
what is good about the flat?A.it has a large sitting room.B.it has good furnitureC.ir has a big kitchen.


what is good about the flat?

A.it has a large sitting room.

B.it has good furniture

C.ir has a big kitchen.

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What is good at about the flat?

A. It is a large sitting room.

B. It has a good futuree.

C. It has a big ketchen.



John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work hasmade him what he is today.

A. why

B. when

C. which

D. that



What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?

A. Why people become short-sighted.

B. Why natural light has a special chemical.

C. Why playing outside is good for one’s eyesight.

D. Why daylight is much brighter than indoor light.



To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your students; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under you control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not move motionless before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation, and his face to express his feeling. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't mean he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher's word and the actor's. The actor has to speak words which has been learnt by heart, he has

1、A good teacher ______.

A、knows how to hold the interest of his students

B、must have a good voice

C、knows how to act on the stage

D、stands or sits motionless while teaching

2、In what way is a teacher''s work different from an actor''s? ( )

A、The teacher must learn everything by heart.

B、He knows how to control his voice better than an actor.

C、he has to deal with unexpected situations.

D、 He has to use more facial expressions.

3、The main difference between students in class and theatre audience is that ( ).

A、students can move around in the classroom

B、students must keep silent while theatre audience

C、no memory work is needed for the students

D、the students must take part in their teachers' plays



Let’s(has) broccoli, It's good for us.

40. have


What is TRUE about the Irish Republic's economy?

A.It was the most successful among the EU countries.

B.It has increased 8% in the last five years.

C.The unemployment rate has reached its lowest level for 5 years.

D.The commodity prices have decreased greatly in the country.



What is considered to be a good student? He is the one who______.

A. aims at getting good scores

B. is planning to get a degree

C. is capable of memorizing knowledge

D. has the motivation to learn

[解析] 见第一段第四行第二句话“The ideal student is…”有理想的学生是那些为了知识和学问积极学习的人,而不是仅仅对取得高分感兴趣的人。


–Uncle John has cancer and it has spread throughout his body.–().

A、What a shock.

B、It’s impossible.

C、He is a good man.

D、He must go to the hospital.



—What about going for a walk? —________________.

A.It’s good for you

B.That’s all right

C.So, do I

D.Why not? A good idea



John has a good sense of humor,he often tells stories ____.

A.what people laugh at

B.that people laugh at

C.which people laugh

D. at what people laugh at
