
材料:At around 0545 hrs the Cutter PILOT-5 approached the Vessel.The cutter&39;s skipper drew the pilot&39;s attention to the fact that the pilot ladder was hanging free in the air and did not stick to the ship&39;s side surface and he suggested to transfer



At around 0545 hrs the Cutter PILOT-5 approached the Vessel.The cutter&39;s skipper drew the pilot&39;s attention to the fact that the pilot ladder was hanging free in the air and did not stick to the ship&39;s side surface and he suggested to transfer the ladder more to the midship position.The answer to his suggestion was that it was not him who had to climb the ladder.At that time the vessel weighed the anchor and started her engine.

Half the propeller was emerged from the water.The pilot called the vessel and ordered to stop her engine. Because the gangway was already extended,the skipper decided to approach the vessel from the bow.

The 2nd Officer was standing at the upper platform. of the gangway while the 3rd Officer was standing at the lower platform. in order to secure the pilot.The ladder was correctly lit and the Officers had a radio contact with the bridge.At around 0600 hrs the pilot,assisted by the pilot boat engineer,stepped on the pilot ladder and started to climb up.PILOT-5 turned backwards and its crew was observing the Pilot embarkation.

When the Pilot climbed up to the lower platform. he asked for help.The 3rd Officer extended his hand to him.At that moment the pilots&39; hands slipped off the pilot ladder lines and the pilot fell from a height of 7 metres into the water.


The vessel rigged _______.

A.pilot ladder only

B.gangway only

C.pilot ladder in combination with the gangway

D.neither pilot ladder nor the gangway

The passage indicates _______.A.the vessel has deep draughts

B.the vessel has large freeboard even fully loaded

C.the vessel is in ballast

D.the vessel is fully loaded

The pilot ________.A.did not know that the pilot ladder was improperly rigged

B.knew that the pilot ladder was not rigged properly but still climbed on it

C.did not believe that the pilot ladder was not rigged properly

D.did not see the unstable movement of the vessel when he climbed on the pilot ladder

Who is to blame for the accident according to the passage ___________.A.the pilot

B.the vessel

C.the pilot boat

D.the officers onboard the vessel


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how many children were there in an irish family on average in the 1950s and 1960s?

A. Around 5.

B. More than 8.

C. One.

D. 2 or 3.



Between 1830 hrs and 1850 hrs this day,strong gusty winds ______ by my vessel,in consequence of which the vessel's four mooring lines were broken.

A.was experienced

B.were experienced

C.has experienced

D.have experienced



The () about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem.

A.public’s chief concern

B.public chief concern

C.chief public concern

D.chief concern of public’s



A Boeing 707 on service from Bogota Colombia crashed while ( ) its destination at New York’s JFK International Airport.

A. to approach
B. having approached
C. approaching
D. to be approached



Permission is kindly ______ to carry out the periodical survey for the main engine from 0900 hrs on 5th to 1700 hrs on 6th this month.








A. visited B. approached C. passed D. left



The laydays according to the Charter Party commence at 0800 hrs on 13th June,and will expire at 1600 hrs on 19th June,after that the vessel will be on demurrage.

A.This kind of wording usually appears in ______.

B.a ship's certificate

C.a Note of Sea Protest

D.a Notice of Readiness



Susan:Oh, 4 .Let’s just meet at the theater before the show,around 7:30.

[答案]  B


In order to accelerate discharging of the main hatches,you are requested to arrange for two gangs of stevedores to work hatches Nos.2 and 4 {round the clock}.

A.24 hrs a day

B.16 hrs a day

C.12 hrs a day

D.8 hrs a day



A __________of the subject’s structure and its relationship to other subjects should be acquired before the literature is approached.

A. grasp
B. grab
C. grip
D. snatch

考查词义辨析。grasp 理解,领会;抓住;grab 攫取;霸占;grip 紧握;强烈地影响;snatch 夺取。根据句意,这里是指对一门学科结构的理解和掌握,故用grasp。
