
There is also the additional reason which we mentioned in the argument for one benefit for all one-parent families, that a modern social security service must concentrate on meeting needs irrespective of the cause behind such needs.


There is also the additional reason which we mentioned in the argument for one benefit for all one-parent families, that a modern social security service must concentrate on meeting needs irrespective of the cause behind such needs.



该句子的主干成分是there be 结构there is also the reason,可直接译为“还有一个理由”。that引导的句子为reason的同位语,翻译时可以直接用一个“即”字引导,紧跟在reason后面。which 引导定语从句,修饰reason一词,翻译时按照汉语习惯置于名词的前面。

词汇:additional“额外的,附加的”,one-parent family“单亲家庭”,concentrate on“集中于,专注于”,irrespective of“不顾……的;不考虑……的;不论……的”。


如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


The two pictures are ____________. We don’t know which one is the original.

(A) identical

(B) likely

(C) limited

(D) resemble

解答参考:A。identical:完全相同的;likely:很可能的;适当的,正合要求的,如The park is a likely place for the picnic(这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方);limited:有限的,如limited in resources(资源有限);resemble:动词,像,类似。【译文】两张画一模一样。我们不知道哪张是原作。


He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics

本句考查点是宾语从句,非限制性定语从句。主干是He asserted that…。宾语从句的结构是his power to… was…。其中不定式to引导的部分 follow …of thought做power的定语;for which reason所引导的非限制性定语从句中又包含一个that引导的表语从句。


Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a reason for the demonstration?

A. Public transportation.

B. Public peril.

C. Pollution.

D. Disposal of wastes.

由第一段The demonstrator had charged that the project was unsafe in the densely populated area,would create thermal pollution in the bay,and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters.可知B、C、D项是三个抗议的理由,故本题正确答案为A。


Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()

  • A、cannot be nested
  • B、manipulate data items
  • C、act on each row returned
  • D、return one result per row
  • E、accept only one argument and return only one value
  • F、accept arguments which can be a column or an expression



That is the reason()we’ve lost so many customers.

A、 why

B、 that

C、 which




[A] Thus a joke is laughed at for its own sake, even though there is an independent value in laughter, which lightens our lives by taking us momentarily outside ourselves. Why should not something similar be said of works of art, many of which aspire to be amusing in just the way that good jokes are?

[B] All discussion of the value of art tends, therefore, to turn from the outset in the direction of criticism: Can there be genuine critical evaluation of art, a genuine distinction between that which deserves our attention and that which does not? (And, once again, the question may be extended to objects of natural beauty.)

[C] Art is held to be a form. of education, perhaps an education of the emotions. In this case, it becomes an open question whether there might not be some more effective means to the same result. Alternatively, one may attribute a negative value to art, as Plato did in his Republic, arguing that art has a corrupting or diseducative effect on those exposed to it.

[D] Artistic appreciation, a purely personal matter, calls for appropriate means of expression. Yet, it is before anything a process of “cultivation”, during which a certain part of one’s “inner self” is “dug out” and some knowledeg of the outside world becomes its match.

[E] If I am amused it is for a reason, and this reason lies in the object of my amusement. We thus begin to think in terms of a distinction between good and bad reasons for laughter. Amusement at the wrong things may seem to us to show corruption of mind, cruelty, or bad taste; and when it does so, we speak of the object as not truly amusing, and feel that we have reason on our side.

[F] Such thinkers and writers believe that art is not only an end in itself but also a sufficient justification of itself. They also hold that in order to understand art as it should be understood, it is necessary to put aside all interests other than an interest in the work itself.






The aim(目的) of students who come to school is ro srudy. But if we haven't a right way to study we will waste the time or the money. The following are ways for studying.

The best time for reading js morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear.For that reason,we can get good results.

Jt- studying we must be'patient(耐心的). If w.e don't understand a text well,we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one well.

When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book. We can not read absent-.mindedly(心不在焉地) ,or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.

We must always ask "whys". If it is not well understood,write it down and ask our teach-ers or parents,brothers or friends,in any possible way. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be used well.

Though there are many ways for studying,however,the above mentioned(提及的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so,

( )21. The article tells us_________

A. to read in the morning

B. to pay close attention to ways for studying

C. the importance of reading

D. to have patience in studying



Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到)in this passage?

A. The problems that light pollution has caused.

B. The reason why humans use too much light.

C. The ways that light pollution can be reduced.

D. The reason why fewer stars can be seen than before.



According to the author, the reason why we go wrong about our friends is that ______.

A)we fall to listen carefully when they talk

B)people tend to be annoyed when we cheek what they say

C) people usually state one thing hut means another

D)we tend to doubt what our friends say

[详细解答]本题的答案可以从第二段开头两句看出来 Why do we go wrong about our friends  or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning,可见,选项C的意思与之相符,应为正确答案。


One of your customers has decided to deploy location-based services in addition to existingwireless services. The customer requires that the additional access points to be deployed in monitor-onlymode. The most likely reason for this requirement is that the customer has which of these existingwireless devices?()

  • A、Data Collection
  • B、802.11b/g VoIP
  • C、802.11b and g clients
  • D、RFID tags

