
When the pilot is embarked he or she ______.A.relieves the officer of the watchB.relieves the Master of his dutiesC.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vesselD.is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge


When the pilot is embarked he or she ______.

A.relieves the officer of the watch

B.relieves the Master of his duties

C.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel

D.is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge

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What kind of athlete can be elected captain?

A、a natural leader

B、other members like to follow

C、He/she should have the ability of promoting team spirit when times get tough

D、He/ She always possess a positive attitude、




A.The pilot wants to see the captain.

B.The captain wants to see the helmsman.

C.The chief officer wants to see the pilot.

D.The captain wants to see the pilot.



When she asks him () help, he is always () to give a hand.

A、to … due

B、for … due

C、to … ready

D、for …ready



When the Pilot is embarked he or she ______.

A.relieves the Master of his duties

B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel

C.is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge

D.relieves the officer of the watch



The pilot embarked the ship at 1830 hours.







One day a woman got into her car and started driving home after work.Suddenly, she saw a yellow car behind her.The driver was a man.When she turned left, the yellow car turned left.When she turned right, the yellow car turned right, (1) When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow car stopped(2)her.The woman was afraid,so she drove quickly to the police station.She was very surprised when she found the car stopped behind her.At that time, a young man was standing outside the police station.The woman was very happy to see him.She knew that he was a policeman because he was (3)a police uniform. She jumped out of her car and ran to the policeman.She asked him to arrest the man in the yellow car, so the policeman walked to the man

The man didn' t try to run(4)when he saw the policeman He just smiled and said to the woman."I want to give this purse ack to you, madam.I think you (5) it on the street.”(完型填空)








When the nurse asked the patient again ______.

A. he repeated what he had said

B. he kept silent all the same

C. he said he needed her help very much

D. he said she was a very bad woman

本题属细节题。由文章第四句中的“saying the same words”可知答案。


Passage Three

The war had begun, and George had joined the air force. He wanted to be a pilot and after some months he managed to get to the air force training school, where they taught pilots to fly'.

There, the first thing that new students had to do was to be taken up in a plane by an experienced pi lot, to give them some ideas what it felt like. Even those who had traveled as passengers in commercial (商业的 ) airline planes before found it strange to be in the cockpit (驾驶舱)of a small fighter plane, and most of the students felt nervous.

The officer who had to take the students up for their first flight allowed them to fly the plane for a few seconds if' they wanted to and if they were not too frightened to try, but be was always ready to take over as soon as the plane started to do dangerous things.

George was one of those who took over the controls of the plane when he went up in it for the first time, and after the officer had taken them [Yom him again. George thought that he had better ask a few questions to show how interested he was and how much he wanted to learn to fly. There were a number of instruments (仪表) in front of him, so he chose one and asked the officer what it was. The officer looked at him strangely for a moment and then answered, "That is the clock."

44. George went to the air torte training school because he wanted ______.

A. to fight the war

B. to fly

C. to be pilot

D. to be a passenger


    44.答案为C  此考题为细节题。根据文章第1段第2He wanted to be a pilot and after some months he managed to get to the air force training school,可以断定C正确。


An embarked Pilot ______.

A.is a specialist hired for his local navigational knowledge

B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel

C.relieves the Master of his duties

D.relieves the officer of the watch



You are signing on a deck officer,who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators,before sailing foreign.Which statement is TRUE ________.

A.He/she must have an STCW certificate endorsed as“Valid for Service on Vessels Operating in the GMDSS System”

B.He/she must present either an FCC-issued license or a Coast Guard-issued license

C.You must consult the“List of Qualifications”on the reverse of his/her FCC-issued license

D.His/her Merchant Mariners Document must have an added endorsement as “Radio Electronics Officer”

