
The venture-capital-backed firms are more successful because they.( )[A] have invested in innovation[B] are good at stock exchanges[C] have abundant funds[D] have increased employment


The venture-capital-backed firms are more successful because they.( )

[A] have invested in innovation

[B] are good at stock exchanges

[C] have abundant funds

[D] have increased employment

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Middle-aged people may feel subhealth, because______.

A. they have lost their living hopes

B. they have more pressure in life and work

C. they have used up their energy

D. they begin to get older

45.答案为B  此题为推断题。从第三段我们可以知道中年人亚健康的比例超过45%,另外,在经理职位上的人还有面临考试的学生的比例甚至更高些,因此推论出导致亚健康的原因是工作和生活中的压力,故选B


The project requires more labor than ____ because it is extremely difficult.

A.has been put

B.have been put

C.being put in

D.to.be put in



They() the virtues of humility because the more people they can persuade to be humble, the more easily they can both preserve and add to the power that they have.







The non-compete clause has been causing trouble for over 600 years.In 1414 an English court heard the case of John Dyer,an apprentice whose master had stopped him from plying his trade for six months.The judge was having none of it."The contract is contrary to common law,"he ruled.Individuals should be free to pursue the livelihood of their choice.That principle has been diluted in the intervening centuries-most countries give businesses some leeway to use non-compete clauses,whereby workers promise not to start or join firms that go head-to-head with their ex-employer.But their prevalence in America is striking Defenders of these agreements put forward several arguments.One is that non-competes encourage innovation by stopping rivals waltzing off with trade secrets;there is some evidence that levels of investnent are higher at firms where they are used.Another argument is that firms are less likely to train workers if newly skilled employees are able to up sticks and take what they have learned with them to arival.Again,research backs up this claim.a third argument is that firms and employees should be free to contract as they wish he counter-arguments are stronger.The prevalence of non-compete agreements is clear evidence that they are being used indiscriminately.roughly 15 of american employees without a college degree,and a similar share of those earning less than$40,000 a year,are bound by them.Burger-flippers and care-home workers do not have trade secrets to hawk.unp pigr The gains in investment and training must be set against the wider costs.In one study,in Michi-gan,researchers found that workers'job mobility fell by 8%when non-competes were allowed.When people cannot work for another employer who would value their skills,wage growth suffers,too,because people typically achieve the biggest bumps in their salary when they move firm.Non-competes are also associated with a decline in enterprise.One study found that the rate of entry of new firms into knowledge-intensive industries fell by 18 when non-compete clauses could more easily be enforced The costs spill over to all workers-even those who are not subject to non-competes.Young firms are disproportionately important for job growth,for example;if fewer firms are formed,it will affect everyone in the labour market.And non-competes can have a chilling effect even in places that do not Recognise them The drawbacks of non-compete clauses are all the more worrying because of today's business climate.The incentive to invest and train counts for less when,as now,the American economy suffers from a lack of competition.Non-competes are also more worrying when the balance of power between companies and employees are already skewed.The spread of mandatory-arbitration clauses in employment contracts and the decline of trade unions are both signs of that imbalance
Why do some people support the agreements of non-compete clause?

A.Because it can facilitate the cooperation between companies
B.Because it can prevent competitors from stealing trade secrets
C.Because it will help the employees gain more workfare
D.Because it will help build great work relationships

细节题。根据题干关键词support the agreements of non-compete clause定位到第三段。第三段主要讨论的是支持这一条款的理由,共有三点,第一,这种协议可以阻止竞争对手轻易地窃取本公司的商业机密,以此来鼓励行业创新。另一个理由就是,如果一个刚训练好的员工,刚刚工作一段时间后就带着所学的技能跳槽到竞争对手的公司的话,那么原公司在一开始就几乎不可能对这些员工进行培训。第三,公司与员工应该完全按双方意愿来签署合同。


Compared with their American counterparts, Japanese newspapers are much more stable because they______.

A.have more sources of revenue

B.have more balanced newsrooms

C.are less dependent on advertising

D.are less affected by readership



The modern people like traveling now because______.

A. it can bring us more knowledge

B. it can make us rich

C. they have too much money

D. it is a good idea


此题为细节题。答案在第三段内;Travelling is a good idea to us because we can get more about knowledge。现代人喜欢旅游是因为可以从旅行中开阔眼界,增长知识。


the concert was more successful than they ________.

A. expect

B. expected

C. have expected

D. had expected



Why does the author think the BMGF is the most innovative and successful in history? _________.

A. Because their money is ruled to be given to the really needy people.

B. Because they insist that good intentions should lead to good results.

C. Because their response is immediate if the need is immediate.

D. Because they have to know that every check from Seattle is actually used.

逻辑推理题。作者为什么认为RMGF是历史上最创新、最成功的基金会?根据全文内容来看,是因为这个基金会的所以基金都是用来帮助世界各地最最需要帮助的人。从四个选项来看,只有A项“Because their money is ruled to be given to the really needy people.”最符合题意,所以正确答案是A。



Natural Medicines

Since earliest days,humans have used some kinds of medicines.We know this because humans have
survived.Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep humans from dying out
They were successful long before the time of modern medicine.Before the time of doctors with white
coats and shiny(发亮的)instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.
Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospi-
tals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseases are often cured.How?By ancient methods.By medicines that
might seem mysterious , even magical(有魔力的).Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical,
Through the centuries, tribal(部族的)medicine men experimented with plants. They found many use-
ful chemicals in the plants.And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure
for some of today's most serious diseases.
Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care.These natural medicines
are used not just because people have no other form of treatment.They are used because people trust them.
In developed areas,few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store.Yet many wide-
ly-used medicines are from ancient sources,especially plants.Some experts say more than 25% of modern
medicines come,in one way or another,from nature.
Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory.All living things contain chemicals
that help them survive.So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not new.But it has become an ur-
gent concern.This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly.

The passage indicates that ancient treatments for injury and disease were_________.
A:much more successful than modern ones
B:successful enough for humans to survive
C:successful in all cases
D:of little help to humans

由文章第一段第二句话可知,古代的医疗手段已经足以让人类免于完全灭亡,即生存 下去。故选B。
由文章第三段可知,现在世界上的很多地方仍然没有高学历的医生,也没有治疗费昂贵的医院,但这些地方的人们仍有办法治疗疾病。他们仍然使用古老的医疗办法来治病。故 选A。
由文章第四段最后一句话可知,科学家们相信这些古老的医疗手段可能会给现今最严 重的疾病提供治愈方法。故选B。
由文章第五段第一句话可知,专家们说世界上80%的人们在用植物草药做医疗保健。 故选D。或者根据文章主题(文章标题Natural Medicine)直接选择答案。
由文章最后一段最后一句话,可知地球上的天然药物的供给量可能会急速下降。故 选B。第三篇 本篇文章主要讲述了人类为了改善生活使用技术工具改变了地球的自然面貌,在给自己带 来便利的同时却污染了环境,影响了生态平衡。


Natural Medicines
Since earliest days,humans have used some kinds of medicines.We know this because hu-mans have survived .Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep hu-mans from dying out completely.
They were successful long before the time of modern medicine.Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny(发亮的)instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.
Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors.Nor do they have ex- pensive hospitals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseases are often cured.How?By ancient meth- ods. By medicines that might seem mysterious, even magical(有魔力的).Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical,however.
Through the centuries, tribal(部落的)medicine men experimented with plants. They found many useful chemicals in the plants.And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today's most serious diseases.
Experts say almost 80%of the people in the world use plants for health care.These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment.They are used be-cause people trust them.In developed areas,few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store.Yet many widely-used medicines are from ancient sources,especially plants. Some experts say more than 25%of modern medicines come,in one way or another,from nature.
Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory.All living things contain chemicals that help them survive .So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not new.But it has become an urgent concern.This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly.

The passage indicates that ancient treatments for injury and disease were_____.
A: much more successful than modern ones
B: successful enough for humans to survive
C: successful in all cases
D: of little help to humans

第一段“…successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely”(有效地使人类免于完全消亡)与选项B“ successful enough for humans to survive”(有效地使人类生存下来)意思一样。短文中并没有对选项A的内容做比较,实际上也不可能笼统地做这种比较。选项C和D凭常识也能做出判断,绝对肯定和绝对否定都是错误的。

第三段第一句和第二句对选项A中的“all over the world”作了否定,而其他三个选项的内容在短文中都直接或间接谈到:选项B的内容在第二段最后一句和第三段第一句、第二句都间接提到,我们自然会想到,大医院有现代化的医疗设备,有经过高等教育的医生,有现代化的药品,看病的价格当然昂贵;第三段最后一句的内容与选项C的文字完全相同;第一段第一句的内容与选项D的内容也相同。



