the files of Chevies owners was impossibly difficult.

B. The suspect lived within a fifteen-mile radius of the suburb.

C. The suspect had received a number of traffic tickets before.

D. It took the police hours to find the suspect.

本题为细节题。根据作者在Ordinarilysearching through the files for owners of elderly Chevies would have been an impossibly difficult task...句中所用的虚拟语气就可肯定A正确。


Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.

B.Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.

C.Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.

D.Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.



Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous product.

B. New products are more likely to be questionable.

C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.

D. The promoters usually just care about profits.



Which of the following statements its true according to the text?

A) Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients' death.

B) Modern medicine has assisted terminally iii patients in painless recovery.

C) The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed.

D) A doctor's medication is no longer justified by his intentions.

[试题分析] 文章细节事实题。
[详细解答] 题干要求考生根据全文判断哪个选项是正确的表述。四个选项如下:A选项“如果医生冒病人死亡的风险,他将被认为有罪”与原文意思相反。第五段首句谈到,只要医生开的药物是用于正当的医疗目的(legitimate medical purpose),他就没有做违法的事情,即使病人用这些药物来加速死亡。选项中“hold sb.(to be)”意为“认为、相信某人怎样”。B选项“现代医学一直在帮助那些临死的病人进行无痛康复”与原文不符,第六段提到,引起病人绝望的原因是现代医学一直只能延长他们死亡时的肉体痛苦。C选项“法院判决,医生可以开出大剂量的镇痛药物”是正确选项,因为第二段提到,法院对“双重效果”的医疗原则表示了支持,而第三段又提到,近年来医生一直使用这个原则为他们使用大剂量吗啡进行辩护。可见,法院是支持医生用大剂量镇痛药物的。D选项“医生开的药物合不合法不再取决于他们的意图”与原文意思相反,第四段末句提到,如果你是医生,你可以冒病人自杀的风险,只要你不是想要他们自杀。


According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

A. The public could share the artist's feelings through their choice of shapes and colors.

B. The painter should not choose to paint ugly things.

C. Contemporary artists are completely different from other artists.

D. All artists are teaching the public consciously.

[解析] 四个选项中A选项符合文章所讲述内容。公众们可以通过艺术家选择的形状和色彩来分享他们的感悟。


According to the text.which of the following is NOT true?

A.Soil forms from weathered rock on the earth surface.

B.The deeper layer of soil is darker in colour than t}le surface soil.

C.Air pollution is partially responsible for acid soil.

D.Groundwater tends to carry away nutrients for plant growth.



Which of the following statements about the warm-blooded mammals is true according to the text?

A. They can change their environments.

B. They can adjust body heat to keep their ideal temperature.

C. They can make food from chemicals.

D. They get most of their heat from the environment.

[解析] 见最后一段,第三、四行。


Which of the following is true according to the text?

[A] Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.

[B] Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.

[C] Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.

[D] Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.




Which of the following is true according to the text?

A People with surnames beginning with N to Z are often ill-treated.

B VIPs in the Western world gain a great deal from alphabetism.

C The campaign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go.

D Putting things alphabetically may lead to unintentional bias.



Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.

B. The whole society should pay attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people.

C. Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.

D. There still exists prejudice against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance.


44.答案为D。用排除法,选项D与第四段第四句prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all不符。选项A在第二段第一句提到;选项B在最后一段最后一句提到;选项C在第三段第三句提到。
