If the compass heading and magnetic-heading are the same then ______.
A.the deviation has been offset by the variation
B.there is something wrong with the compass
C.the compass is being influenced by nearby metals
D.there is no deviation on that heading
Your vessel is proceeding down a channel,and you see a pair of range lights that are in line dead ahead.The chart indicates that the direction of this pair of lights is 229°T,and variation is 6°W.If the heading of your vessel at the time of the sighting is 232°per standard magnetic compass,what is the correct deviation ________.
A single vertical magnet placed underneath the compass in the binnacle is used to compensate for ______.
A.The horizontal component of the permanent magnetism
B.Deviation caused by the vessel's inclination from the vertical
C.Induced magnetism in the horizontal soft iron
D.Induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron
The compass error of a magnetic compass that has no deviation is ______.
B.equal to variation
C.eliminated by adjusting the compass
D.constant at any geographical location
Compass error is equal to the ______.
A.deviation minus variation
B.variation plus compass course
C.combined variation and deviation
D.difference between true and magnetic heading
Heeling error is defined as the change of deviation for a heel of ______.
A.2° while the vessel is on an intercardinal heading
B.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 000°
C.2° and is constant on all headings
D.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 180°
When a vessel changes course from one cardinal heading to another cardinal heading while adjusting the compass,which action should be taken ________.
A.The course change should be made rapidly to prevent transient induced magnetism while passing the intercardinal headings
B.After the new heading is reached,the vessel should steam on that course for at least two minutes before the adjustment
C.During the course change,you should gently tap the compass to remove any error caused by friction on the pivot bearing
D.After steadying on the new heading,the compass card should be slewed by a magnet and allowed to oscillate freely to remove any gaussin error
Deviation which is maximum on intercardinal compass headings may be removed by the ______.
A.Flinders bar
B.Transverse magnets
C.Fore-and-aft magnets
D.Soft iron spheres on the sides of the compass
When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results ______.
A.in the vessel's Official Logbook
B.on the compass deviation card
C.in the compass deviation log
D.on a Napier diagram
Compass deviation is caused by ______.
A.magnetism from the earth’s magnetic field
B.misalignment of the compass
C.magnetism within the vessel
D.a dirty compass housing
Deviation is the angle between the ______.
A.true meridian and the axis of the compass card
B.true meridian and the magnetic meridian
C.magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass card
D.axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian